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Native Trees for Your San Antonio Yard

cedar elm tree

San Antonio doesn’t just boast a rich heritage and enviably mild winters. The city is also alive with a variety of native trees that can make any visitor green with envy. San Antonio residents are spoiled with choice when it comes to trees they can plant in their yards, including hardy deciduous varieties, evergreens and flowering ornamentals.

If you want a luscious yard you’ll be proud to show off to your neighbors, here’s a guide to the most common native trees in the area. Arborists can help you find the best spots for them on your property. They can also create an optimal pruning schedule for your trees and ensure they grow strong and healthy.

These Native Trees in San Antonio Are Perfect for Your Yard

Given the wide variety in San Antonio, choosing trees for your yard can be overwhelming. To help you out, we’ve narrowed it down to the nine most … Read Full Post »

Best Season to Prune Trees

pruning trees

If you’re growing trees on your property, you’re probably eager to give them all the TLC they need to thrive. But before you head out to your garden and start pruning, knowing how to do this is important. Pruning trees is a misunderstood chore, leading homeowners to sometimes do more harm than good. Unfortunately, incorrect pruning can lead to poor or unnatural plant growth and low flower and fruit production.

If you want lush greenery in your garden, it helps to know the best season to prune trees. However, the timing depends on the type of tree and other factors.

Here’s an in-depth guide on when to schedule pruning and other helpful tips. For the best results, let a professional arborist take over. The arborist will give your trees the proper care they deserve. They can also tell you about the difference between tree pruning and trimming.

Best Season to Prune Trees: Factors … Read Full Post »

How To Prune Citrus Trees

a citrus tree

Imagine waking up to a refreshing glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice every morning. With citrus trees in your garden, you can enjoy this. But to get the reward, you have to put some work into your citrus trees.

If you’re wondering how to prune citrus trees, here’s a guide to take you through the process. For busy homeowners who don’t have time for gardening work, a professional arborist can keep your citrus trees healthy and beautiful. The arborist has the tools and skills to prune, water and fertilize citrus trees.

How To Prune Citrus Trees: Methods, Timing and Equipment

Most deciduous trees need regular pruning to stay healthy. Pruning invigorates the trees and reconfigures their branches, making them less prone to breaking under heavy crops. It also helps them produce better-tasting fruits.

If you have experience with deciduous trees, like oak trees, you might think citrus trees require the same care. However, citrus … Read Full Post »

Types of Magnolia Trees

southern magnolia tree

Did you know that there are more than 200 species of magnolia trees? In Central Texas, four main types thrive in our warm weather and sunlight: southern magnolia trees, little gem magnolia trees, saucer magnolia trees and star magnolia trees.

Each type of magnolia tree produces stunning flowers that make them the focal point of any lawn or garden. However, they have different care and maintenance needs, so it’s helpful for homeowners to understand the difference between each type.

Southern Magnolia

The southern magnolia tree, pictured above, is beloved for its large, velvety, dark green leaves. It grows larger than other types of magnolia trees, and some can reach up to 80 feet tall. Because of its noble size and appearance, this tree is also known as the “Grand Dame” of the magnolia tree family.

Southern magnolia trees produce beautiful and fragrant white flowers that grow as large as 12 inches in diameter. With … Read Full Post »

Tree Pruning Versus Trimming

a pro trimming a tree

As a homeowner, you know that proper tree maintenance is important to having a beautiful and healthy property. However, do you know the different techniques required to maintain your trees?

Many homeowners confuse or interchange the concepts of tree pruning and trimming. However, they are two different things with different purposes and outcomes.

Working with an arborist is the best way to maintain your trees’ beauty and vitality. They have the right tools and knowledge to trim or prune your trees without damaging them.

Tree Pruning Versus Trimming

Do you know the difference between tree pruning and trimming your trees? While both tree maintenance methods are similar, they have different purposes.

Trimming primarily refers to an immediate need to be addressed and is usually only in reference to one specific or a few branches. Examples of trimming include removing a broken branch, trimming low hanging branches over a sidewalk and trimming back the end of … Read Full Post »

Why Is My Crape Myrtle Not Blooming?

a crape myrtle tree

Crape myrtle is a gorgeous plant that boosts the curb appeal of any home. They produce a cloud of beautiful and colorful blooms in the summertime and rich-colored green leaves in the fall.

If your crape myrtle is not blooming, there could be many reasons, such as too much shade, insufficient water, improper pruning or a soil imbalance. Keep reading to learn how to correct these problems so that your crape myrtle will bloom its beautiful flowers again.

Next, the growth of black fungus can weaken crape myrtle plants and detract from their beauty. Seeing sooty mold means that your crape myrtle has an insect infestation you must deal with before it spreads further.

Lastly, crape myrtle aphids are the most common pest to infest crape myrtle trees and shrubs. They suck the sap from the leaves and leave a sugary substance that causes black mold to grow. Luckily, there are easy ways … Read Full Post »

Tree Pruning Tips

a homeowner trimming their trees

Pruning trees adds to the beauty and esthetic value of any property. When it’s done incorrectly though, it can reduce both the appeal and value of the surrounding landscaping and property. In fact, the general rule of thumb is that no pruning is better than bad pruning.

Tree trimming refers to when you have to remove a few branches to avoid branches scraping across your home or becoming a falling hazard during a storm. Tree pruning is the process of removing parts of a tree or plant, typically with the goal of improving the plant’s health, beauty or value. Here are a few reasons why you would prune trees:

  • “Training” the plant to grow in a specific shape or direction
  • Improving plant health by focusing nutrition on preferred areas
  • Encourage higher-quality growth of fruits or foliage
  • Restricting growth to maintain a preferred height or circumference

Basics of Tree Pruning

Pruning achieves its best results when cuts are made … Read Full Post »

When Do Crape Myrtles Bloom?

a crape myrtle with blooming flowers

Crape myrtles make a beautiful ornamental addition to any yard or garden. There are small, medium and large crape myrtle varieties that can fit almost any space or aesthetic. They boast delicate bloom clusters in colors ranging from white to pink, red, lavender or purple. Best of all, once established, they do just fine in hotter, drier areas without a lot of extra coddling. So when do crape myrtles bloom? They bloom during the hotter months, and can bloom again and again throughout summer.

Many types of crape myrtles bloom first in May, while others wait until mid-summer to show their first flowers. It depends on the type of crape myrtle, but other factors also come into play. Crape myrtles that are planted in too much shade won’t bloom as soon or as often. These trees do best in full sun. They also do well in partial shade. Crape myrtles in … Read Full Post »

How To Prune a Crape Myrtle Tree

a crape myrtle tree

Crape myrtles can be a gorgeous and relatively low-maintenance tree that will spruce up your yard. Not only are they drought tolerant, but they can also survive through humidity and high temperatures. However, homeowners can accidentally ruin these colorful trees if they are not careful. It is important to follow a few helpful maintenance tips to keep your crape myrtles healthy and beautiful.

For one, excessive pruning can ruin a crape myrtle. Only young crape myrtle trees need pruning, and these saplings should be pruned with great care. Cutting back too many or too few branches when the tree is young can make the tree unhealthy, unattractive and difficult to maintain once it gets older.

Before getting started, you’ll need to know what tools you need, the steps involved and what time of year pruning should take place.

Tools for Pruning Your Crape Myrtles

When the time is right, gather the tools you’ll need … Read Full Post »

Your Guide To Pruning Fruit Trees

a lemon tree bearing lots of fruit

When fruit trees are well cared for, they can make a gorgeous addition to your yard. Fruit trees also bring pleasure year after year as they bear flowers followed by delicious fruits. If they aren’t cared for in the right ways and at the right times, however, they can have trouble growing fruit. They might even wind up looking scraggly and stunted after a few short years. Fortunately, pruning fruit trees is easy enough to do yourself, as long as you have the time, tools and knowledge needed to do it right.

Pruning fruit trees increases both sunlight and air flow among the tree’s strongest and healthiest branches. This extra sunlight and air flow stimulates their growth. If you’ve planted a young fruit tree, expect to prune pretty aggressively for several years to stimulate growth. Don’t expect the tree to bear fruit for the first few years. Just concentrate on pruning … Read Full Post »