Curb Appeal: Regional Plants That’ll Make Your Landscape Pop
When you’re dreaming up the ideal landscape, why should you choose plants native to the Austin area? Simply put, regional plants sing in a glorious harmony of colors that turn your business or residential property into an eye-catching dreamscape, and they do this with a minimal amount of water and work. In our particular climate and weather conditions, regional plants thrive where non-resident plants, even with constant attention and nurturing, struggle to survive.
If you’re stymied trying to decide on the regional plants to use in beautifying your landscape, the Native Plant Society of Texas and the Texas AgriLife Extension have substantial lists of native plants. We’ve assembled a list containing a few of our favorites for you.
In colorful landscaping schemes, mistflower graces your property with two Bs: blooms and butterflies. Clusters of fuzzy blooms top clumps of four-foot stems with leaves of one to three inches. The blooms, in both … Read Full Post »