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When Do Mosquitoes Come Out? How To Avoid These Pests

mosquitoes on a person's arm

As winter winds down, the days grow longer and the weather slowly begins to warm up. The beauty of it all almost makes us forget that it’s about time for mosquitoes to come out again. As many people know, mosquitoes are more active when it’s warmer outside. This is unfortunate because the same is also true for humans. Many of us, especially those of us with pleasant outdoor spaces, hope to get in as many comfortable afternoons and evenings outdoors as we can before mosquitoes come out in full force once again.

Of course, different people react to mosquito bites differently. Not everyone finds them terribly itchy and annoying, though many people do. Additionally, these pests seem drawn to certain people more than others—is it due to differences in pheromones? Carbon-dioxide output? Body heat levels? Do some people just have sweeter blood? Are mosquitoes attracted to perfume? As you feel yourself … Read Full Post »

Mosquitoes in Texas: What Homeowners Should Know

Mosquitoes in Texas

You’re proud of your home. You’ve spent years caring for it, improving it and making it suit your style. Your home and landscape have never looked better. But there’s still a problem you’ll encounter, simply because you live in Texas: mosquitoes.

In addition to being an annoyance, these tiny biting creatures pose a risk to you, your family and your pets. Maybe you’re starting to feel their presence every time you step outside, or you’re tired of getting covered in itchy bites. You might find yourself wondering: what mosquito species live in Texas?

Mosquitoes in Texas: What Homeowners Should Know

You probably can’t spend much time outside without feeling the itch of new mosquito bites. New reports of cases of mosquito-borne diseases, such as the Zika virus, don’t seem to be going away.

Now may be the time to rethink the measures you take to protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes. Pest control professionals can … Read Full Post »

When Is Mosquito Season in Texas?

a group of mosquito

Mosquitoes can be a nuisance when you are trying to enjoy time outside. Not to mention, these pests can spread diseases. Many types of mosquitoes carry diseases like the Zika virus, yellow fever and the West Nile virus.

Mosquitoes are usually the most active during the warmer months of the year. They thrive when it is consistently at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside and in areas with standing water or moist climates. Unfortunately, Texas has one of the longest mosquito seasons in the country. Several factors can affect mosquito activity from year to year. For one, mosquito populations rise when there are warm temperatures early in the year and when it stays warm at night. Mosquito activity can also increase in years with lots of rainfall, since there is more of an opportunity for females to lay eggs.

In Texas, temperatures can stay warm far into fall and even winter months. This … Read Full Post »

Types of Mosquito

Aedes mosquito

Did you know that there are over 3,000 types of mosquitoes? While they share several similarities, some mosquito species have unique factors that homeowners should know about. Additionally, some are more dangerous than others when it comes to transmitting diseases.

Types of Mosquito: A Homeowner’s Guide

In the southeastern region of the United States, there are several types of mosquitoes that homeowners should know about. It’s important to know which mosquito species you’re dealing with because some types of mosquitoes are more likely to transmit diseases to humans and animals.

Aedes Mosquitoes

The Aedes mosquito, pictured above, is one of the most common types of mosquitoes in the southeast. Unlike several other mosquito species, they are known for their daytime activity. They are an aggressive type of mosquito and can make enjoying the outdoors difficult. The Aedes mosquito is small and black, and its body is covered in white stripes.

Aedes mosquitoes can transmit several … Read Full Post »

How Big Are Mosquitoes?

a mosquito

Not many insects are as annoying as mosquitoes. They can ruin a perfectly happy gathering with friends, leaving everyone itchy and irritated. What’s worse, these pests can spread diseases like dengue, Zika and Chikungunya.

It can help homeowners to know how to identify mosquitoes in their homes to prevent their population from growing. To tell mosquitoes apart from other insects, it helps to know how big they are. Here’s everything you need to know about mosquito sizes and other defining characteristics.

If you’re a busy homeowner with no time for pesky mosquitoes, get the pros to help. Pest control specialists have the tools and expertise to manage the mosquito population in your home.

How Big Are Mosquitoes? Size and Other Characteristics

So, how big are mosquitoes? These insects vary in size depending on the species and their stage of life. But on average, they’re usually about a quarter of an inch long.

Mosquito size also … Read Full Post »

What Do Mosquitoes Do with Blood?

a mosquito

A perfect night at home with friends can quickly go south when mosquitoes intrude on the party. These pests not only leave itchy bites but can also transmit diseases.

But, what do mosquitoes do with blood, anyway? Believe it or not, they don’t bite just to annoy you. Female mosquitoes need animal or human blood for reproductive purposes.

If mosquitoes are taking over your property, let pest control specialists help. They know how to manage the mosquito population on your property. You can also schedule regular treatments with them so they can deal with any lurkers and help prevent future infestations.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite and What Do They Do With the Blood?

Only female mosquitoes bite animals and humans. They have a long mouthpiece called a proboscis that they use to pierce our skin and suck blood. They then secrete saliva into our system to prevent the blood from coagulating. Our bodies will … Read Full Post »

Why Do I Have Mosquito Bites on My Feet?

a person hiking

We all know that mosquito bites are no fun, especially on our feet. The irritation only worsens when our feet rub against socks and other articles of clothing.

So, why do mosquitoes like to go for our feet and ankles? Aedes mosquitoes are often known as ankle biters, and they bite people’s feet and ankles for several reasons. If you’re dealing with these pesky insects on your property, there are ways to deter them. But the best solution is to contact the professionals. Pest control specialists know how to manage the infestation.

Mosquito Bites on the Feet: Why They Happen and How to Prevent Them

Aedes mosquitoes are incredibly annoying. No matter how much we cover up, they can find small areas of exposed skin to bite. They do this by using their antennae, which have hundreds of receptors that can detect the chemicals in our bodies and the carbon dioxide we exhale.

Different … Read Full Post »

Does Eucalyptus Repel Mosquitoes?


Mosquitoes are frustrating and persistent pests. Homeowners search high and low for solutions to mosquito infestations, so it’s natural to try anything. One common way to try to repel mosquitoes is to use the eucalyptus plant. But does this method work?

Does Eucalyptus Repel Mosquitoes?

While there is evidence that mosquitoes will tend to avoid eucalyptus, you would need to plant many, many eucalyptus trees in your yard to see any benefits. One or two eucalyptus trees will not make a dent in a mosquito infestation. Highly concentrated eucalyptus oil that has been found to be effective in pest control methods is very different from having a tree in your garden.

For homeowners who want to try eucalyptus as a DIY method to complement professional pest control, you can mix eucalyptus oil in water and spray it around the house and yard. However, using eucalyptus alone is not a sufficient mosquito control strategy.

Additionally, … Read Full Post »

What Are Mosquitoes Attracted To?

a mosquito on skin

As a homeowner, do you know what attracts these pests and how to deter mosquitoes from your property? Mosquitoes are annoying pests that seek out humans and animals as hosts. It’s important to understand what mosquitoes are attracted to so that you can take steps to avoid them.

The best way to deal with mosquitoes is to call in pest control professionals. An expert can control mosquitoes on your property.

What Are Mosquitoes Attracted To?

Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that humans and animals emit when they exhale. These pests use their receptors to pick up on the carbon dioxide in the air, and they use their vision to find people and animals.

Their impressive receptors, located on their antennae, allow them to detect carbon dioxide from a great distance. Once they fly into the vicinity of a host, they rely on their vision to land on the host.

Mosquito vision is not … Read Full Post »

Do Only Female Mosquitoes Bite?

a mosquito

Do all mosquitoes bite, or do only the females bite? There are a lot that people don’t know about mosquito bites. For homeowners, it’s important to understand why, when and where mosquitoes are most likely to bite.

If you’re dealing with a mosquito issue on your property, the most effective way to approach the problem is to get expert help. A pest control specialist can reduce the mosquito population at every phase of the life cycle and minimize the risk of mosquito bites on your property.

Do Only Female Mosquitoes Bite?

A little-known fact about mosquitoes is that only female mosquitoes bite humans and other animals. The reason for this is that females need a blood meal to obtain protein and other nutrients needed to produce eggs.

Since male mosquitoes do not need the nutrients from blood, they feed on nectar and plant juices instead.

When Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Female mosquitoes can bite at any time … Read Full Post »