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How Does a Dimmer Switch Work?

a dimmer switch

Homeowners can be hands-on about many things around the house, but electrical work should be handled by a professional. The dimmer switch is one electrical component that could give you problems at home. You might find that it’s not dimming all the way or won’t work with some lights. If your dimmer switch is stressing you out, we’ll explain how this device works and how to troubleshoot common issues.

Let electricians come to the rescue if you can’t figure it out. These licensed professionals have the tools and expertise to solve the electrical mysteries that could be bugging you at home.

What Is a Dimmer Switch and How Does It Work?

It wasn’t until the 1930s that incandescent dimmers entered the picture, used in theaters to set the mood for different scenes. They had massive panels that required manual operation, a far cry from the modern dimmers.

Fast forward 30 years, dimming technology has … Read Full Post »

The Impact of Weather on Pest Activity and Control Measures

Impact Of Weather On Pests

The Impact of Weather on Pest Activity and Control Measures


Weather profoundly impacts pest activity, affecting their behavior, lifecycle, and distribution. The impact of weather on pests is particularly noticeable in both temperate and tropical regions, where changes in temperature, humidity, and precipitation patterns can significantly influence insect pest species. For instance, hot weather tends to accelerate the development and reproduction of many insects, leading to larger insect populations. Conversely, cooler temperatures can slow down their activity and reduce their numbers.

Regional Variations

Climate change further exacerbates these effects, altering the distribution and abundance of various insect species. As weather affects pests differently depending on the region and season, it becomes crucial to understand these dynamics for effective pest management. In temperate zones, warm and wet conditions can lead to outbreaks of insect pests, while dry spells might reduce their numbers. On the other hand, tropical regions might … Read Full Post »

Do Opossums Dig Holes?

an opossum

There’s nothing more frustrating and puzzling than leaving your yard pristine at night, only to find holes the next day. These mysterious holes could be in your yard, outside your garage, under your deck or around your fence. If you’re wondering what creature is causing this havoc, opossums might be to blame.

With their white faces, pink noses and beady eyes, these animals might look innocent. However, they have capable paws that can do some damage. If you suspect opossums are the culprit behind the unsightly holes around your home, contact the experts. Wildlife control specialists will confirm the presence of opossums on your property and take the necessary measures to deter them. These pros also help you with other problems, like how to get rid of mice in your garden.

Do Opossums Dig Holes? Here’s What You Should Know About These Marsupials

Do opossums dig holes? Are they responsible for the mess … Read Full Post »

How Many Times Can a Skunk Spray?

a skunk

Skunks are the last thing you want wandering into your yard. They dig up lawns, make dens under houses and, as we all know, they stink.

If you see one on your property, don’t panic. Skunks only spray if they have to. Here’s everything you need to know about these smelly creatures, including their behavior, what causes them to spray and what draws them to your home.

If skunks invade your property, don’t hesitate to get professional help. Pest control specialists have the tools and skills to manage skunk populations and deter them from your home. They can also address other pest issues, like how to get rid of rodents in the attic.

Here’s Everything to Know About Skunk Behavior

In cartoons, we see skunks spraying stink clouds whenever they can. However, that’s far from their real-life behavior. Spraying is a last resort for them, and they only do it when they’ve exhausted other … Read Full Post »

What Does a Squirrel Nest Look Like?

a squirrel's nest

Squirrels are persistent creatures that meticulously build their nests using all-natural materials. Squirrel nests are often camouflaged and difficult to tell apart from regular debris.

However, there are some easy ways to distinguish a squirrel nest, especially once you know more about squirrel behavior.

Squirrels can cause damage to your property, so it’s important to be vigilant about squirrel activity around your home. Call in a wildlife control specialist to control squirrels on your property.

What Does a Squirrel Nest Look Like?

Squirrel nests, also called dreys, can be challenging to identify because they often look like small, round bulbs of leaves and twigs bunched together. It’s common to mistake a squirrel nest for a random clump of debris. However, there are a few ways to tell a squirrel nest apart from debris.

For example, squirrel nests are built in specific locations where squirrels prefer to rest. They are often located in high places, such … Read Full Post »

How Long Does Artificial Turf Last?

artificial turf

Are you curious about installing artificial turf on your lawn? Many homeowners choose artificial turf because it’s a low-maintenance option that looks and feels great. However, a common question they ask before they take the plunge is how long artificial turf lasts.

The answer is that artificial turf can last between 8 and 20 years, and several factors dictate its lifespan. Contact a lawn care team if you have more questions about artificial turf.

How Long Does Artificial Turf Last?

Artificial turf is a great option if you’re looking for a low-maintenance way to have a green lawn all year round. This route has several pros, including its durability, eco-consciousness, suitability for pets and more.

One of the best things about artificial turf is that it lasts a long time. Depending on care and maintenance, artificial turf can last between 8 and 20 years.

While artificial turf is much easier to maintain than a traditional … Read Full Post »

Understanding Different Types of Ants and How to Control Them

Mosquito Control service - ABC Home & Commercial Services - Houston, TX

Ants are one of the most prevalent household pests, known for their persistence and ability to infiltrate homes and businesses in search of food and shelter. Understanding the different types of ants and how to control them is essential for maintaining a pest-free environment. This comprehensive guide will provide detailed information about various ant species, their behaviors, and effective strategies for managing and preventing infestations.

Different ant species have unique characteristics and nesting habits, making it important to identify the type of ant infestation you are dealing with. For instance, carpenter ants are notorious for damaging wooden structures as they build their ant nests, while other ant species might be in search of food. Recognizing the signs of an ant infestation early on can help in implementing the right ant control measures.

To effectively kill ants and get rid of them from your home or business, it’s crucial to locate their nests. … Read Full Post »

How Long Can a Mouse Live Without Food?

a mouse

If mice are scampering around in your home and stressing you out, you’re not alone. These resourceful rodents can be challenging to control because they rely on our homes for food and shelter when temperatures drop. They can thrive even if resources are scarce.

If you have a mouse problem, you might wonder if starving them out will encourage them to leave your house. It’s best to contact pest control professionals if you want these rodents out of your life. These experts know how to manage the mouse population in your home and keep them from bugging you. They can also answer questions like “How many mice are considered an infestation?”

How Long Can a Mouse Live Without Food? Here’s What You Should Know

Mice depend heavily on food for survival, and that’s likely why they are in your home. They’re scouring for whatever food they can get their paws on.

Depending on their … Read Full Post »

Why Are There So Many Birds in My Yard?

birds in yard

To some homeowners, birds are beautiful guests who bring life to their gardens. However, you don’t want to draw flocks of birds to your property because some of their behaviors can be destructive. They’re fond of nesting in and around our homes, all while damaging outdoor furniture, structural materials and wiring.

In addition, they can make a mess, digging up lawns and tearing up flowerbeds in search of food. Excessive bird waste can also cause a nitrogen imbalance in the soil, hampering vegetation growth in your garden. Not to mention, bird droppings are corrosive, damaging your roof and car. While they’re pleasant to hear and look at, birds can be as annoying as pests like ground moles, mice and skunks.

If you have more birds on your property than you’re comfortable with, bird control specialists can help you manage their population. They will find what’s drawing the birds to your home and … Read Full Post »

San Antonio River Walk Christmas Events

the san antonio river walk at christmas time

Looking for San Antonio River Walk Christmas events to enjoy with your family and friends this holiday season? Look no further! Here is your definitive list of all the most fun, festive, heartwarming and twinkly things to enjoy in San Antonio. This list includes activities along the city’s famed central attraction, its beautiful downtown River Walk.

San Antonio is beloved by residents and tourists alike for its rich history, its colorful blend of cultures and cuisines, and its lively sense of fun. All these elements truly come to life during the holidays. It’s not hard to find incredible lights displays and fun Christmas events in San Antonio.

And nowhere in San Antonio is merrier or brighter during the holidays than at the River Walk. The popular area is a beautiful place to visit on any day of the year. But, when millions of colorful holiday lights cascade from the trees and reflect … Read Full Post »