ABC Blog

Where do rats live?

where do rats live

Do you have rats in your home? For most people, the very thought of rats in the attic or running through your kitchen is enough to cause nightmares.

The good news is that when you learn more about rat behavior and what attracts rats to your home, it’s easier to decide what to do next. Below we’ll look at the rats we have in central Texas, where rats hide, and how to get them out of your home – for good.

Rats in Texas

In Bryan-College Station, the main rat species that we see around town is the roof rat (Rattus rattus). Roof rats generally are brown or black in color and are smaller than the Norway rats found throughout most of the rest of the United States.

Roof rats choose nesting spots in trees, bushes, wood piles, and in our homes. They love palm trees and other high nesting locations where there are … Read Full Post »

Rats and Mice: Can You Tell The Difference?

Differences between mice and rats

Rodents in the home conjure up strong reactions for many of us. Though some people are not bothered by the sight of a rat or mouse, there are others among us who run away screaming – much like the female character on Tom & Jerry.

If you have a rat or mouse infestation in your home, you might notice these critters scratching in your attic, scurrying across the floor, or climbing up a wall or pipe. And these are nocturnal creatures, so all these activities probably happen at night – just the time when you’re more likely to be frightened. If you’ve noticed rodents in or around your home, your first step is to try to figure out exactly what they are. Knowing the differences between rats and mice can help you determine the most appropriate eradication tactics.

Differences Between Rats and Mice

Rats and mice have a lot of similar features, but … Read Full Post »

Embracing New Technology: Pay For Services Without Picking Up The Phone

Austin is a city that has always embraced technology. With industry giants like Apple, Dell, and IBM in town, it is easy to understand why talented people want to live and build their lives in Austin. Austinites also have emerging expectations for business in the city, including ABC Home & Commercial Services.

Our number one priority is appeasing the needs of our customers. That’s why we have adopted new and better ways of doing business to match new and better expectations.

Introducing ABC’s New Online Appointment Scheduling & Payment System

We have heard you loud and clear. Getting on the phone can be tiresome and inconvenient. And when you’re dealing with something pressing like a pest problem, you may be feeling a little impatient.

We built our new online appointment scheduling system to make your life just a little bit easier. And we also know that this is what consumers expect to see in … Read Full Post »

The Importance of Eliminating Stagnant Water

We knew it was coming.

Pesky summer mosquitoes have Houston and Harris County homeowners running for cover this summer. The late spring floods didn’t help the already growing problems we face every summer.

It’s easy to understand why it’s so important to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds. In addition to their itchy bites, these tiny winged vampires can cause serious diseases such as West Nile virus, Dengue fever, and now Zika. As of July 21, 2016, Texas has seen 69 reported cases of Zika. Sadly, one of those cases was an infant who contracted the virus before birth. ABC has spent the first half of 2016 keeping our customers, friends, and the community updated on Zika Virus. You can rest assured we will continue to do so until this problem has been contained.

Mosquitoes are a year-round consideration.

When the weather gets colder, many people breathe a sigh of relief and forget all about these … Read Full Post »

Do Mouse Traps Actually Work?

rodents can enter your home through your AC unit.

One day recently, one of our customers was watching birds and squirrels feeding at her bird feeder when she noticed something shocking. There was a huge rat making its way towards the feeder.

Because the rodent was outdoors, she didn’t want to take the plunge and call out rodent & wildlife control immediately. She decided to opt for mouse trap instead. But weeks went by, and the trap was always empty. She thought the rat was frightened away and didn’t think any more about it. Until she saw the rat again!

Rodents will gravitate towards food sources and shelter.

The sight of a rat or mouse can be rather unnerving on many levels. The truth of it is, in Texas, mice often find their way into our homes (or backyards) in search of dry nesting spots and easy food sources. Because we know some homeowners in the Corpus Christi area may wish to … Read Full Post »

Rodent Tales of Terror: Austin Edition

rodents can enter your home through your AC unit.

One advantage of being in the home services industry for so many years is that there isn’t a problem too large for our wildlife specialists to handle.

The quaint charm of central Austin and surrounding towns’ historic neighborhoods is magnetic. But older homes have weak, pier-and-beam foundations that have deteriorated over the years, creating the perfect entry points for rodents. Whether the issue is rats, mice, raccoons, or nutria, our team knows where to look to find the point of entry.

Because our guys have been in the business so long, they have some pretty terrifying stories to tell of rodents wreaking havoc on homes in Austin.

Tails of Terror from the Field in Austin

One thing we know is a big misconception is that rodent problems are related to economic status. This simply isn’t true. The bigger the house, the more space for rodents to hide. And the more damage they can do.

One … Read Full Post »

5 Surprising Ways Rodents Get In Buildings

Have you heard the rumor of the mouse that could fit through a space the size of a pencil? Well, it might be true.

We recently saw a video circulating on social media where an expert demonstrates just how tiny of a hole a mouse can actually squeeze through. Rodents get into homes and buildings in more ways than you may think. And rats can be inside your home for days or even months before you detect them since they regularly search for food overnight.

There are any number of entry points on buildings, especially within older homes like the ones we have here in College Station. Dorms and small unit apartment buildings are also common here in town, and those make for easy access too.

How do mice get inside buildings?

1. Through the AC Unit

Check the sealant around the pipe outdoors that connects the AC unit to the inside of your home. … Read Full Post »

Coastal Critters: Rodents Plague Corpus Christi

We Love Corpus Christi.

Did you know that Corpus Christi is made up of more water than land?

Corpus Christi is unique to other Texas cities in many ways. The Corpus Christi metro area is home to 400+ thousand residents, but we like to keep the small-town beachy feeling alive. When the summer tourists head home, we relax and enjoy our coastal lifestyle.

Living near the ocean has its perks, but our humid subtropical climate and proximity to sources of water has its downside, too.


Rodents Are On The Rise.

Our wildlife specialists see a steady increase in the number of rat, nutria, and mouse related calls every year. There are a few reasons why.

1. A Rodent’s Natural Environment Is Near Water.

Rats and mice are attracted to Corpus Christi for all the same reasons that we are! They like to hang out by creeks or lakes when the weather allows it. Along the Texas coast, … Read Full Post »

Do Mice Really Like Cheese?

Rats have become the most common pest in San Antonio

So, you have a mouse in your home, and you try to trap it with an old-fashioned (but still effective) mouse trap baited with cheese. It fails.

You just wasted a delicious piece of cheese, and the mouse trap didn’t yield any results. What went wrong?


What Do Mice Really like to Eat?

You may remember cartoons like Tom and Jerry from your childhood. The cat-and-mouse story is a very recognizable motif in media and especially in children’s cartoons and comics. The story usually goes like this: A curious cat spots a sly mouse on the hunt for a shiny, orange triangle of cheese, and a chase ensues. The cheese is the grand prize at the end of the story, and the mouse always manages to win this prize.

But do mice really like to eat cheese? If so, why did your mouse bait fail to bring the rodent out from hiding? And if … Read Full Post »

Tails of Horror: The Scariest Rat Problems We’ve Seen

rats destroy homes and spread hantavirus

Our technicians have seen just about every kind of rodent problem you can have in San Antonio. We’ve also seen rats and mice in many different types of buildings, and we’ve seen the immense damage to structures that these animals cause. And when you ignore the problem it only gets worse — sometimes, devastatingly worse.

Here are a couple of the weirdest rodent infestation cases that ABC has ever seen in San Antonio. Keep in mind that these are very extreme cases, and most infestations can be handled by our staff very quickly.

One Hundred Traps. One Mouse.

A family of 4 contacted us when they realized that rats had infiltrated their home through an open food storage room in the back of the house. These rats entered the home by chewing through the walls of that unprotected food pantry.

Like many customers, the homeowners thought the problem would eventually take care of itself, … Read Full Post »