Identifying Zoysia Grass Versus Bermuda Grass
Zoysia grass and Bermuda grass may seem similar in appearance but have different characteristics and needs. They are popular options for warm climates such as Texas and Florida, as they thrive in the heat.
Zoysia Grass Appearance, Care and Maintenance
Zoysia grass, pictured above, is a vibrant green grass that is relatively low maintenance. Since it thrives in warm weather, it can handle drought-like conditions and maintain its bright color. It can also survive bouts of cold weather and has a higher shade tolerance than Bermuda grass. However, zoysia grass takes longer to recover from damage than Bermuda grass.
Another benefit of zoysia grass is that it is an invasive species that can overtake weeds, especially when planted as sod. Homeowners can save time on weed pulling with zoysia grass. It only requires a little water or mowing.
A key difference between zoysia grass and Bermuda grass is blade width. Zoysia grass can range … Read Full Post »