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Top 5 Ways to Keep Raccoons Away


Though they are often admired for their ability to pilfer food from garbage cans in the dead of night, raccoons can be quite dangerous. They are known to spread disease, injure family pets and inflict property damage that can be expensive. However, these ingenious critters can be kept far away from family residences with the following five tips.

1. Secure All Trash Receptacles

Raccoons are widely known for their talent. For example, sliding aside a partially open garbage can lid is quite easily accomplished. For this reason, property owners will want to secure all trash receptacles fully. Kitchen garbage cans and other interior food sources should also be sealed—plenty of verified stories of raccoons entering homes through pet doors and gobbling up unsecured food waste.

2. Reduce Nesting Areas

Because raccoons do not build their dens, they search for places to raise a family. Attics, basements, crawlspaces, and any other nooks and crannies that can accommodate them will all be looked at. Homes that have begun to disrepair should be patched up as soon as possible. When raccoons cannot find suitable shelter, they will likely move on to greener pastures.

3. Protect Vegetable Gardens

Raccoons are omnivores and are not opposed to munching on tender young plants. Because vegetable gardens will be seen as smorgasbords ready for the taking, garden owners must build a sturdy mesh barrier around the perimeter. Mildly electric fences can be used where the creatures are particularly prevalent.

4. Use Motion Sensor Lights

Raccoons are nocturnal foragers and usually do most of their damage at night. When installed in the suitable locations around the yard, motion sensor lights can quickly scare the creatures away before they get closer to the house. Because motion sensor lights are only triggered when movement is detected, they are only likely to be on for a few minutes each night.

5. Set Catch-and-Release Traps

Finally, property owners looking for a permanent but humane solution might want to hijack some catch-and-release traps. After they’ve been captured, the animals can be released in an isolated wooded area several miles away. Though such traps are usually reliable, it’s best to seek professional expertise when it comes time to relocate raccoons. Concerned parties can consult and schedule a consultation with our Rodent removal management experts at ABC Orlando.

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