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How to Spot and Initiate the Proper Houston Bed Bug Treatment

Houston Bed Bug Treatment

According to the Mayo Clinic, it can be difficult to distinguish Bed Bug bites from other insect bites. In general, the sites of Bed Bug bites usually are:

Arranged in a rough line or in a cluster
Located on the face, neck, arms and hands

Some people do not react at all to Bed Bug bites, while others experience an allergic reaction that can include severe itching, blisters or hives.

When to see a doctor
See your doctor for professional treatment if you experience allergic reactions or severe skin reactions to your Bed Bug bites. Here are five signs of a Bed Bug infestation in your home.

It’s possible to kill Bed Bugs while feeding or just after you move around or roll over in bed. The red stains are left on your bedding or mattress when Bed Bugs are crushed. This is easy to see if … Read Full Post »

Natural Solutions for Austin Safe Pest Control

Though we offer some chem-free options for pest control, some pest issues may not be severe enough to need professional help. For those little nuisances around the house, here are some natural solutions for safe pest control around your Austin home.


  • Cucumbers – Did you know that some kinds of ants have a natural aversion to cucumber? Try setting out some cucumber slices in the kitchen to keep away these pesky ants.
  • Soapy Water – Put some soapy water into a spray bottle as a pesticide-free way to rid ants from your countertops.
  • Spices & Scents – If you know where the ants are coming in from, try tracing the ant column back to their point of entry. In this area, place one of these at the entry: cayenne pepper, citrus oil, lemon juice, cinnamon or coffee grounds. These items act as deterrents in which ants will not usually cross.


Five FALSE Fort Worth Pest Control Solutions for Fire Ants

In most typical cases it takes six months for a fire ant mound to become visible. In Texas, there are hundreds of different ways to get rid of fire ants, or so we’re told. The fact is that most fire ant home remedies are bogus. Here are some of our ABC Fort Worth Pest Control favorites.

1. Pour club soda on the mound and the CO2 will kill everything. False. The thought is that the CO2 will replace the air in the mound, but it is doubtful that the amount of CO2 in a bottle of soda would be able to actually penetrate deep enough to smother the entire colony.

2. Household products like bleach or gasoline will wipe fire ants out. False. These products are not labeled for controlling fire ants and can prove dangerous to your children and pets.

3. Pour boiling water on the mound. False. Boiling water will kill a few … Read Full Post »

Spider Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

spider myths

The truth about spiders is that they are more closely related to ticks, scorpions, and fleas than insects. Nearly all spiders are poisonous, although some species’ venom is barely toxic. The silk spiders produce to make their webs is the strongest-known natural fiber on the planet. The tensile strength of a single strand is more significant than bone and about half as strong as steel. Many misconceptions and urban myths exist about spiders. Which are true and which are not?

Spider Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

For many of us, spiders are creepy crawlies we’d much rather avoid. This may be why there are many myths about spiders. Let’s look at some of the more common superstitions about these eight-legged animals.

Are Brown Recluse Spiders Deadly?

Of the 4,000 known spider species found in America, there are a few many of us are familiar with by name. One is the brown recluse spider, probably … Read Full Post »

Dallas Lawn and Garden Pest Control

Some might say that Dallas is a city that never sleeps, but neither do the pests that live there. Though it may seem that winter brings a welcomed break from pests that seem to thrive during the hotter parts of the year, winter has its fair share of pests as well. The kinds of pests you encounter will vary throughout the year. This guide will help you know what to expect, no matter what season.  We hope this will give your Dallas lawn and garden pest control activities a boost.



  • Summer is also a very active time of year for insects. Depending on the humidity and temperature, termites continue to swarm well into the summer months. Ants will also continue to swarm well into July.
  • Cockroaches are seen more frequently indoors during summer because they are searching out more favorable conditions such as moisture and lower temperatures.
  • Isopods (pillbugs) continue to … Read Full Post »

Easy Ways to Avoid San Antonio HVAC Maintenance

As energy bills rise, it’s tempting to look for the single solution that will shave off a large part of your heating bill, but there are numerous ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home. With these simple and inexpensive San Antonio HVAC maintenance solutions, you can keep those heating bills from rising – even in the cold holiday season!



The most obvious way to reduce your fuel use is to turn down the thermostat. Think of it as a valve between your fuel supplier and your wallet. For every degree you turn it down, you will use up to 3 percent less heating energy. A 10-degree setback overnight or while you’re at work will cut your heating bill by up to 10 percent. Keep in mind that it doesn’t take long to heat your home to a comfortable level – only about 15 minutes. Never adjust the … Read Full Post »

Quick Tips to Save Money on Houston HVAC Maintenance

As energy bills rise, it’s tempting to look for a single solution that will shave off a large part of your heating bill, but there are numerous ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency. With these simple and inexpensive Houston HVAC maintenance solutions, you can keep those heating bills from rising – even in the cold holiday season!


The most obvious way to reduce fuel use is to turn down the thermostat. Think of it as a valve between your fuel supplier and your wallet. For every degree you turn it down, you will use up to 3 percent less heating energy. A 10-degree setback overnight or while at work will cut your heating bill by up to 10 percent. Remember that it doesn’t take long to heat your home to a comfortable level – only about 15 minutes. Never adjust the thermostat above the desired temperature; doing so … Read Full Post »

Avoid Injuries while Hanging Christmas Lights this Season

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a three-year study reporting that nearly 18,000 individuals were treated in emergency rooms for falls alone while hanging Christmas lights. It is important to note that this number only includes people who sought medical treatment at an emergency room. It is estimated that the actual number of injuries is substantially higher, perhaps two or three times this number.

Common Injuries Include:

Every year, hospital emergency rooms treat roughly 12,500 people for injuries such as falls, cuts, and shocks related to holiday lights, electrical decorations, and Christmas trees. {U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)}

Nearly 6,000 emergency room patients are seen each season due to holiday decorating falls alone (CDC).

Over 200 fire-related fatalities and injuries happen during the two days of December 31 and January 1.

Design the look you want for your home this Christmas season safely from the ground with a free quote from … Read Full Post »

Where to go for the Best Austin Electrical Contractor

Electrical Contractors in Austin

Finding a qualified Austin Electrical Contractor for your residential or commercial needs can be a confusing task.  Most Austin residents find that using the internet for this task is frustrating.  The first page of the search results for the Best Austin Electrical Contractor is filled with paid advertisements, a small list of local contractors that may or may not be close to your location and which you know nothing about, a listing for the Austin Electrical Contractors Association, a listing for the Austin Division of Consumer Affairs a few private companies and some sites that list row after row of paid listings.  You are left with the same problem you started with, “which one of these companies should I choose?”

ABC Home and Commercial Electrical Contractors

ABC Home and Commercial Services has what we think is a much better approach to finding an electrician to fit your individual needs.  We … Read Full Post »

Can I Afford Bathroom Remodeling for my Austin Home?

It is possible to remodel your bathroom without spending a fortune. Studies show that bathroom remodeling is the second most desired Austin home improvement, and it can be much more affordable than a kitchen remodel – the most sought after home improvement project homeowners tell us they want.

Determine a Budget for your Austin Bathroom Remodeling Project and Stick With It.

The first step is to determine your budget. The more time spent doing research and developing detailed plans, the easier it will be to stay within that budget. Doing an inexpensive bathroom remodel doesn’t have to mean using cheap materials and cutting corners or giving up the upscale features you desire. Just be prepared to spend more time on planning and shopping than building.

Can I do some of the Work Myself?

Realistically determine how much of the work you want to do yourself. If you have some basic skills in construction you … Read Full Post »