Eggshells in Garbage Disposal and Other Common Questions Answered

One of the kitchen appliances we often take for granted is our garbage disposal. We don’t think much about the mechanics behind the device that allows us to scrape our dinner dishes into the sink without having to worry about clogging up our drains. When’s the last time you thought about what you’re putting down your garbage disposal?
Eggshells in Garbage Disposal and Other Common Questions Answered
Below we’ll take a look at how this workhorse appliance does its job, and how to make sure it keeps working into the future.
How Do Garbage Disposals Work?
To understand the care and “feeding” of our garbage disposals, we need to have a better understanding of how they work. In most cases, the units consist of a metal canister that has rotating blades or impellers. Some have additional grinding mechanisms for additional functionality. When food enters the unit, the blades spin rapidly to crush/grind … Read Full Post »