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Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Carbon Dioxide?

a mosquito on denim

Are you a super attractor for mosquitoes? These pesky insects are attracted to many odors and chemicals that humans give off, and some people attract them more than others.

The good news is that there are several steps you can take to make yourself less attractive to mosquitoes, such as wearing light-colored clothing and using an effective insect repellant.

If mosquitoes have become a nuisance on your property, the best way to control them is to identify where they are laying their eggs. Female mosquitos can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, and it doesn’t take long for them to hatch into larvae. Knowing what larvae look like and where they live while they molt is an important step in eliminating a mosquito infestation.

One place that mosquitoes love to lay eggs is inside pet water bowls. Read this guide to learn how to keep them out of your pet’s water. Finally, … Read Full Post »

How Long for Mosquito Eggs To Hatch?

mosquito eggs

Are mosquitoes causing problems for you and your family? These pesky insects can quickly become troubling because some species can lay hundreds of eggs in the span of a few weeks.

It’s important for homeowners to understand the life cycle of mosquitoes so that they can treat them at each stage. The best way to reduce populations of mosquitoes is to control mosquito eggs along with treating for adults.

Mosquito eggs typically hatch into larvae within a few days of being laid; however, some will remain in their eggs to wait out cold weather. Mosquitoes hatch in water and go through the stages of larvae and pupae before becoming adults. Once adults, they fly and mate.

They are thousands of mosquito species, and one problematic species are the Aedes mosquito. Aedes mosquitoes are known as “ankle biters” because they prefer to bite human ankles. They can also live and mate indoors, which makes … Read Full Post »

Do Mosquitoes Die in the Cold?

a mosquito

There are many nice things about cooler weather. Arguably one of the best things about cooler temperatures is finally getting a break from mosquito activity. For lots of us, this is a big relief after months of warm weather when mosquitoes are active and bite us every time we step outside. But, does the absence of mosquitoes mean that mosquitoes die in the cold?

The unfortunate truth is that many types of mosquitoes do not die when it gets cold out. Instead, they go dormant until temperatures start to rise again. Other types of mosquitoes do die, but not before laying their last batch of eggs near a water source. Then, when temperatures rise again, the eggs start to move through their life cycle and a new generation of mosquitoes is born.

Mosquitoes are cold-blooded, which means they can’t regulate their body temperature when outdoor temperatures get hotter or colder. These pests … Read Full Post »

Asian Tiger Mosquito: The Black & White Mosquito

a black and white mosquito on skin

If you see a large black and white mosquito, this is an Asian tiger mosquito. Let’s take an in-depth look at the Asian tiger mosquito and understand how these pests breed and spread.

What Are Asian Tiger Mosquitoes?

Asian tiger mosquitoes, also known as Aedes albopictus, are an invasive black and white mosquito species that carry numerous diseases.

This black and white mosquito species have a short flight range of 100 to 200 yards. But since they prefer standing water as their breeding grounds, be on the lookout for these areas to identify them quickly.

Once identified, homeowners should eliminate these potential breeding grounds. Contacting your local pest control is ideal for dealing with the Asian tiger mosquito population.

The Appearance of Asian Tiger Mosquitoes

As mentioned, Asian tiger mosquitoes are easily identifiable as black and white mosquitoes. This species has a silver-white stripe from the head down to the back. Their legs are also striped … Read Full Post »

How To Repel Mosquitoes

a mosquito biting someone

As the weather warms up in spring and early summer, most people want to start spending more time outdoors. But if there’s one thing that can chase even the biggest nature lover right back inside, it’s mosquitoes. These annoying, biting pests can make yard work, patio time and outdoor adventures downright miserable. If you’re wondering how to repel mosquitoes, you need to know the most effective ways to keep these pests at bay.

The thing about mosquitoes is that they aren’t just annoying. They can actually be dangerous for both people and pets. Mosquitoes are known to carry diseases that they can transfer to humans when they bite us. Some of these diseases can make us very ill, including viruses like malaria, Zika and dengue.

And, mosquitoes bite dogs too! Dogs can contract heartworm from a bite from an infected mosquito. Excessive mosquito bites can also cause allergic reactions and hives in … Read Full Post »

Why Are There Mosquitoes in My House?

“Why are there mosquitoes in my house?” This is a common question many people ask pest control professionals. Having mosquitoes outdoors is bad enough. Their itchy bites can turn yard work or hanging out on the patio into a miserable experience. But getting mosquito bites inside the house, where you’re supposed to be safe, is even worse. How do they get in, and why do they stay?

Mosquitoes get into the house the same way as any pest: through open doors and windows. They also sneak in through rips in screens or gaps around exterior doors and windows. Mosquitoes are not very strong fliers, so they might seek shelter from the wind inside your home. They are also attracted to standing water since they need water to breed. If they can find a good place to breed indoors, they can become an annoying ongoing problem.

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, and … Read Full Post »

No See Ums Versus Mosquitoes

Summertime is a great time to gather with friends and family outdoors. Your backyard is the perfect place to host a hangout, whether you are planning a cookout, a bonfire or a poolside party.

Homeowners know that time spent enjoying your backyard often comes at the price of annoying bug bites. These pests can range from simply frustrating to potentially dangerous. Mosquitoes carry dangerous diseases like Zika or the West Nile virus.

Yet not all bug bites are from mosquitoes. Many other bugs bother humans or even snack on our blood. While you are likely prepared to deal with mosquitoes, you may not know about other biting insects.

Biting midges are a concern for homeowners across the United States. You may know these tiny pests by their more popular name, no see ums. This nickname refers to how small these bugs are and how difficult it can be to stop them before they … Read Full Post »

Does Fire Keep Mosquitoes Away?

Fending off mosquitoes is a ritual of both spring and summer—sometimes year-round depending on the weather and location. People try just about everything to keep these pesky, annoying little pests away, from sprays to candles to home remedies. Some people even try to eat certain foods to keep mosquitoes away. None of these options are particularly effective, however.

Mosquitoes aren’t just a nuisance. They can also carry a variety of diseases, including Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue and malaria. These aren’t things you want to mess around with!

Many people believe that mosquitoes only come out and bite at night, but that isn’t the case. Though it is true that the variety that carries the West Nile virus is more active from dusk until dawn, other types keep a different schedule. During the day, in shaded areas, you can find active mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus and chikungunya. … Read Full Post »

I Have Tiny Black Mosquitoes in My House

a tiny black mosquito biting someone

If you spend any amount of time at all outside, you are going to encounter mosquitoes. That is just a fact of life. However you might be wondering why you are suddenly seeing a smaller version flying around inside your house. These tiny bugs are mosquitoes, but not necessarily the types that you might recognize.

Typically, you will find Southern house mosquitoes, which are light brown. Smaller varieties are not native to the United States and have distinctive differences from their native cousins. And be warned: These types of mosquitoes, collectively known as Aedes mosquitoes, love to snack on humans.

And these bugs can bring more problems that a little sting on the skin. The Aedes varieties also carry viruses such as Zika, dengue, chikungunya and more.

This grouping of mosquitoes lays its eggs in any water source, which is why they are called “container breeders.” Even a quarter-inch of water is enough … Read Full Post »

Identifying Chigger Bites Versus Mosquito Bites

You are outside, and something feels not quite right on your skin. You start scratching. And scratching. It could be a mosquito bite, or it could be a nip from a chigger. But how can you tell which is which? Bug bites overall look similar, and everyone reacts to them differently. That means it can be tough to know what is in your home or yard, waiting to strike. Here is a quick look at some ways you might differentiate the two.

Chigger Bites

You will generally find chiggers down low: wild plants, gardens, woods or brush, grass fields, shrubbery and lawns that are manicured and cut short. You more than likely won’t actually see them, however. These bugs, also known as berry bugs or harvest mites, are red mites that are so small that they are almost invisible with normal sight. There are more than 50 types of chiggers that feed … Read Full Post »