Can Skunks Climb?
While different wildlife can wander into our yards, a skunk might be the most unwelcome. No one wants the smell of one lingering on their property. Aside from their odorous scent, they have other habits that can rile up homeowners. They become a nuisance when they burrow under homes, get into garbage cans and dig up holes in lawns to search for grub.
If you have these smelly creatures in your yard, you might be wondering how they got there in the first place. Can skunks climb? Here’s a closer look at how they move about and what you can do to keep them away.
If you need backup, don’t hesitate to contact wildlife control specialists. They have the tools and expertise to manage the skunk population on your property. These experts can also address other pest issues, like identifying possums versus opossums.
Can Skunks Climb? Here’s How They Get Onto Your Property
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