Where do rats live?

Do you have rats in your home? For most people, the very thought of rats in the attic or running through your kitchen is enough to cause nightmares.
The good news is that when you learn more about rat behavior and what attracts rats to your home, it’s easier to decide what to do next. Below we’ll look at the rats we have in central Texas, where rats hide, and how to get them out of your home – for good.
Rats in Texas
In Bryan-College Station, the main rat species that we see around town is the roof rat (Rattus rattus). Roof rats generally are brown or black in color and are smaller than the Norway rats found throughout most of the rest of the United States.
Roof rats choose nesting spots in trees, bushes, wood piles, and in our homes. They love palm trees and other high nesting locations where there are … Read Full Post »