Moles In Texas: How To Control This Lawn Pest

Knowing what you’re dealing with can be hard when something burrows in your yard. Those mounds of dirt can seemingly pop up overnight, displacing plants and flowers or creating ugly tunnels. One of the possible culprits for this type of lawn damage is a mole. What kinds of moles live in Texas, and what should homeowners know about these creatures? In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about these animals, including how to discourage them from making your property their home.
Moles in Texas: How To Control This Lawn Pest
Knowing the difference between gophers, moles, and voles and which is damaging your lawn helps determine the best course of action. All three burrow underground but differ in appearance and diet. When any of these animals reside on a golf course or another large tract of land, it can be tough to eradicate them. When they are under … Read Full Post »