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Your Guide To Christmas Events In San Antonio For 2019

Christmas events San Antonio 2019

As the weather starts to drop (even if ever so slightly), our city begins to transform. Before you know it, your calendar will quickly be filled with holiday and Christmas events in San Antonio in 2019. As a matter of fact, the list of happenings in and around town can almost be overwhelming! There are sporting events, holiday festivals, Christmas food vendors and amusement parks—more than enough to please everyone.

While the holidays are a very special time of year, it can be hard to keep track of everything going on, especially when most of us also need to find time to put up holiday decorations and choose holiday recipes for family gatherings. Check out our picks for 2019 so that you can make some new traditions while revisiting local annual favorites which make the holidays in our area truly magical.

San Antonio Riverwalk Events

The Riverwalk is a perfect place to get … Read Full Post »

Garbage Disposal Water Comes Back Up: What Should I Do?

Garbage disposal water comes back up

You’re relieved that you finally finished the dishes and then it happens—your garbage disposal water comes back up. To your dismay, water mixed with bits of food is now flowing into your sink, despite just having turned on your disposal, and you’re left wondering how and why this occurred.

If you notice water backing up in your kitchen sink, one of three things has probably happened:

  • There is a blockage.
  • You have been overusing your disposal.
  • Your garbage disposal was not installed correctly.

The most likely of these three scenarios is that you have some sort of obstruction. A blockage in your drain is made up of food and other debris that have been slowly building up over time. Before this happened, you may have noticed that your sink had been draining slower than usual. In most cases, homeowners decide to ignore these early signs of a bigger problem because water is still draining.

In some … Read Full Post »

St. Augustine Grass Problems: Identification And Treatment

St. Augustine Grass Problems

Due to its ability to withstand high temperatures and droughts, many homeowners choose St. Augustine grass for their yard. However, there are still quite a few St. Augustine grass problems that homeowners can find themselves confronted with. Fungi, chinch bugs and weeds are a few of the most common issues that can result in brown patches, uneven grass and dead spots that are unsightly and may require the assistance of a lawn professional to resolve.

Let’s examine each of these lawn conditions in a bit more depth.


The main types of fungus that affect St. Augustine grass are:

  • Take-all root rot (Gaeumannomyces graminis)
  • Brown patch, also known as large patch (Rhizoctonia solani)
  • Anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicolais)
  • Nigrospora stolon rot (Nigrospora sphaerica)

While drought and other factors can cause take-all root rot any time of the year, homeowners should look out for symptoms in the fall and spring months. The tops of the grass impacted by this fungus turn … Read Full Post »

How To Attach Christmas Lights To Shingles And Other Tips

how to attach christmas lights to shingles

Installing Christmas lights isn’t always easy. This is especially true if you want to put lights on your roof and attach them to your shingles. If you don’t hang your lights strands properly, you might damage your home or put your family at risk of an electrical fire. So, how should you attach Christmas lights to your shingles safely?

The first thing to know is that there are two main ways that Christmas decorations cause shingle damage. First of all, using nails, staples or screws to install lights can create problems. Also, shingles can take abuse when a well-intentioned homeowner walks across their roof. While both seem like inevitable parts of the Christmas decoration process, there are alternatives.

While using nails, staples or screws for your Christmas lights sounds like a great idea to keep your display in place, even making a small hole in your roof can lead to disaster when … Read Full Post »

Most Common Florida Spiders In Homes And Yards

Florida Spiders

Arachnophobia is widespread among people all over the world, including in Florida. As a matter of fact, some of the most common Florida spiders seem to be extra terrifying. Despite their sometimes frightening appearance, many of these arachnids are not dangerous—at least not to homeowners. However, the ability to identify those which can hurt you and those which can’t will give you peace of mind and help avoid any medical emergencies.

Here’s a list of the most common species found throughout the Sunshine State. Thankfully, these varieties aren’t dangerous to humans:

Crab Spiders

Don’t confuse this arachnid with the spiny-backed orb weaver, which is shaped like a crab. This type of spider gets its name from the way it holds its front two pairs of legs to the side, like crab pincers.

Crab spiders also tend to scuttle sideways and backward, similar to the beach-dwelling crustaceans. This arachnid does not spin webs. Instead, a … Read Full Post »

Symptoms Of High Water Pressure In A House

symptoms of high water pressure in house

High water pressure in a house might sound like a good thing. No one likes taking a shower with low pressure, and many people rely on a good shower first thing in the morning to wake up. But high water pressure—that is, pressure over 65 psi, or pounds per square inch—is too hard on your home’s internal pipes and fittings. If your home has high water pressure, there will be signs indicating the pressure is too high. It is important to pay attention to these signs so you can remedy the problem before the high water pressure ends up damaging your home’s pipes, water heater, toilets or shutoff valve. Symptoms of high water pressure in a house include:

  • A knocking, banging or hammering noise coming from the pipes when you turn on a faucet in the house (this is known as a “water hammer”).
  • Leaky faucets.
  • Irregular water pressure in your showers and … Read Full Post »

Do Skunks Hibernate? What Homeowners Need To Know

Do skunks hibernate

When cooler weather arrives, homeowners have to be extra cautious about wildlife and rodents coming to nest on their property. While skunks usually won’t nest in your home, you could find them nesting around your property, especially in the wintertime. But, why is that? Don’t skunks hibernate?

Skunks don’t necessarily hibernate, but they are considered dormant during the winter months, meaning that you likely won’t see these creatures in your yard during the coldest months of the year. This time period is scientifically known as torpor, and skunks will fall into this state as the temperature drops and food starts becoming scarce. A skunk’s body temperature will lower and their metabolism slows. Unlike an animal that is in hibernation, these creatures will remain inactive for short periods of time—typically during the day.

You may be wondering: If skunks are essentially asleep for the majority of the winter, why do I need to … Read Full Post »

How To Keep Raccoons Off Your Roof And Property

How to keep raccoons off your roof

Wondering about how to keep raccoons off your roof? If so, you certainly aren’t alone. Even if these nuisance animals didn’t carry disease or cause significant property damage, raccoons would still cause homeowners considerable trouble and annoyance, thanks to their ability to break into garbage bins and scatter trash everywhere in search of a meal. Thanks to the mess they make, the extensive damage they are capable of and their potential for spreading disease, raccoons are an unwelcome presence for almost any homeowner.

While hiring a pest control professional is the most effective and time-efficient method of keeping these critters off your roof, there are a few do-it-yourself tricks you can try before calling in the big guns:

  • Trim the trees around your home so the raccoons don’t have an easy pathway from your surrounding trees to your roof.
  • Keep vines and other plants that are growing up your home’s exterior short so … Read Full Post »

Why Your Gas Water Heater Is Not Hot Enough

Gas water heater not hot enough

Many homeowners have experienced that same unfortunate situation: You’ve been waiting for the shower to heat up for ten minutes and it’s still lukewarm. No one else has used the shower recently, and no one is doing the dishes or otherwise using up all the hot water. What is the issue? Is your gas water heater not hot enough?

If you find yourself in this situation, there are usually three common culprits: a broken dip tube, a buildup of sediment in your tank or a malfunctioning heating system.

Broken Dip Tube

The dip tube is the part of your water heating system where cold water enters the heating tank. Usually, your dip tube will deliver cold water to the bottom of your tank where it can be easily and quickly heated for your use. If your dip tube is broken, cold water will stay at the top of your tank and will not … Read Full Post »

Carpenter Ant Bite: The Dangers These Ants Pose

Carpenter Ant Bite

Carpenter ant bites can be a big pain—quite literally. A bite on human skin looks like a pea-sized blemish, and the aftermath may feel like a strong pinch or even a quick burn on the skin. This is because when carpenter ants bite, these insects spray formic acid onto their victim. Formic acid isn’t necessarily dangerous to humans, but it does increase the intensity of the pain you feel. You can reduce the pain associated with a carpenter ant bite by washing the impacted area with soap and water right away. Doing so will flush away the formic acid that causes pain to the area, which should cause the discomfort to recede. If not, a cold compress or ice should help to soothe the bite site.

Don’t be surprised if a carpenter ant bite draws blood. These insects are equipped with really strong jaws to chew through wood to make nests. … Read Full Post »