ABC Blog

How Far Do Mosquitoes Travel?

a mosquito on a leaf

Did you know that some mosquitoes stay close to their nest for their entire lives while others will fly up to three miles away? Understanding how far mosquitoes travel is more than a fun piece of trivia. It’s an important element of mosquito behavior that homeowners need to know about to keep populations of these pests low on their property.

The most important thing to remember is to act quickly when you have a mosquito infestation on your property. The most effective way to reduce mosquitoes is to work with a professional pest control service.

How Far Do Mosquitoes Travel?

How far a mosquito travels depends on its species. For example, some mosquito species, such as the Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus, do not travel more than a few hundred feet away from their breeding grounds.

It’s important to note that these two mosquito species are known for spreading diseases like chikungunya, dengue and … Read Full Post »

Fleas In House, No Pets: Why Do I Have A Problem?

A flea on skin

If you think that you can only have fleas in your home if you have a dog or a cat, you aren’t alone. Flea infestations are more common if you have a dog or a cat. But, these parasites can make their way inside on any type of fabric. This includes any piece of clothing on your body or any item you may bring inside your house that has been in an infested area.

If you have grass in your front or back yard, these tiny parasites can hitch a ride with you or a guest into your home. Fleas could also enter your living spaces if you return from a friend’s house with a flea problem. Another possibility is that a wild animal with fleas, such as an opossum, feral cat, skunk or raccoon, may have taken up residence on your property. In these cases, these creatures may introduce fleas … Read Full Post »

Am I Dealing With Wasps or Hornets?

a yellowjacket

Do you know how to tell the difference between a wasp and a hornet? These stinging pests are often mistaken for each other; however, there are some key differences you can use to tell them apart.

Letting pest control professionals deal with the problem is the most effective option when dealing with stinging pests like wasps or hornets.

Am I Dealing With Wasps or Hornets?

Wasps, pictured above, and hornets are both intimidating, stinging pests, and it can be difficult for homeowners to tell the difference between them. Luckily, it is easy to distinguish them once you learn a few identifying facts about each pest.

Learning whether you are dealing with wasps or hornets is important because it will allow you to take the right pest control and prevention methods to control these unwanted intruders on your property. Some wasps can even live in the ground, so it’s important to control them quickly.

You can … Read Full Post »

How To Identify a Vole Versus a Mouse

a mouse

Do you know how to identify a vole, pictured above, versus a mouse? Both rodents are common pests that homeowners may deal with on their property, so it’s important to understand the key differences between the two species. While voles and mice look similar, there are also several differences in their appearance, lifestyle and behaviors that homeowners can use to tell them apart.

How To Identify a Vole Versus a Mouse

As a homeowner, being in the dark about the pests invading your property is frustrating. The best way to control unwelcome house guests is to educate yourself about what type of pest you are dealing with and how to treat them.

Common rodent species that are easy for homeowners to mix up are voles and mice. The good news is that learning how to identify a vole versus a mouse is pretty easy. Understanding a few key differences in their appearances, lifestyle … Read Full Post »

If One Room Has Bed Bugs, Do They All?

a bed bug

If you’re like most people, discovering bed bugs in your home is nothing short of a nightmare. Maybe you brought them back home after traveling, or they hitchhiked in on used furniture. However they arrived in your home, bed bugs multiply quickly, so they need to be controlled fast, before their population explodes. But, how difficult will it be to get rid of them? If one room has bed bugs, do they all?

The short answer is that it’s possible there are bed bugs in more than one room in your house. It depends on your living habits, how long the bed bugs have been there, how extensive the infestation is and how you respond to their presence once you find out about them.

Identifying Signs of Bed Bugs

True to their name, bed bug infestations usually begin in your sleeping quarters. These small, brown insects are about the size and color of … Read Full Post »

Red Termites: Identification and Control Guide

red termites

Termites are an expensive problem to have at home. They can destroy almost anything, including wooden structures, insulation, books and filtration systems. Even the plants and trees in your backyard aren’t safe from these pests. They’re hard workers, wreaking havoc all year round. The needed repairs can leave a gaping hole in homeowners’ wallets.

While termites are common household pests, you might be surprised to see red variants invading your home. These are most likely drywood termite swarmers. It helps to know more about their characteristics and habits so you can identify them and control them.

Of course, you’ll need the help of pest control specialists. They have the tools and expertise to control termites and restore peace and comfort. It’s better to contact them sooner rather than later to prevent damage to your home.

Do Red Termites Exist?

We may not know it, but termites are all over the world. There are around … Read Full Post »

Are Moles Blind?

a mole

It’s a common misconception that moles are blind. Some homeowners wonder if moles even have eyes. Moles do have eyes, and they are not blind, but they have very poor vision.

Mole eyes are very small and they are covered by their fur. Because of these factors, it’s hard to see a mole’s eyes, which is why many people wonder if they have eyes at all.

Since moles are subterranean creatures and spend most of their lives underground, their eyes have adapted to their lifestyle. Their eyes can detect light and dark, but they can not see much beyond that. Instead, they rely on their other senses to survive, such as touch and smell.

How to Distinguish Moles From Other Pests

Moles have several distinct physical features. It’s important for homeowners to learn what moles look like so that they can identify them on their property.

First, moles are small animals that typically measure between … Read Full Post »

Are Mice Blind?

a mouse

Ever heard of the nursery rhyme “Three Blind Mice”? Well, there’s a bit of truth in it. While house mice aren’t entirely blind, they don’t have the best eyesight in the animal kingdom. They can only focus on objects that are a couple of feet away. On top of that, they’re colorblind.

But these hardy pests make up for their poor vision with incredible motion detection. That’s why they can navigate their way around your home and find food and shelter without trouble. If mice are invading your space, it helps to familiarize yourself with their traits and habits. That way, they can’t outsmart you.

If all else fails, seek professional help. Pest control specialists have the expertise and equipment to control these pests and restore peace in your home.

Are Mice Blind? How Do They Get Around?

Many animals depend on their impeccable vision to survive. But mice aren’t one of them. You … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Rodents in the Attic

a rat in an attic

Your home should be a place of comfort and tranquility, but a rodent infestation can quickly ruin that. If you hear the scurrying above your ceiling, rats or mice might be getting comfortable in your attic. Here are the most common signs of a rodent infestation and what you can do to make your attic less attractive to them.

The best way to deal with the situation is by letting pest control professionals take over. They have the tools and expertise to control these troublesome pests and restore peace in your home.

Signs You Have Rodents in Your Attic

Rat and mice infestations can grow quickly because these creatures have excellent hiding skills. They dwell in the undisturbed areas in your home, like the attic, and will typically only come out at night to find food. But even though rodent sightings are rare, there are telltale signs to look out for.

Feces and urine … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Mice in Your Garden

a mouse outside

For many homeowners, their garden is a prized part of their home. They tend to it regularly and do their best to keep pests away. But did you know that some animals can encourage your garden to grow? Having butterflies, birds and lizards close by can help your plants reach their full potential. However, there is one creature you should never welcome in your garden–mice.

Mice can cause extensive damage to a garden. They can even make their way into your home. All they need is a dime-size hole to come into your living space.

If you have mice problems, here are some tips to help drive them away. But the best solution is to get the help of a professional. A pest control specialist has the tools and expertise to restore peace in your home and garden.

Mice in the Garden? Keep Them Away With These Tips

If you see mice invading your … Read Full Post »