Do Only Female Mosquitoes Bite?

Do all mosquitoes bite, or do only the females bite? There are a lot that people don’t know about mosquito bites. For homeowners, it’s important to understand why, when and where mosquitoes are most likely to bite.
If you’re dealing with a mosquito issue on your property, the most effective way to approach the problem is to get expert help. A pest control specialist can reduce the mosquito population at every phase of the life cycle and minimize the risk of mosquito bites on your property.
Do Only Female Mosquitoes Bite?
A little-known fact about mosquitoes is that only female mosquitoes bite humans and other animals. The reason for this is that females need a blood meal to obtain protein and other nutrients needed to produce eggs.
Since male mosquitoes do not need the nutrients from blood, they feed on nectar and plant juices instead.
When Do Mosquitoes Bite?
Female mosquitoes can bite at any time … Read Full Post »