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How Long Do Water Softeners Last?

a kitchen with white cabinets

Softening water can help prolong the life of your home’s pipes, water heater and other appliances. Plus, it can make your water easier on your skin and hair. This is because hard water not only dries out people’s skin, but the sediment in hard water can also build up in your plumbing.

Water softeners work for about 10 to 15 years, but a variety of factors can affect how long the equipment lasts. For one, the quality and type of water softener that you own matters. This is because some types of water softeners can degrade more quickly. For instance, water softeners that run on a timer system instead of on-demand may run through water and regenerate more often than needed. These systems replenish salt based on a set schedule, even if you haven’t been using much water. This can make the system work much harder than it needs to and … Read Full Post »

Can Flea Bites Make You Sick?

a woman itching at flea bites which is making her wonder if flea bites can make you sick

Can flea bites make you sick? This is a question many people ask when dealing with a flea infestation at home. After all, it’s tough to believe such a tiny creature could make you physically ill. But, unfortunately, flea bites actually can cause health problems for humans and their pets.

Fortunately, it’s pretty rare for people to get seriously ill from flea bites, but it’s not impossible. Flea bites typically leave little, pinkish-red spots or welts on the skin that may be incredibly itchy. Flea bites tend to be smaller in size than mosquito bites and often appear either in a straight line or in groups of three or four. Since fleas don’t have wings, they move around by crawling or jumping, but they can only jump about a foot high. This is why people often find flea bites clustered on their feet and ankles; the insects can’t jump much higher … Read Full Post »

How Long Do Pool Pumps Last?

a pool at a home with two deck chairs and a retaining wall

A pool pump can last anywhere from around 8 years to as long as 15 years or more. The lifespan of this vital piece of equipment typically depends on things like the type of pump you buy and whether you regularly maintain the pump.

One of the primary signs that there might be a problem with your pool pump is if the water looks cloudy or if algae or grime is building up on the surface of your pool. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the entire pump is bad or that you must replace the whole thing. In some cases, you might need to replace just one part of the pump, such as the motor or the filter. In most cases, pool owners are better off calling in a pro to make these fixes, as someone with the experience and tools to get the job done right can usually quickly … Read Full Post »

What To Do About Cockroaches in the Dishwasher

a dishwasher with cockroaches inside

Finding cockroaches in the dishwasher is nothing short of shocking, not to mention just plain gross. Why would a cockroach want to invade your dishwasher? The answer is pretty simple, when you think about it. Cockroaches need the same things as every other creature on earth to survive: food, water and shelter. The dishwasher—at least when it’s not running—provides all the needed elements for survival.

If you leave dirty dishes inside the dishwasher for a while before running it, cockroaches will be attracted to them as a source of food. But, even if you don’t have that habit, food and grease residue can build up inside the dishwasher over time. You might find it caked up in the filter or around the rubber gasket that runs along the inside of the front of the dishwasher. If you don’t rinse or scrape food off your dishes before putting them into the dishwasher, … Read Full Post »

Do Home Remedies for Termites Work?

cleaning products that some say can be used as home remedies for termites

If you spot termites in your home, what do you do? Across the internet, people have posted home remedies and do-it-yourself methods for tackling these pests. These techniques range from using vinegar to using the sun to using microscopic worms. However, not every method has been scientifically proven to work. Here’s a run-down of home remedies for termites to help separate fact from fiction.


One method you might have heard about is to spray pure vinegar or a mixture of vinegar and lemon juice onto the termites or possible infestation areas. Similarly, some articles mention spraying window cleaners containing ammonia on termites or on your walls. Liquids like vinegar or window cleaners can help kill termites if you spray it directly on them. But, you’ll want to keep in mind that subterranean termites that do the most damage live the majority of their lives underground.

That means that you are unlikely to … Read Full Post »

How To Keep Grass Out of Flower Beds

a yard where someone has successfully kept grass out of flower beds

Homeowners work hard to make sure their yard looks as nice as their home. They often spend precious nights and weekends picking out the right landscaping and taking care of their lawn. When you have dedicated hours trying to keep everything looking nice and tidy, it is so frustrating when grass suddenly pops up in your flower beds.

If you are having this problem, there are several methods you can try to get rid of grass in your flower beds.

Pulling Grass

This is the most obvious method that you can do by yourself and with no or few tools. Homeowners often put on garden gloves when pulling grass and other weeds to help make sure they get a good grip on the plants. If you choose this route, keep in mind that it is important to pull out not only the grass but also its root system. Otherwise, it is likely this … Read Full Post »

Common Zoysia Grass Problems

zoysia grass that is turning yellow

Many types of grass go through seasons when they are greener and others when they are brown and dormant. Zoysia grass is a versatile type of grass that homeowners can use in a variety of different climates and soils. This means that while zoysia grass will usually go dormant in drier and cooler periods, it should perk up again when seasons change.

However, if you have zoysia grass and your lawn has turned completely brown, has some dead spots or is starting to thin out, then you might have a problem. Here are some of the most common issues homeowners with zoysia grass may come across.

Fungal Diseases

Zoysia grass is typically less vulnerable to diseases than some other types of grass. However, it can sometimes fall prey to fungal diseases like “large patch.” This kind of disease is most common in the spring, but it can also happen in the fall when … Read Full Post »

How To Fix a Bumpy Lawn

a flat backyard thanks to the homeowner taking steps to fix the bumpy lawn

When we look out at our yards, we want to see a healthy, green carpet of grass. Bumps, dips and other irregularities in the lawn that create an uneven appearance isn’t very attractive. But, that’s not the only problem. They’re also much harder to mow than flat lawns. And, most importantly, they are a potential hazard for anyone who might trip over the uneven spots as they walk or run across the yard. This is why it’s good to know how to fix a bumpy lawn. You’ll make your lawn look more beautiful while also making it easier to mow and maintain. And, you’ll actually be making it safer for anyone spending time in your yard.

To address an uneven lawn, it’s helpful to know how these bumps develop in the first place. Typically, this happens over time, as the grass first becomes established and then thins out through seasonal weather … Read Full Post »

How To Spot Signs of Termites in Your House

winged termites which are a sign of termites in the house

The thought of having termites on your property is alarming. After all, these pests are extremely destructive. So, what are the signs of termites, and how can you catch these earlier, rather than later?

It starts with knowing the different kinds of termites you may find on your property. In the United States, there are three main varieties of termites: the subterranean termite, the drywood termite and the dampwood termite. It’s unlikely you’ll find dampwood termites on your property, as this species prefers wet, decaying wood and must maintain close contact with water. Typically, dampwood termites are found in subtropical woodlands or mangrove forests—probably not the environment homeowners in the United States have in their backyard.

If there are termites on your property, they are most likely either drywood termites or subterranean termites. The names of these termites give you some information about where you might find them. Drywood termites prefer to … Read Full Post »

How to Save on Your Heating Bill

a homeowner looking at an energy bill wondering how to save on the heating bill

It’s a fact of life: As winter approaches and outdoor temperatures start to drop, our heating bills start to rise. Fortunately, you don’t have to break the bank by spring just to stay warm. There are several ways to keep your home comfortable without the high energy bill. Even small acts can go a long way toward saving money over the long winter months. For example, adjusting the thermostat when you’re away may not seem like a big deal, but it can make a difference over the course of a month.

Saving on your heating bill really means finding ways to reduce your energy usage all while still keeping your home warm and comfortable. A good place to start for most homeowners is taking advantage of nature’s heater—the sun. During the daytime, open the blinds or curtains on the windows located on the south side of your home to let the … Read Full Post »