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Water Bug Vs. Cockroach: Identification Tips

A cockroach crawling up a wall

When you see a large bug darting across the floor or—far worse—your kitchen counter, your initial response might be simply to shriek, leap around in fright or maybe take a few wild swings at it with a shoe. But later, when you’re able to think more calmly, you might start wondering exactly what kind of bug it was. Was it a cockroach or a water bug, or something else altogether? There’s plenty of confusion in the great water bug vs. cockroach debate, and for good reason: While these two bugs are distinct from one another, it can be hard to tell the difference between them—especially when you’re in the midst of an unwelcome encounter with one of these creatures.

Fortunately, there are several ways to determine whether you have cockroaches or water bugs on your property. Once you know which type of pest has invaded your personal territory, you can figure … Read Full Post »

When to Plant Zoysia Grass and Other Lawn Care Tips

A backyard with newly planted zoysia grass

If you’re planning to lay new sod in your yard and you are considering zoysia for its heat-tolerant and drought-resistant qualities, you need to know when to plant zoysia grass to ensure that it will have the best possible chance to thrive. This grass is popular among homeowners in warmer climates because it can withstand a lot of abuse in the form of hot sun and minimal rainfall, but it’s still important to give zoysia its best start, to make sure your lawn will be lush, green and healthy.

It’s easy to see why zoysia is well-loved by landscapers and homeowners alike. Though it is considered a warm-season grass, zoysia also tolerates cold well, so it can easily thrive in all but the very coldest parts of the country. It loves full sun but can also take moderate amounts of shade, and because its blades grow so densely together, it is … Read Full Post »

My Garbage Disposal Is Making Noise: How Can I Fix It?

A stainless steel sink with a garbage disposal

As you’re wrapping up your dish cleaning duties for the night, you flip on the garbage disposal, only to hear a strange noise. It’s not the normal grinding noise that sends food, water and any other gunk right down the drain—it’s a sound that gives you a clear indication that something has gone wrong.

If this has happened to you, you likely heard either rattling, humming or squealing coming from your garbage disposal. Depending on the noise coming from your disposal, there are different solutions to the problem. Before getting started, it’s important to note that you don’t want to keep running your disposal to see if it will fix the problem, as this can lead to further damage.

Remove Any Foreign Objects

The most common cause of a garbage disposal that is making a rattling noise is that something is stuck in the unit. Items that may have gotten accidentally washed into … Read Full Post »

Do Mosquito Bracelets Work? How To Prevent Mosquito Bites

An orange mosquito repellent bracelet

The return of warmer weather has most people itching to head outside—only to head back indoors as a different type of itching begins. Unfortunately, in many regions, there simply isn’t much time after winter subsides to enjoy temperate weather before mosquito season starts up. These annoying insects can seem like the bane of our existence in the spring, summer and fall, whether we’re trying to do some yard work or simply enjoy the outdoors. But how can you protect yourself from these pests and their itchy bites? Do mosquito bracelets work? What about other methods to repel them or keep them at bay? Let’s take a look at various methods of mosquito control to see what works best.

Mosquito bracelets, also called mosquito wristbands, are an appealing form of pest repellent for many people since they seem safer than lots of the alternatives, as you don’t have to rub chemicals on … Read Full Post »

Do Mosquitoes Bite Dogs? Your Questions Answered

A dog that is getting bitten by a mosquito while playing in a yard

While notorious for attacking us humans, mosquitoes actually aren’t that picky—they’re more than willing to bite any mammal they can land on. If you’ve ever asked yourself the question: “Do mosquitoes bite dogs?”, you should know that these pests will prey on our precious pups. When mosquitoes are looking for a blood meal, they’re searching for a warm, active mammal. Dogs can get bitten, and other companion animals are also at risk, including cats, horses and livestock. If a mosquito can find a way to get to their skin, any of these animals can become a mosquito’s next victim.

Unfortunately, just like humans can get malaria from mosquito bites, animals can contract a number of illnesses, some that are quite serious. Heartworms are a big problem when it comes to animal mosquito bites. These parasites affect dogs, cats and ferrets, and these worms can spread their eggs through mosquito bites. Dogs … Read Full Post »

Bee Hive Vs. Wasp Nest: Identification Tips

A bee hive

Bee and wasp stings are painful, so it’s easy to get nervous if you see a yellow and black creature flying around your yard–especially if they show up in areas where you and your family enjoy spending time outside. While not all of these insects are dangerous, many different types of bees and wasps look alike. It’s important to know what kind of insect you’re dealing with before you try to get rid of them. The safest way to deal with stinging insects is to contact a pest control professional. However, if you want to try to identify a bee hive or wasp nest on your own, there are a few precautions you can take to increase your safety.

Before you approach the focal point of bee or wasp activity, put on light-colored protective clothing like pants, a long-sleeved shirt and closed-toe shoes. To avoid attracting these insects, avoid wearing bright … Read Full Post »

What Smells Do Mosquitoes Hate? How to Get Relief

Vials of essential oils that have a smell that mosquitoes hate

Enjoying a beautiful, warm day in your yard can be spoiled by the unpleasant experience of getting covered in mosquito bites. After constant, miserable itching, you’re ready to find a solution to keep these bothersome insects away from you. So, what can you do to ward off mosquitoes? Are there any smells that mosquitoes hate that you could spray around your yard or even put directly on your skin to keep from getting bitten?

Scientists have studied the varying effectiveness of certain scents to repel mosquitoes, but insufficient research has been done to compare these to chemically-formulated repellents. Studies show that mosquitoes don’t like the smell or taste of DEET, which is one reason that repellents with that chemical compound tend to be more effective than some others. Other substances that are considered alternatives to traditional sprays and lotions that do have a particular odor include:

  • Citronella
  • Neem
  • Thyme oil
  • Geraniol oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Cedar oil
  • Patchouli oil
  • Clove oil
  • Garlic

Many … Read Full Post »

Water Leaking From AC Unit: Should I Be Worried?

Water leaking from an ac unit

Finding a pool of water near your air conditioner can be alarming. You may ask yourself: Why is this happening? Is this liquid water, or could it be refrigerant? While being in this situation can be alarming, you should know that it’s not uncommon to find moisture near your AC unit, and this may not actually be a bad thing. To determine whether your water leak is serious, it’s helpful to understand how air conditioning systems work.

Air conditioners use refrigerants to cool down the air that flows through your home. These systems operate thanks to a handy piece of physics: When a liquid turns into a gas, it absorbs heat. So, with a substance that changes from a liquid to a gas at a relatively low temperature, as is the case with refrigerants, you can harness that heat-absorption power to cool down a home on a hot summer day.

Air conditioners … Read Full Post »

How Many Times Can A Mosquito Bite?

A mosquito biting someone

If you’ve ever spent a beautiful evening in your yard, only to later discover that you’re covered in mosquito bites, you’ve likely wondered how many times a mosquito can bite. Was it just one mosquito that’s to blame for your current situation, or was it a whole swarm that descended on your property?

Simply put, a mosquito can bite as many times as she wants or can. There is no limit. Female mosquitoes (and only females!) feed on blood until they are full. If a mosquito is interrupted before filling up, she’ll just bite again. Once her abdomen is full of blood, she rests for 2 to 3 days and then lays her eggs. Most mosquito species live up to about three weeks. During that time, a female can lay up to five clutches of at least 100 eggs at a time. Unfortunately, this means that your mosquito problems aren’t going … Read Full Post »

Do Bed Bugs Smell? What Homeowners Need To Know

Decorative pillows on a gray bed

Some people wonder if bed bugs give off a particular scent that can signal their presence in the home. Others are wanting to know whether bed bugs themselves possess a sense of smell; if they do, there might be odors that bed bugs find repellent that could be used to deter them from infesting people’s homes.

Bed bugs do give off a certain, unpleasant scent when they’re disturbed, which is related to the pheromones they emit when alarmed. Some people have described it as a sweet or coriander-like scent, while others have said it’s a musty or moldy smell. This scent might not be obvious to everyone, however—some people can’t smell it at all—and it might only be detected when there are lots of bed bugs present, indicating a heavy infestation.

This means that if there are bed bugs present somewhere in your home, chances are, you won’t smell them—and if you … Read Full Post »