ABC Blog

Composting Oak Leaves: A Complete Guide

Composting oak leaves

Newcomers to Texas and other parts of the country where oaks are prevalent are surprised to learn that these stately trees lose their leaves in the spring rather than during the fall. While oaks give us wonderful shade from the intense sun, they do give us lots of other things during the year: leaves.

No matter how long you’ve had oak trees, if you’re like a lot of people, you’re probably not a huge fan of having dead leaves cover that beautiful lawn you’ve spent so much time on. Moreover, you might have heard that oak leaves are acidic and worry they will damage your grass or soil if you don’t get rid of them quickly.

In the past, you may have simply raked up the leaves and put them in bags. Is there a better solution?

In fact, there is not only a better solution, but several options. Most of them come down … Read Full Post »

What is Holganix? What’s in It? How Does It Work?

What is Holganix? What’s in It? How Does It Work?

Our lawn and pest care philosophy is based on the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, which seeks to blend a variety of eco-friendly strategies to solve a pest problem. You may think this is unnecessary since chemical pesticides are convenient and often successful.

But pesticides contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to humans, wildlife, and the environment. They contaminate the air, water, and soil, disrupting all the links in the food chain.

There are many reasons why eco-friendly pest control is preferable:

  • Balanced Ecosystem, Healthy Environment
  • Pests Often Build Up Resistance to Pesticides
  • An IPM Approach Is Safer and More Sustainable
  • IPM Saves Money

One great way to avoid the adverse effects of pesticides is by replacing chemical pesticides with organic fertilizers and composts, such as Holganix. There are many different options when it comes to lawn care, but Holganix has proven itself to be the best lawn fertilizer for strong soil and healthy plants.

What is Holganix?

Holganix … Read Full Post »

Overseeding Weedy Lawn: Homeowners Take Back Their Yards

Overseeding Weedy Lawn

When you look out over your yard, does the sight you see bring you a sense of pleasure and pride, or do you cringe with embarrassment? If you’re in the latter camp due to unsightly weeds and patchy, lifeless grass, don’t despair—and don’t give up! Your yard doesn’t have to be the neighborhood eyesore, and you don’t have to declare your neglected lawn a total loss.

Depending on the severity of your situation, it’s possible that you’ll need to re-sod the entire area, but a far easier fix might work just as well. The simple yet highly effective key lies in overseeding weedy lawns to reclaim the lush, green, beautiful grass that all homeowners desire.

Let’s find out how just a bit of time, care and know-how will help you resuscitate your ailing lawn into a thing of emerald, weed-free beauty.

Overseed: Definition And Benefits

The term “overseed” may sound technical and even … Read Full Post »

Purple Texas Wildflowers: How To Add Color To Your Landscape

Purple Texas wildflowers

A rite of passage here in Texas is taking the family for the annual Bluebonnet photo. Did you know these plants are just the tip of the iceberg for wildflowers in Texas? And you can grow these flowers in your back (or front) yard?

Whether you’re tired of the usual suspects in your home garden or considering wildflowers as another way to use native plants in your landscaping, wildflowers are a gorgeous option that can add a nice splash of color to any property.

Below, we will suggest different types of purple Texas wildflowers you might consider incorporating in your lawn and answer common questions homeowners have about adding these plants to your outdoor spaces.

Different Types of Purple Wildflowers You Can Find in Texas

Bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes get the lion’s share of attention when it comes to Texas wildflowers, but they’ve got nothing on the many varieties of purple wildflowers that thrive … Read Full Post »

Add Color To Your Yard With Texas Winter Flowers

plants that grow in winter

Anyone from Texas can tell you that we have unique weather patterns. You can experience all four seasons in just one day in a few other places. The running joke “If you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute” rings true to many of us. While it can be nice to experience summer weather on a December day here in Texas, winter flowers can challenge even the most experienced gardeners. 

While keeping soil type and watering requirements in mind, remember that, on average, Houston gets 18 days each year with temperatures below freezing. Our growing season lasts an average of 300 days, which can be great for growing various plants and flowers. Remember that our days are shorter throughout the winter, so you’ll want to keep that in mind if you choose flowers that require a certain number of hours in the sun.

If you struggle about what to plant during … Read Full Post »

Yard Fungus: Identification, Treatment and Prevention

yard fungus

When you spend a lot of time with the goal of having a green manicured yard, the last thing you want to see is signs of damage. You water, mow, edge and maybe even fertilize in the hopes of seeing a lush carpet. What do you do if you suspect you have yard fungus? How do you know if the damage you are seeing is a type of yard fungus or something else entirely?

St. Augustine is a popular grass for homeowners because it is shade, heat, salt and drought tolerant. When maintained properly, this variety of grass also handles normal human and animal traffic well. However, there a couple of types of lawn fungus that are more prevalent when you have St. Augustine grass. These lawn fungus types also like other warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda and Zoysia.

In this post, we will tell you what you need to know about the … Read Full Post »

Which Salt Tolerant Plants Will Work In My Yard?

salt tolerant plants

Living along the coast certainly has its advantages: access to the beach every day, coastal breezes, mild temperatures, fresh seafood and pretty views.

However, gardening in these environments can present a challenge. While saltwater has its benefits, most plants and flowers don’t like it. Salinity in the soil inhibits a plant’s ability to absorb important nutrients, thereby disrupting the plant’s metabolism.

Finding salt tolerant plants to for your lawn can be a challenge. In many cases, you can select salt tolerant varieties of ceratin plants which can do well in coastal climates. The salt tolerance of plants is determined by a variety of factors, including a plant’s ability to grow under and resist high winds, salt spray, alkaline soils and infertile, sandy soils.

When choosing plants that will be placed facing the ocean without buildings to protect them, you should choose highly salt tolerant plants. If the plants are protected … Read Full Post »

Negative Effects of Floods and How to Clean Up Your Property

Negative Effects of Floods and How to Clean Up Your Property

Around the world, the most prevalent kind of natural disaster is flooding. In the United States, floods are the leading cause of weather-related deaths, taking the lives of around 200 Americans each year. During 2016, 19 floods occurred across the United States—the most since record-taking began in 1980. Over the past 36 years, Texas has been the state which has seen the most fatalities from flooding and flash floods.

The adverse effects of floods are numerous, and it can take years to rebuild. So this begs the question: can you do anything to help protect your home from floods? What should you do if your house floods? What can you do after a flood to help your home withstand potential damage from a future flood?

A flooded home isn’t necessarily a total loss. In a Washington Post article, Claudette Hanks Reichel of Louisiana State University’s Agricultural Center, who has written disaster recovery … Read Full Post »

Landscaping Ideas Houston Homeowners Can Use to Transform Outdoor Spaces

Landscaping Ideas Houston

A well-landscaped yard can bring balance, peace, and harmony to your space, creating an oasis at home. Wanting an aesthetically-pleasing lawn is one thing; making it happen is something else entirely. With our hot, humid weather, inconsistent rainfall, and occasional flooding here in Houston, deciding which flowers or plants will work best and how to get started on your landscaping project can feel challenging.

Before you begin, you’ll need to learn more about your soil type and consider what plants would survive our climate. On average, Houston gets 18 days yearly with temperatures below 32° and 99 days above 90°. Our growing season lasts an average of 300 days, which can be great for growing various plants and flowers. However, you must ensure the plants you choose are heat tolerant.

Local soil is typically either clay or sandy. You’ll want to build your beds with 3 to 6 inches of organic … Read Full Post »

Mealybugs: A Complete Guide To This Lawn Pest


Have you ever found something on a houseplant that you first thought was a tiny piece of cotton, but then you realized was a living thing? Mealybugs can ruin the appearance of your indoor and outdoor plants and cause significant damage. When left unchecked, mealybugs can eventually kill a plant. For such tiny creatures, mealybugs can be surprisingly hard to remove. They are found in warm, moist climates and can be introduced to your home and yard by new plants, tools, or other materials.

Mealybugs: A Complete Guide To This Lawn Pest

In this post, we will tell you everything you need to know about mealybugs, including what they look like, their favorite hiding spots, their impact on our green spaces, and, perhaps most importantly, what you can do if you find them feasting on your plants.

Tiny White Bugs On Plants Can Be Harmful

Those tiny white bugs you noticed while watering … Read Full Post »