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Bad Things Come in Threes: Texas Termites

A Trio of Hill Country Trouble

When you flip through a photo lineup of Isoptera mug shots, they all resemble plump ants. Don’t let their ordinary looks fool you. San Antonio homes are vulnerable to destruction all year round to three different types of termites, and each has its own peculiar way of trespassing on property and breaking into central Texas homes.

Sneaky Subterraneans

These destructive termites swarm the area from February through May and build their nests beneath your lawn. Extensive underground hideouts provide necessary moisture and ideal temperatures for termite survival. As the pests expand their territory, they forage for food sources above ground, and your house becomes an easy target. Tiny mud tunnels along foundations and exterior walls are sure signs of thousands of subterraneans on the move, and their damage shows up in wood that appears honeycombed with only its grain left intact.

Determined Drywoods

Drywood termites don’t depend on the … Read Full Post »

10 Shocking, Weird Bug Facts to Keep You Awake at Night

Bugs give humans the creeps for reasons we don’t fully comprehend. It makes sense that we wouldn’t care much for insects that are capable of spreading disease, inflicting painful stings or eating our homes from the ground up. However, there is something about a crunchy cockroach or a slimy worm that we just can’t stomach, and it doesn’t seem to be related to what they can do to us. We’re much bigger, and we can crush them with hardly any effort. Instead, we run and scream and invent new dance moves. The list below definitely justifies our heebie jeebies.

1. Ants and the Slave Trade

Slavery isn’t just a human atrocity. Amazon ants steal the larvae of other ants and make them slaves. They’re not doing it to demonstrate superiority; they actually depend on their slaves for survival because they are incapable of doing anything other than fighting.

2. Don’t Mess with Aussie … Read Full Post »

When Ants Fight, Are You the Winner?

Figuring the odds on fire vs. crazy

When you first heard about their amazing ability to kick the stuffing out of fearsome fire ants, you were probably impressed with crazy ants. Since the early 2000s, this invasive new species has established its own ferocious reputation, and homeowners from Houston to Dallas are caught in the middle. Should you take sides?

Different Nesting Tactics

Both ant species hitchhiked here from South America where they were already mortal enemies. Perhaps the rivalry began over homebuilding styles. Fire ants take a traditional approach by constructing large mounds in backyards. As their population grows, they branch out with those familiar dirt piles that mean trouble for bare human feet. Crazy ants start out in the lawn, but they aren’t satisfied with life outside. These deranged pests push their colonies into home interiors by nesting in walls and crawl spaces, and they enjoy setting up house in electrical … Read Full Post »

Are Ants Stealing Your Pet’s Dinner?

Texas is home to a variety of pesky ant species that thrive in our year-round warm climate. Ask the professionals how to protect your home from ongoing invasions and chances are they’ll tell you to watch where your crumbs fall. While a lot of other variables – moisture levels, landscaping, and location – come into play when ants look for new spots to settle, food waste is a major source of infestations. Keeping food off the ground is generally great advice, but what if you share your home with a hungry pet? When a food bowl is a permanent fixture on your kitchen floor, following the tips below can make all the difference.

Get to Know Your Enemy

They may look similar, but different ant species behave in very different ways. For example, carpenter ants are nocturnal, while look-alike acrobat ants are active during the day. The more you know about the … Read Full Post »

Restaurant Team Spirit: Your Staff and Pest Prevention

Serving up smart pest control tips

Folks in Dallas enjoy dining out, and their love for delicious food and great service keeps you in business. As hard as you work to make your restaurant profitable, a pest infestation can ruin inventory, run off customers, and put a dent in your reputation. Prevention is your best defense, so get your staff involved in a team effort against expensive invaders.

Back-of-House Strategies

Fresh inventory gets checked in against daily and weekly orders, but kitchen staff should give everything a second inspection before moving it to storage or the walk-in. Anything that pushes food costs over 35% sets off alarms, so there’s no room in the budget for losses from pest contamination. Red-flag meal moths around flour sacks and cockroaches in produce boxes. Stress the importance of rotating inventory, regularly sweeping out storage, and mopping floors after every prep.

Front-of-House Strategies

Your waitstaff knows the restaurant’s layout from … Read Full Post »

Why Are We Bugged by Bugs?

The science behind our fear of insects

What’s your least favorite insect?

For many people, that question is hard to answer. That’s not because there are so few scary bugs out there. Rather, it’s because lots of people are afraid of—or just generally “creeped out” by—all bugs. Recently, we heard an illuminating podcast about the psychology behind our fear of bugs. While it might not be enough to dispel your fears, it could help you understand why insects, arachnids, and arthropods seem so creepy.

Anyone Can Be Afraid

In the podcast, a well-known academic named Jeffrey Lockwood discusses his own fears of insects. As a grasshopper expert, he fancied himself immune to the fears that afflict normal folks. As it turns out, however, he’s just as susceptible as the rest of us. When he was out on the open prairie near his home base at the University of Wyoming, he came across an area … Read Full Post »

Best Tips for a Tick-Free Yard

Ticks thrive in damp, leafy areas with plenty of shade from the hot Texas sun. If that sounds like your yard, chances are that you’re about to – or already do – have a few new tenants, and they aren’t planning on paying the rent. Despite their tiny size, ticks can cause big problems, including the dreaded Lyme disease. While rates for new cases of Lyme disease are relatively low in Texas compared to other states, your health is too important to gamble on statistics. Here’s what you can do to transform your yard from a tick haven to a tick-free zone in any season:


Keep Your Grass Close to the Ground

Tall grass makes the ideal hiding spot for hungry ticks on the attack. The cover keeps them out of sunlight and out of sight while they wait to make direct contact with a passing animal – or you. To discourage … Read Full Post »

Texas A&M Agrilife Extension IPM Program

Where do we find our inspiration? It begins here.

If you’ve used our pest control services before, you understand the thoroughness and attention to detail that define our approach. However, you might not be as familiar with the theory and technique behind our unique pest management protocols. Much of the work that we do is based on the insights and achievements of the folks at Texas A&M University’s IPM program.

What Is IPM?

IPM stands for “integrated pest management.” It’s an innovative approach to pest control that focuses on sustainable, long-term solutions to the underlying issues that allow pests to thrive. It’s not simply about killing as many pests as possible and hoping that they don’t return. It’s also not about using hazardous chemicals that make it difficult for any living things to survive in the affected areas. According to Texas A&M, IPM seeks to “eliminate pest problems by strengthening and stabilizing the … Read Full Post »

Unexpected Bee Problems to Be on the Lookout for in Austin

Going Beyond the Sting

When was the last time you suffered a bee sting? For your sake, we hope that it has been a while. Although everyone learns to avoid direct contact with bees at a young age, it seems like these hardy pollinators just can’t keep their wings—and stingers—off of us. What’s more, you might be surprised to learn that bees cause lots of issues that have nothing to do with their ability to inflict pain.

Burrowing Carpenter Bees

If you’ve found some unexplained holes in the side of your house, you might be dealing with a carpenter bee infestation. Unlike honey bees, this species likes to burrow into wood and set up colonies in fully sheltered locations. The potential damage to your home may be further compounded by the presence of hungry woodpeckers that dig deep into your exterior walls in search of tasty larvae. The best course of action is … Read Full Post »

Nature’s Smallest Carpenters

Termites: tearing down, not building up

Termites are familiar to every homeowner in the Dallas area. Even if you haven’t personally experienced them in your home, it’s likely that you have a vague idea of the damage that they can cause. It’s important to note, however, that not all termites are the same. Our region is home to a number of endemic termite species, each of which have specific life cycles, patterns of behavior and consequences for local homeowners.

Types of Termite Species in Texas

There are a number of termites that are endemic to Texas, including:

•    Desert dampwood termites

•    Eastern subterranean termites

•    Formosan subterranean termites

•    Arid-land subterranean termites

•    Western drywood termites

Not all of these termites are present in the Metroplex region. Dallas-Fort Worth lies near the boundary between the subtropical forests of East Texas and the semi-arid steppes of the southern Great Plains and Llano Estacado regions. The climate here is too … Read Full Post »