What’s the Best Grass for Central Texas?

Many central Texas homeowners find it difficult to know what type of grass is best for their lawn. While central Texas experiences mild temperatures for most of the year, the summers can reach sweltering levels of heat. It’s important to consider durable warm-season grasses that can withstand drought.
Bermuda Grass
Bermuda grass, pictured above, has a high heat tolerance, which is important when you factor in the warm summers in central Texas. It’s also a grass that can resist drought well.
As a warm-season grass, bermuda grass thrives with well-drained soil and full sun. It’s an excellent choice for high-trafficked areas of your lawn because it grows densely. Its fine texture also makes it a very attractive grass to create a luscious green landscape.
One thing homeowners need to keep in mind when it comes to bermuda grass is that it turns brown and goes dormant in the winter. However, with the right care … Read Full Post »