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5 Signs There’s a Pest in Your Attic & 8 Ways to Prevent It

Pest in Your Attic | ABC Home and Commercial

As we move into November, the days and nights spent outside enjoying the warm weather are coming to an end. Just as we start to head indoors, so do pesky critters trying to find warmth and shelter in our homes. Mice, rats, bats, squirrels and raccoons are the most common pests in your attic in Texas homes. If the proper precautions are not taken, they can be found in garages, under porches, and in your attic during the colder months. These pests are notorious for squeezing into very small entry points and nesting in attics and walls. Once inside, they can chew insulation, wood and wires. Not only does this cause significant damage to your home, but exposed wires also create a potential fire hazard.

A pest invasion can be preventable with the proper precautions. The first step is determining if there is a pest in your attic and eradicating the problem with an individualized exclusion plan.

5 Signs There’s a Pest in Your Attic

  1. Scratching Noises

Most of the animals listed above will be most active at night. If you hear scratching noises, especially at night, overhead or in your walls then you probably have a visitor.

They may be living in your attic and using your walls to find food and move from place to place.

  1. Evidence of excrement

The good news is, you are more likely to see evidence of a pest before you see the animal itself. Unfortunately, this includes its droppings. If you see any unexplained droppings or strange smells, it’s a good sign there’s a pesky intruder in your house.

  1. Nesting paraphernalia

Just as humans do, these animals are looking for shelter from the cold and winter elements. Squirrels, mice and rats love to live in attics and walls. They will not waste time creating a nest out of pieces of paper and twigs.

  1. Insulation destruction

Raccoons and rats love to shred insulation. As a result, pieces of insulation will find its way to your vents. You may also start to notice that it is more difficult to keep your house the desired temperature from lack of insulation (yes, they can destroy that much!).

  1. Missing shingles and screens

If there’s an intruder in your house, then there’s an entry way. Missing shingles and screens can indicate how the animal is getting in and out of your home. Identifying these also helps pest control eradicate the animal and keep it from re-entering.


Discovering your home is harboring wildlife is a disturbing realization. Questions start to flood your mind. How did it get in? And, most importantly, how can you prevent it from happening again?

These animals are very creative. Some can even squeeze into a space as small as 3/8 of an inch. The smallest crack in your roof or foundation can be big enough for a bat, squirrel, rat, or mouse to squeeze through. Taking these simple precautions is the most important thing you can do to keep pests out of your house.

8 Ways to Prevent a Pest Intrusion

  1. Don’t leave cat or dog food outside overnight.
  2. Don’t put unsecured garbage outside at night.
  3. If you have a pet door, securely close it at night.
  4. Trim overhanging branches that provide easy access to your roof for squirrels and other wildlife.
  5. Secure your chimney with a cap.
  6. Cover foundation and attic vents and other roof openings with heavy-gauge, rustproof wire mesh.
  7. Check for any possible entries into your house and attic, then place specifically designed traps in strategic places.
  8. Seal off any entry holes.

The best way to prevent unwanted pest in your attic and home and attic is to locate any possible entry points and seal them off with steal or steal wire mesh. It will be strong enough that squirrels and rats cannot chew through it. However, if you think an animal may already be in your home, sealing the entry points could trap them inside, leaving you with other problems such as dead mice, squirrels, rats, or bats decaying in your home.

If you think you may have rodent or pest in your attic, call ABC Home and Commercial immediately. Please, do not try to remove it on your own or seal off entry ways. These animals may seem harmless but they can carry diseases and pose a health risk to you and your family. We will safely eradicate your pest problem and prevent future infestations by making sure they do not have any re-entry points.

Call ABC Home and Commercial today for a rodent control plan tailored to your home!

Russell Jenkins

Russell Jenkins is the VP of Business Development for ABC Home and Commercial Services in North Texas. Russell has been working as part of the ABC Family since he was 12 years old under the direction of his father, Owner Dennis Jenkins, and has since held several leadership roles at ABC. Russell holds a degree in Agricultural Leadership from Texas A&M University, and is a Food Safety Specialist. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family and two children, playing tennis, and gaming.

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