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Jadera haematoloma: What You Need to Know About This Bug

Jadera haematoloma

“Unknown insect – Jadera haematoloma” by Eugene Zelenko is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

If you’re like most people, the term or phrase “Jadera haematoloma” means nothing. There’s even a chance you’ve never even heard it before. As with most insects, the bug connected with this term is often known by its common name, not scientific. Instead, most people refer to this bug as either the red-shouldered bug, the goldenrain tree bug, or simply the Jadera bug. Do any of these names ring a bell?

Jadera haematoloma: What You Need to Know About This Bug

Found across the United States, the Jadera bug is easily identifiable and quite common. But because of this name confusion, we thought it would be an excellent time to dive deeper into the facts about this species to understand a bit more. Let’s explore together.  

First, What Do They Look Like?

As you can see in the photo … Read Full Post »

How Does DEET Work?

how does DEET work

We are drawn to the outdoors during the warmer months of the year. Unfortunately, these times of year are also the peak months for mosquito activity. We often reach for insect sprays and other repellents to avoid the itching and discomfort associated with mosquito bites and protect ourselves from the risks of dangerous diseases such as the West Nile and Zika viruses. One of the most common ingredients in insect repellent is DEET. How much do you know about DEET and how it keeps these pesky pests away?

How Does DEET Work?

Before discussing why DEET is an active ingredient in most sprays designed to keep mosquitoes and biting fleas, chiggers, no-see-ums, and ticks from biting us, let’s learn more about this chemical and why it gets mixed reviews.

What is DEET?

DEET is a clear or faintly yellow liquid chemical compound known as diethyltoluamide and is short for N, N-Diethyl-3-Methylbenzamide. DEET was first developed … Read Full Post »

Everything You Need to Know About Lawn Bugs, From A to Z


The new furniture is all in place. The moving boxes are (mostly) emptied and put away. Your house is finally coming together. You even made time to plant some flowers in the front and veggies in the back. But one evening you’re sitting out and enjoying the view, and you notice it. Holes and other signs of biting all over your leaves and petals. Upon closer examination, you spot some aphids, so you order some ladybugs to help you deal with the problem. But those two types of bugs are just the tip of the iceberg. Do you know everything you need to know about lawn bugs? 

Everything You Need to Know About Lawn Bugs, From A To Z

We have an extensive guide to the many different types of bugs that can infest your yard, what type of damage they can do, signs you might have them and how to prevent or get rid … Read Full Post »

Excessive Dust in House? Solutions For A Dusty Home

excessive dust in house

Do you catch yourself frequently cleaning your dusty home? Have you ever wondered where the dust comes from and how to prevent it from building up? Over the years, research has proven that the air inside of our homes can sometimes be lower quality than the air outside. However, with some careful planning and a little elbow grease, we have some tips to help guide you to a cleaner and healthier home.

First, let’s discuss the source of the dust. One very common source of dust in your home is your attic. If you look around your home, there are many areas that have penetrations points, such as light fixtures. These penetrations can often be where dust originates. Many of these penetrations are unsealed during construction.

These dust “entry points” also may become unsealed when adding retrofit applications. Additionally, it’s important to check the ductwork in your home. This, too, is a … Read Full Post »

What You Need to Know About An Assassin Bug Bite

Assassin Bug Bite

You wake up feeling itchy around your mouth. When you look in the mirror, there’s a little red bump there. It looks like a bug bite so you shrug it off. But over the next few days, you feel awful. Fever. Nausea. The works. When you head to the doctor, you don’t even mention the bug bite around your mouth. But thankfully, they notice the swelling and ask. “Just a bug bite,” you say, but they immediately order tests because that looks like something from an assassin bug, one of the most underestimated insects.

What You Need to Know About An Assassin Bug Bite

What you learn makes you wish that you hadn’t put off bug-proofing your new house: assassin bugs. Chagas disease. Heart problems. Enlarged organs. Luckily, your doctor says you didn’t actually contract Chagas. And thank goodness, because it’s incurable, and according to researchers, somewhere north of 60% of these pests carry the disease.

Some … Read Full Post »

Are Frogs Poisonous to Dogs?

are frogs poisonous to dogs

Pets can be unpredictable. Dogs, in particular, can often do what you least expect as they are exploring every inch of your outdoor spaces and the tiny creatures that inhabit the grass and trees. It can be difficult to keep a close eye on your pups as they dig up your plants, bark at curious noises and eat whatever they can get their paws on. Once the warmer months start to bring out the sunshine, many animals come out of hibernation, meaning more potential problems for your pets. Of all the animals dogs come across, humans are most puzzled by the risks frogs might pose to their furry family members.

Are Frogs Poisonous to Dogs?

Unfortunately, dogs don’t always know what’s best for them, and an amphibian hopping in your grass could be mistaken for a fun chew toy. What happens when a dog bites a frog? Are frogs poisonous to dogs? … Read Full Post »

HVAC Maintenance Checklist & Helpful Tips

HVAC Maintenance Checklist

When it comes to HVAC general maintenance, how you maintain the areas surrounding your equipment can be just as important as the maintenance of the actual systems. Poor maintenance in the immediate areas surrounding your air conditioner or furnace could decrease system efficiency, damage components and even put your family in danger. Home comfort experts suggest that you follow these HVAC general maintenance tips to protect your heating and cooling equipment and help avoid common air conditioner problems.

First, keep the exterior condenser unit or heat pump clear of items. You should leave a clearance of at least two feet surrounding the unit. This will facilitate proper airflow, and allow access to the unit should repairs be required.

Never install an enclosure directly against the unit. Outdoor items should never be stored surrounding the unit. Additionally, never store items directly next to your furnace. This can limit airflow to the unit, which … Read Full Post »

Should You Be Worried About Tarantulas in Texas?

Tarantulas in Texas

You and your family are still settling into your new home. There are boxes that need to be unpacked, but you need a break so you decide to walk around the property. It’s gorgeous out and you enjoy looking at the birds, pointing out butterflies and ladybugs, watching squirrels play. But then you see it: the largest spider you’ve ever come across and you realize, there are tarantulas in Texas. It seems as big as your hand and it looks terrifying.

Should you be worried? Will it hurt your kids? Are other tarantulas around? How do you keep them from getting in your house?

Should You Be Worried About Tarantulas in Texas?

First, let’s get something out of the way. Tarantulas are about as dangerous to people as bees are. In fact, that’s a really good comparison. If you’re bitten by a tarantula, it’s probably going to feel–and look–a lot like a bee sting. There will be … Read Full Post »

What is Refrigerant?

What is Refrigerant

Like your other home systems, you probably don’t think about your air conditioner—that is, until it stops working. Luckily, there’s one thing you can do to help your air conditioner run longer: pay attention to the refrigerant charge. But what is refrigerant and how does it work in your air conditioner? Let’s explore this fluid more in depth below.

What is Refrigerant?

There’s no question that summers in the southern states are more than hot–they can be brutal. Most homeowners living in these states can agree on one thing: air conditioning is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity.

How does a home air conditioner work?

Your home air conditioner works much the same as your refrigerator – they both use a chemical refrigerant to move heat. The main difference is that one works inside a relatively small, contained box, while the other circulates air throughout your home.

Air conditioners have four main parts:

  1.      Compressor
  2.      Condenser
  3. Read Full Post »

Animals That Eat Mosquitoes

Animals That Eat Mosquitoes

The first mosquito bite of the year is never a celebrated occasion. At the very least, mosquitoes are annoying, but at their worst, they can bring diseases such as West Nile virus, the Zika virus, and in more tropical climates, even malaria. This is why it can be beneficial to keep animals that eat mosquitoes in your yard to help protect your home.

Animals That Eat Mosquitoes

Protecting yourself from mosquito bites can mean everything from citronella candles to mosquito repellents containing DEET. But what about building an environment in your backyard that attracts animals, insects and birds that eat mosquitoes?

A Mosquito’s Natural Enemies

Most insects have natural enemies and finding the ones that make your backyard comfortable just takes a little research. For mosquitoes, their most common natural enemies, other than man, are bats, dragonflies, birds, fish and turtles.

Bats: Man’s (Other) Best Friend?

Bats have had a bad reputation since the … Read Full Post »