ABC Blog

5 Common Household Spiders

You may have just seen spiders and their webs on every street corner last week for Halloween. But if you find one in your house, it can be intimidating. Should you try to identify whether or not it’s poisonous? Or should you squash it now and ask questions later?

Spiders can be helpful for eliminating other pests like mosquitoes, flies, and gnats. Here is our guide to identifying five common household spiders to help you determine which ones are truly dangerous to your health.

1. American House Spider

Appearance: The American House Spider earned its name for a reason. These are some of the most common spiders North Americans will spot in our homes. These spiders are yellowish brown or dirty white with spotted abdomens. They have long skinny legs and round abdomens measuring 4mm-9mm long.

Habits: American House Spiders live in close proximity to humans, so you are likely to find them in … Read Full Post »

4 of the Scariest Home Pests

Halloween is right around the corner, but the ghosts, zombies, and vampires aren’t the only things stirring up scares this month! There’s nothing more spooky than coming face to face with an unexpected home pest in the middle of the night.

At ABC Home & Commercial Services, we’ve faced off against all of the most daunting infestations. Here are four of the scariest home pests and some tips for spotting them early.

1. Black Widow Spiders

If you notice some cobwebs that aren’t part of your Halloween decorations, look carefully at the type of spider inside. Most spiders are harmless, and they can actually be handy for eliminating other unwanted pests. But black widow spiders have a venomous bite that can be deadly. These spiders are shy, so their bites are pretty rare. However, it is still important to know how to identify them to protect yourself, your family, and your pets.

Tell-tale signs … Read Full Post »

Fall Fun Events in DFW

The summer heat is starting to slowly ease, and soon the leaves will be changing colors. The scent of pumpkin spice fills the air in coffee shops. It’s fall in DFW!

We love to celebrate each season, and we want to help our customers do the same. This year, we have compiled a list of fall fun events in DFW to help you spot the perfect pumpkin or get into the spooky spirit just in time for Halloween. Here’s a fall fun round up for all of our Dallas/Fort Worth customers from your friends at ABC Home & Commercial Services.

Autumn at the Arboretum

September 22 – November 21

One of the most popular and beautiful fall attractions in the Dallas area is Autumn at the Arboretum. Wander through displays of more than 90,000 pumpkins and enjoy the fall foliage in 15 different gardens. This year’s fall theme is “Adventures in Neverland” and features … Read Full Post »

Stink Bug Invasion in Fall

With fall comes beautiful leaves changing colors, bright cheerful pumpkins, and the cool crisp fresh air that makes us all want to spend more time outdoors. But the start of the fall season can also bring an unpleasant pest along with it: stink bugs.

These large beetle-like insects get their name from the smelly odor they produce when threatened. They are content to stay outdoors during the warm summer months, but they start to sneak into homes away from the cold during the fall.

At  ABC Home & Commercial Services, we know all too well the struggles home owners face when it comes to getting rid of stink bugs. Here is everything you need to know about the stink bug invasion in fall.

What do stink bugs look like?

The most common types of stink bugs are brown in color. They have oval bodies that taper into a triangular point like a shield. They … Read Full Post »

What You Need to Know About Drywood Termites

drywood termites

Termites are easily one of the most expensive types of pest infestations that can plague your home. They can chew away at important structures undetected for weeks and cause major damage to your property.

The best way to help prevent termite damage is to become more educated about the pests causing it. Here is our comprehensive guide covering what you need to know about drywood termites from ABC Home & Commercial Services.

What Do Drywood Termites Look Like?

Unless you are an extermination expert, correctly identifying insects can be tricky and confusing. Sometimes it can help to compare the insects on your property to pictures on the internet, but many species have a range of different colors and sizes that are considered normal. Here are some of the key characteristics of drywood termites to help you identify them.

  • Size – Drywood termites differ in size according to their role in the colony. Soldier termites … Read Full Post »

How to Get Rid of Rodents

Mice and rats can pose some of the most difficult pest control problems for homeowners. They can squeeze themselves through extremely tiny spaces and wreak havoc everywhere they go.

At ABC Home & Commercial Services, we have years of experience eliminating and preventing rodent problems in homes or businesses. Here are some tips from our extermination experts on how to get rid of rodents.

Seal up entry points.

By closing off entry points to your home, you can prevent rodents who live outdoors from sneaking inside. Mice and rats can flatten and contort their bodies to fit through spaces that seem like they would be too small. To test whether or not a mouse can squeeze through an opening, see if you can fit a pencil inside. It the pencil fits, the mouse can too. Seal up cracks and holes in the foundation, walls, and molding.

Seal up food.

Mice and rats can chew through … Read Full Post »

5 Facts About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are infamous for the problems they cause in households. They can ruin your mattress, cover your skin in bites, and keep you from sleeping soundly at night.

In order to better prevent bed bugs from infesting your home, it helps to become more informed about their habits. Here are five facts about bed bugs from our team of pest control experts at  ABC Home & Commercial Services.

1. Bed bugs can live anywhere – not just in your mattress.

Lots of people associate bed bugs with dirty hotel rooms or old mattresses. But bed bugs can pop up anywhere and everywhere, as long as they have access to a source of food. They can hide in your suitcase or clothes – or even nightstands, dressers, and other furniture – and travel from one location to another easily.

Be careful to examine your luggage after hotel stays and be wary of purchasing used … Read Full Post »

Silverfish Infestations: What A Homeowner Should Know

Have you noticed a small wingless, silver-colored bug in your home with a flat, oval-shaped body, long antennae and six legs? If so, you may have the beginning of a silverfish infestation.

Silverfish are medically harmless to humans and mostly a nuisance for homeowners. These creatures can stain clothing, contaminate food and damage paper goods. Silverfish are more common in humid environments, so you are more likely to find them in bathrooms, attics and crawl spaces. Silverfish are very quick, so if discovered, these creatures often dart away, making them difficult to catch or identify.

Silverfish problems can be difficult for homeowners to control on their own. Usually, the quickest and easiest way to get rid of a silverfish problem is by calling in a pest control professional. We’ll now go into more detail about these pests so you have the information you need to make an informed decision about how to … Read Full Post »

Spotting Lyme Disease from Ticks

In recent years, the population of ticks has increased on a worldwide scale. This means that you are more likely than ever to find an unwanted passenger attached to your skin after spending time outdoors. Aside from being gross, ticks feeding on your blood can also be dangerous. These parasites are carriers of numerous types of disease, and the most common culprit is Lyme disease.

If you spent time outside or noticed tick bites on your skin recently, it is important to be on the look out for any signs or symptoms of disease. The earlier Lyme disease is caught, the better. Here are some tips for spotting Lyme disease from ticks from our team at ABC Home & Commercial Services.

What do ticks look like?

The first step to determining whether or not you might have contracted a disease from a tick is affirming that a tick definitely did bite you. There … Read Full Post »

Summer Mosquito Control


With warmer weather comes exposed skin, and mosquitoes just can’t seem to resist the feast. Nobody likes the itch red bumps mosquitoes leave behind, but did you know those bites can also be extremely dangerous?

Mosquitoes are carriers of deadly parasites that claim thousands of lives each year. At ABC Home & Commercial Services, we want to help our customers better understand mosquitoes and learn how to protect themselves. Here are some facts about mosquitoes and tips for summer mosquito control.

Mosquito Facts

• There are about 200 different species of mosquitoes in the United States.
• Mosquitoes can transmit all of the following diseases: Malaria, Dengue Fever, Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis, Chikungunya Virus.
• In addition to viruses that affect humans, mosquitoes can carry diseases that are extremely harmful to dogs and horses.
• Different mosquito species like different types of standing water for their larvae.
• Sites where mosquitoes lay their … Read Full Post »