Bermuda Grass Versus St. Augustine Grass

Lush lawns are a homeowner’s dream, a beautiful green canvas that not only frames the home but also provides a soft setting for recreational activities. As we all know, such lawns don’t just happen. They take regular maintenance and care—even throughout the winter months.
The amount of upkeep a lawn requires relies in large part on the type of grass used. Two common varieties used in lawns across the nations are Bermuda and St. Augustine. Each has its own set of needs in order to keep it looking its best in a variety of weather conditions. A landscaping professional can answer specific questions about how either variety would be likely to perform in your area.
Let’s look at the qualities of each type of grass, how it works as a lawn grass and any special needs that each type might require.
Bermuda grass, pictured above, is known for being a tough variety that … Read Full Post »