Did You Know? Paint Color Can Help Reduce Stress!
Do you spend most of your day feeling stressed out? Have traditional stress relief techniques failed you? Changing the paint colors throughout your home with the help of Austin home improvement specialists at ABC Home & Commercial Services may be the solution to your stress problem!
Creative Latitude details the correlation between colors and mood in the article “Emotional Reactions to Color.” Some of the connections between paint color choices and the moods of people living in a household that are commonly observed are listed below.
• Blue is known to help people relax and cause a general feeling of serenity. People who often feel overwhelmed by stressful situations are advised to use paint colors in various shades of blue to reduce stress.
• Red commands attention and can evoke feelings of aggression. Red paint tones are only to be used in high-energy rooms like dining areas or kitchens. Avoid using reds in … Read Full Post »