What Is Flea Dirt?

What is flea dirt, and does it mean a flea infestation is nearby? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.
Flea dirt is the feces of fleas, and it’s made up of their waste and the blood of the host they feed on. It looks like regular dirt, but it’s an undeniable sign of a flea infestation. If you see flea dirt on or around your pet, you need to treat the flea problem.
The most effective way to deal with a flea problem is to call in a pest control specialist. The experts can treat the fleas and put prevention methods in place to deter them from coming back.
What is Flea Dirt?
Have you spotted mysterious flecks of black or dark brown dirt in your pet’s fur? It could be flea dirt, which is the feces of fleas. When fleas feed on the blood of their hosts, they excrete black, crumbly flecks that resemble … Read Full Post »