No See Ums Versus Mosquitoes

Summertime is a great time to gather with friends and family outdoors. Your backyard is the perfect place to host a hangout, whether you are planning a cookout, a bonfire or a poolside party.
Homeowners know that time spent enjoying your backyard often comes at the price of annoying bug bites. These pests can range from simply frustrating to potentially dangerous. Mosquitoes carry dangerous diseases like Zika or the West Nile virus.
Yet not all bug bites are from mosquitoes. Many other bugs bother humans or even snack on our blood. While you are likely prepared to deal with mosquitoes, you may not know about other biting insects.
Biting midges are a concern for homeowners across the United States. You may know these tiny pests by their more popular name, no see ums. This nickname refers to how small these bugs are and how difficult it can be to stop them before they … Read Full Post »