Why Are There So Many Mosquitoes in Dallas?

As homeowners in Dallas, Texas, know we have large mosquito populations. Unfortunately, our city offers the conditions that mosquitoes love: warm, humid weather, plenty of rain and mild winters.
Contact a pest control service if you’re dealing with a mosquito problem on your property.
Why Are There So Many Mosquitoes in Dallas?
Mosquitoes thrive in hot and humid climates, so Dallas is an ideal home for these pests.
Dallas has so many mosquitoes because the city has warm weather nearly year-long, with summertime temperatures consistently over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Dallas also enjoys fairly mild winters, which allows mosquitoes to have an extra-long breeding season.
Cold weather can significantly reduce mosquito populations, which is why they like to reside in warmer places like Dallas.
Another factor is humidity. Mosquitoes require moisture to breed, and humid air creates the perfect damp environment. In Dallas, humidity remains high in the spring, summer and fall seasons. Mosquitoes can reproduce and … Read Full Post »