Why Aren’t Your Rat Traps Working?

If you have recently spotted mice or rats in your home, you might have set a couple of traps to try to capture them. Unfortunately, rat traps really aren’t the best solution to a rodent problem.
Some Traps Just Don’t Work
Many traps are not sensitive enough to pick up on the lightweight scurrying of a mouse or rat, so rodents can run right over them without getting trapped.
Some Rodents Are Very Crafty
A lot of rodents are experienced with traps and able to snatch the cheese right off of them without getting trapped. Many are frightened of these apparatuses and will avoid them completely. In most cases, mice and rats can find food in your home without having to resort to snatching it from a trap.
Dealing with a Trapped Rodent Isn’t Pleasant
If you have ever had to deal with the remains in a rat trap, you know that it really isn’t a … Read Full Post »