ABC Blog

What Does BTU Mean? Understanding Your AC

an AC unit

You’ve probably seen the term BTU on the label when shopping for an air conditioning unit. But what do these three letters mean? And should you pay any attention to them?

BTU stands for British Thermal Unit. It’s a way to measure how much heat an air conditioner can remove in one hour. The higher the BTU, the more powerful the cooling.

But bigger or smaller isn’t always better, as choosing the wrong BTU can lead to higher bills, poor cooling or a humid home.

What Is BTU in an Air Conditioner?

BTU is a way to measure heat energy, specifically how much heat an AC can remove from a room in one hour.

Think of it like this: one BTU is the heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. In air conditioning, the higher the BTU, the more heat the unit can move out of your … Read Full Post »

What Is Forced Air Heating?

a living room

Deciding on a heating system for your home can be overwhelming. There are boilers, radiators, mini-splits and baseboard heaters, to name a few. However, the most popular choice among homeowners is forced air heating.

What is forced air heating? While you’ll find it in countless homes, not all homeowners know how it works. Here’s everything you need to know about it, including how it works and its pros and cons.

If you decide on forced-air heating, contact a licensed professional to install it in your home. The HVAC technician can also perform regular maintenance checks to keep it in tip-top shape. Plus, this pro can help address other HVAC issues, like when you ask, “Why am I not getting power to my thermostat?”

What is Forced Air Heating? Here’s How It Works

Forced air heating is a component of an HVAC system that heats homes. It uses a heat source like a furnace or … Read Full Post »

Why Does My Furnace Smell Like Burning?

a technician fixing a furnace

Your furnace is your best friend in the winter, keeping you warm and comfortable inside your home. But if you hate turning it on because your furnace smells like burning, there’s an underlying problem to look into. While some odors are nothing to worry about, your furnace should never produce lingering smells of burning plastic or electrical components. These are signs of an issue with your HVAC system.

If your furnace smells like burning, here are some possible reasons for this frustrating issue. The best way to handle the situation is to get professional help. HVAC specialists will pinpoint the root cause and perform the necessary repairs or replacements. They can also come in for regular tune-ups to keep your furnace in tip-top shape and prevent bigger issues.

Reasons Your Furnace Smells Like Burning

During the months it’s not in use, your furnace might accumulate dust on its ducts, heat exchanger and ignition … Read Full Post »

Signs You Need a New Furnace

a technician working on a furnace

Winter is for bundling up and getting comfy with a mug of hot chocolate and your favorite book. But, cozy winters are only possible if your furnace is working well. If it isn’t working properly, you and your family will be cold and uncomfortable at home. Before the chilly season, ensure your furnace is ready to keep you warm and toasty.

If you’re doubtful that your unit can make it through the winter, here are some signs you need a new furnace. You can also let HVAC professionals check your system. They will tell you if a replacement is necessary and install the new furnace. They can also perform regular tune-ups to prevent costly problems down the line.

Some Signs You Need a New Furnace

Furnaces are durable systems with an average life expectancy of 15 to 20 years. But just like any appliance, they’re not indestructible and will eventually stop working. Unfortunately, … Read Full Post »

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

a plant and an air purifier

Homeowners spend a lot of time ensuring their houses are clean and tidy. But many forget to clean the most essential thing in their homes–the air. Many of us don’t realize that we breathe in millions of particles, including dust, allergens and irritants, every day.

Having clean air at home is important, especially if someone in your home has asthma or allergies. If you’re wondering how to improve indoor air quality, we have some tips and tricks that can help. But the best thing you can do is to call an HVAC specialist to ensure you have clean and fresh air at home.

Tips on How to Improve Indoor Air Quality at Home

If you find yourself breathing easier when you’re away from your home or experiencing headaches at home, your home’s air may not be as healthy as it should be.

So, what causes poor indoor air quality? While many think pollution only … Read Full Post »

Air Conditioner Fan Not Spinning but Hums

an AC unit

When you turn on the air conditioning at home, the hottest, most insufferable days are instantly better. But sometimes, the AC refuses to run. A common problem is the fan not spinning but humming. If you’re dealing with this situation, you likely have a faulty capacitor.

Knowing what a capacitor is will help you understand its role. You can rely on HVAC specialists to fix your capacitor problems. They have the tools and expertise to perform the necessary repairs or replacements. Your AC will soon be up and running again, and everyone at home will be in a better mood.

Air Conditioner Fan Is Not Spinning But Hums: The Capacitor Might Be to Blame

First things first, it’s helpful to know what a capacitor is. The capacitor is a small cylindrical component inside your AC’s outdoor unit, typically resembling a tin can. Think of it as a giant battery for your AC that … Read Full Post »

Air Conditioning Vent Condensation: What’s Wrong?

an AC vent

The combination of heat and humidity makes for an uncomfortable experience at home. No homeowner wants to sweat inside their home. Fortunately, turning on the AC can bring some welcome relief.

On extra humid days, you might notice some air conditioning vent condensation. A small amount shouldn’t be a cause for concern, but excessive condensation could signify an underlying problem. You could have a damaged drain line or a leaking roof.

If you can’t figure out what’s causing the condensation, let HVAC professionals handle it. They will identify the root cause and perform the necessary repairs and replacements.

What Causes Excessive Air Conditioning Vent Condensation?

It’s not unusual to see condensation in the AC vent in the spring and summer. It happens when the excess moisture in the air interacts with the vent’s cold surface. The water vapor then cools down, forming water droplets in the vent. The same happens when you bring a … Read Full Post »

My AC Is Running but Not Cooling

an air vent

Your AC is expected to cool down your home and provide comfort during hot and humid days. But it doesn’t always work that way. If your AC is running but not cooling, it will leave you hot instead of calm and collected. Unfortunately, this is a common problem homeowners face, and there are many possible reasons behind it.

Something is amiss inside your AC if it can no longer do its job. Here are some ways to find the culprit and troubleshoot the problem. However, most AC issues are complex and require the expertise of a pro. If you’re not confident in your DIY skills, it’s better to let an HVAC specialist take over. They can perform the necessary repairs and replacements and have your unit running smoothly again.

What To Do If Your AC Is Running But Not Cooling

ACs have intricate systems. One malfunctioning part can lead to the entire unit’s … Read Full Post »

My AC Is Dripping Water: What’s Wrong?

an AC unit

Many of us can’t imagine a home without air conditioning. That’s especially true in the summer when the AC is the only thing keeping us from melting. While air conditioning is synonymous with comfort, it can also be a source of unnecessary stress. Imagine coming home, ready to relax, only to see a puddle of water under the AC.

It’s not fun to have a leaking AC. Not only is it messy, but it also means there’s something wrong with your unit. If your AC is dripping water, it’s important to get to the bottom of the issue before it snowballs into a more costly problem.

Here are some troubleshooting methods that can help you solve the leak. If none of them work, it’s time to get professional help. An HVAC professional will have your AC running smoothly again without any pesky leaks.

Why Your AC Is Dripping Water and What You Can … Read Full Post »

Why Does My AC Keep Tripping the Breaker?

a breaker box

The AC is our best friend on blistering hot days. But it can also be our worst enemy if it keeps tripping the breaker and interrupting our cold air supply. It can be tempting to keep resetting the breaker so you can feel comfortable again, but that will only do more harm.

So, what should you do if your AC keeps tripping the breaker? Here are some ways to troubleshoot the issue and enjoy cool air again. If none of them work, there’s a more complex underlying problem that requires the attention of a pro. Contact an HVAC specialist who can get to the root cause and fix it.

What To Do If Your AC Keeps Tripping the Breaker

Breakers are safety devices in your home that prevent short circuits and overloads. Your AC’s breaker will trip when the unit pulls in more amps than the breaker can take. For example, a 20-amp … Read Full Post »