How to Identify Possums Versus Opossums

What is the difference between possums versus opossums? These animals have many similarities, and mixing up their names is easy. However, there are major differences between each species, and homeowners need to be able to identify possums versus opossums.
The first major difference between these pests is their geographical location. They also have several differences in appearance and behavior.
Contact a pest control specialist if you’re dealing with an opossum problem on your property. They can find the opossum’s shelter and help you put prevention measures in place to deter them from returning.
How to Identify Possums Versus Opossums
Do you know the differences between possums versus opossums? While these critters are very similar, there are a few key differences you can use to tell them apart. The major one is where they live. Possums are native to Australia, while opossums, pictured above, are native to North and South America.
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