How To Fix a Bumpy Lawn

When we look out at our yards, we want to see a healthy, green carpet of grass. Bumps, dips and other irregularities in the lawn that create an uneven appearance isn’t very attractive. But, that’s not the only problem. They’re also much harder to mow than flat lawns. And, most importantly, they are a potential hazard for anyone who might trip over the uneven spots as they walk or run across the yard. This is why it’s good to know how to fix a bumpy lawn. You’ll make your lawn look more beautiful while also making it easier to mow and maintain. And, you’ll actually be making it safer for anyone spending time in your yard.
To address an uneven lawn, it’s helpful to know how these bumps develop in the first place. Typically, this happens over time, as the grass first becomes established and then thins out through seasonal weather … Read Full Post »