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Types of Mosquito

Aedes mosquito

Did you know that there are over 3,000 types of mosquitoes? While they share several similarities, some mosquito species have unique factors that homeowners should know about. Additionally, some are more dangerous than others when it comes to transmitting diseases.

Types of Mosquito: A Homeowner’s Guide

In the southeastern region of the United States, there are several types of mosquitoes that homeowners should know about. It’s important to know which mosquito species you’re dealing with because some types of mosquitoes are more likely to transmit diseases to humans and animals.

Aedes Mosquitoes

The Aedes mosquito, pictured above, is one of the most common types of mosquitoes in the southeast. Unlike several other mosquito species, they are known for their daytime activity. They are an aggressive type of mosquito and can make enjoying the outdoors difficult. The Aedes mosquito is small and black, and its body is covered in white stripes.

Aedes mosquitoes can transmit several diseases, such as dengue fever, chikungunya and the Zika virus.

an Asian tiger mosquito

Asian Tiger Mosquito

The Asian tiger mosquito, pictured above, is a type of Aedes mosquito known as the Aedes albopictus mosquito. They are known for their distinct black body with white stripes. This species is active during the day, and they are aggressive biters. They can carry and transmit the West Nile Virus, Zika Virus and dengue fever.

This type of mosquito is also known for its adaptability. It can survive in a wide variety of environments, which is why professional pest control treatment is the best way to deal with it.

southern house mosquito

Southern House Mosquito

Also known as the Culex quinquefasciatus, the southern house mosquito, pictured above, is extremely prevalent in the southeastern states. They are most active at dawn and dusk, which makes it hard to enjoy the outdoors after dark when you’re dealing with a southern house mosquito infestation. They have light brown bodies with white stripes. This species can transmit St. Louis encephalitis and the West Nile virus.

Anopheles mosquito

Anopheles Mosquitoes

The Anopheles mosquito is particularly threatening because it can be a carrier of malaria. This type of mosquito is most active after dark, as they are known for biting in the evening and nighttime hours.

The Anopheles mosquito is smaller and more slender than other common mosquito species.

The Most Effective Way to Deal With Various Types of Mosquitoes

No matter which type of mosquito is on your property, the best way to take care of the problem is to partner with a pest control specialist. Mosquito infestations are extremely difficult to get rid of on your own. An expert can use their experience to treat the mosquito population at every stage of its lifecycle.

a mosquito

What Blood Type Do Mosquitoes Avoid?

Some recent research suggests that mosquitoes bite people with Type A blood less than other blood types. The blood type that gets bitten by mosquitoes the most is Type O. However, mosquitoes are opportunistic feeders that will bite all blood types, and having Type A blood does not make you immune to mosquito bites.

No matter what blood type you have, it’s important to be proactive about mosquito bites. Only female mosquitoes bite because they need blood for reproduction and will bite you, your family and your friends when they have the chance.

In fact, female mosquitoes have advanced sensory organs that give them the ability to detect humans and animals from a great distance. They can find humans by detecting carbon dioxide, body heat and body odors.

Luckily, there are a few ways that you can make your property less inviting to these unwanted pests. The best way to get ahead of a mosquito infestation is to implement the following tips and work with a pest control specialist.

Maintain Your Lawn

Mosquitoes are great at hiding in plain sight, and an overgrown lawn offers them several discreet hiding spots. Keeping your grass, shrubbery and other vegetation trimmed and neat can eliminate these spots and help deter mosquitoes.

Seal Off Entry Points and Install Screens on Your Windows and Doors

Having a mosquito problem on your property is bad enough, so the last thing you want is for these pests to get inside your house. Inspect your home’s exterior for holes that mosquitoes can use as entry points, especially around your doors and windows. Additionally, installing screens on your doors and windows can add an extra layer of protection against unwanted mosquitoes.

Eliminate Standing Water on Your Property

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, and once they hatch, mosquitoes stay submerged in water through several life cycles. It isn’t until they become adults and develop wings that they leave the water. Standing water makes the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, so eliminating it can go a long way in keeping mosquitoes off your property.

Empty all buckets, wheelbarrows, clogged gutters and old tires, and regularly refresh outdoor pet bowls, bird baths and fountains so mosquitoes don’t have enough time to lay their eggs.

Use Mosquito Repellents When You’re Outside

No matter what blood type you have, you should protect yourself from mosquitoes when you’re outdoors. Use a mosquito repellent that contains DEET and keep your skin covered with long sleeves and long pants. Additionally, do not walk in tall grass without sturdy shoes that cover your feet entirely.

Enlist the Help of a Pest Control Specialist

Working with a pest control specialist is the best way to tackle a mosquito problem. To minimize a population, you have to treat mosquitoes at every stage of their lifecycle, and most at-home remedies only deal with adult mosquitoes.

An expert will use professional treatments to control the mosquito eggs, larvae and pupae in addition to the adults. They will also know how to find all of the breeding grounds and hiding spots that mosquitoes are using on your property.

a spider

Do Spiders Eat Mosquitoes?

Homeowners often ask if spiders eat mosquitoes, and the answer is yes. However, relying on spiders to eat mosquitoes is not an effective mosquito control method. While spiders may help reduce a mosquito population, there are a few reasons why you can’t rely on them for mosquito control

First, mosquitoes are often not the first choice of food for spiders. If other prey are available, spiders will prioritize that over a mosquito.

Next, spiders can only capture mosquitoes when mosquitoes come close enough to the spiders’ webs. A mosquito population can spread far and wide over your property, and a spider will only eat mosquitoes nearby. Lastly, mosquitoes breed and multiply too quickly for spiders to control a population.

The best way to deal with a mosquito problem is to work with a pest control specialist. A professional will advise you on the best treatment methods to control a mosquito population and help you establish prevention methods for the future.

Kick Mosquitoes Off Your Property With Professional Help

Mosquitoes are annoying pests that leave behind painful bites and transmit dangerous diseases. Additionally, they reproduce rapidly, so a small mosquito problem can quickly become a big annoyance.

There are several ways to make your property less appealing to mosquitoes; however, you need to work with a pest control service for the best treatment option.

ABC Can Reduce Mosquito Populations on Your Property

Don’t let pesky mosquitoes ruin your time outdoors. For a multi-tiered approach to mosquito control, contact ABC Home & Commercial Services. We will create a pest treatment plan that best suits your yard and needs. They can also provide you with advice on mosquito prevention for your yard.

Russell Jenkins

Russell Jenkins is the President of ABC Home and Commercial Services in North Texas. Russell has been working as part of the ABC Family since he was 12 years old under the direction of his father, CEO and Owner Dennis Jenkins, and has since held several leadership roles at ABC. Russell holds a degree in Agricultural Leadership from Texas A&M University, and is a Food Safety Specialist. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family and two children, playing tennis, and gaming.

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