Do Raccoons Attack? What You Need to Know

In response to your dog barking at something in the backyard, you turned on your patio lights to see a raccoon. This discovery brings many questions to the forefront of your mind, including whether or not a raccoon would attack you, your family members or your pets.
The good news is that, in many cases, raccoons will back off if confronted by a person or loud pets. However, this isn’t a guarantee. Sometimes raccoons can and will attack people, and this can be dangerous.
Generally speaking, raccoons attack in three situations:
- when they’re cornered,
- when they’re protecting their young and
- when they’re sick.
The first two situations both fall under the larger umbrella of protection because healthy raccoons only attack humans to protect themselves or their families. Otherwise, they’ll run.
Then, why do raccoons have a reputation for being menacing?
Raccoons behave in such a way that can be intimidating to get out of bad situations. However, the … Read Full Post »