Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Light?
We all love to spend relaxing evenings out on the patio. That said, outdoor lighting can attract unwelcome visitors. Don’t let flying insects, especially mosquitoes, ruin your night.
One question we often hear from frustrated homeowners: what are mosquitoes attracted to? Our pest control experts reviewed several recent scientific studies to help determine what changes homeowners can make to outdoor lighting to make your porch less attractive to flying creatures.
What Attracts Mosquitoes?
- Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Light?
- How Do I Keep Mosquitoes Away From My Lights?
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- Are Flying Insects Bugging You?
Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Light?
The short answer is yes – but why, exactly, are bugs attracted to light? Many flying insects, including moths, mosquitoes, and many flies, find the glow of artificial lights irresistible. The scientific term for the attraction bugs have to light is phototaxis.
Positive phototaxis describes the behavior of … Read Full Post »