Tawny Crazy Ant Identification Guide
Ants are persistent pests. When you think you’ve gotten rid of them, these resilient and hardworking insects can quickly return.
Tawny crazy ants are a common type of ant that homeowners can find in their homes. Their colonies have several queens and many more workers than other ants. As their name implies, tawny crazy ants are an aggressive bunch.
If these ants are already making themselves comfortable in your home, contact pest control specialists. They have the tools and expertise to take on tawny crazy ants and other ant species.
Tawny Crazy Ant Appearance and Behavior
Tawny crazy ants are native to South America but have been invading the U.S. since 2002. They started in Texas and have since spread to Mississippi, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana. They are so invasive that they have displaced the local fire ants in these areas.
While this species can’t fly, they infest old boxes, potted plants and other objects. … Read Full Post »