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Types of Mosquito

Aedes mosquito

Did you know that there are over 3,000 types of mosquitoes? While they share several similarities, some mosquito species have unique factors that homeowners should know about. Additionally, some are more dangerous than others when it comes to transmitting diseases.

Types of Mosquito: A Homeowner’s Guide

In the southeastern region of the United States, there are several types of mosquitoes that homeowners should know about. It’s important to know which mosquito species you’re dealing with because some types of mosquitoes are more likely to transmit diseases to humans and animals.

Aedes Mosquitoes

The Aedes mosquito, pictured above, is one of the most common types of mosquitoes in the southeast. Unlike several other mosquito species, they are known for their daytime activity. They are an aggressive type of mosquito and can make enjoying the outdoors difficult. The Aedes mosquito is small and black, and its body is covered in white stripes.

Aedes mosquitoes can transmit several … Read Full Post »

How Big Are Mosquitoes?

a mosquito

Not many insects are as annoying as mosquitoes. They can ruin a perfectly happy gathering with friends, leaving everyone itchy and irritated. What’s worse, these pests can spread diseases like dengue, Zika and Chikungunya.

It can help homeowners to know how to identify mosquitoes in their homes to prevent their population from growing. To tell mosquitoes apart from other insects, it helps to know how big they are. Here’s everything you need to know about mosquito sizes and other defining characteristics.

If you’re a busy homeowner with no time for pesky mosquitoes, get the pros to help. Pest control specialists have the tools and expertise to manage the mosquito population in your home.

How Big Are Mosquitoes? Size and Other Characteristics

So, how big are mosquitoes? These insects vary in size depending on the species and their stage of life. But on average, they’re usually about a quarter of an inch long.

Mosquito size also … Read Full Post »

Mites Versus Bed Bugs: Identification Guide

a bed bug

Homeowners may confuse mites and bed bugs, pictured above, for each other. However, they are entirely unrelated species, each requiring different treatment methods. It’s crucial to know which one is infesting your home if you want to get things under control.

There are some ways to try to tell these two pests apart. You can also let pest control specialists come over and identify the intruders in your home. They will assess the situation and provide the best solution to manage the mite or bed bug infestation. That way, you and your family can relax at home and get undisturbed sleep again.

Mites Versus Bed Bugs: Appearance and Habits

Bed bugs are flat and small parasitic insects that depend on human and animal blood for their nutrition. They feed when their victims are asleep and usually hang out near sleeping areas. Meanwhile, mites are arthropods closely related to ticks. They come in many … Read Full Post »

Why Do I Have Mosquito Bites on My Feet?

a person hiking

We all know that mosquito bites are no fun, especially on our feet. The irritation only worsens when our feet rub against socks and other articles of clothing.

So, why do mosquitoes like to go for our feet and ankles? Aedes mosquitoes are often known as ankle biters, and they bite people’s feet and ankles for several reasons. If you’re dealing with these pesky insects on your property, there are ways to deter them. But the best solution is to contact the professionals. Pest control specialists know how to manage the infestation.

Mosquito Bites on the Feet: Why They Happen and How to Prevent Them

Aedes mosquitoes are incredibly annoying. No matter how much we cover up, they can find small areas of exposed skin to bite. They do this by using their antennae, which have hundreds of receptors that can detect the chemicals in our bodies and the carbon dioxide we exhale.

Different … Read Full Post »

Tawny Crazy Ant Identification Guide

a tawny crazy ant on a leaf

Ants are persistent pests. When you think you’ve gotten rid of them, these resilient and hardworking insects can quickly return.

Tawny crazy ants are a common type of ant that homeowners can find in their homes. Their colonies have several queens and many more workers than other ants. As their name implies, tawny crazy ants are an aggressive bunch.

If these ants are already making themselves comfortable in your home, contact pest control specialists. They have the tools and expertise to take on tawny crazy ants and other ant species.

Tawny Crazy Ant Appearance and Behavior

Tawny crazy ants are native to South America but have been invading the U.S. since 2002. They started in Texas and have since spread to Mississippi, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana. They are so invasive that they have displaced the local fire ants in these areas.

While this species can’t fly, they infest old boxes, potted plants and other objects. … Read Full Post »

Do Bed Bugs Bite Every Night?

a bed bug on a sheet

Are you waking up with itchy bed bug bites? There’s nothing worse than being bitten in your sleep, but it can take a while for homeowners to realize that they have a bed bug problem. Part of the issue is that bed bugs do not bite every night, so the pest problem can be hard to spot.

Do Bed Bugs Bite Every Night?

Waking up with bed bug bites is never fun. It can feel like you wake up every morning with a new collection of bites, which leaves many homeowners wondering if bed bugs bite every night.

The truth is that bed bugs do not bite humans every night. They have a purpose behind their biting, and it’s to get a blood meal. One blood meal can typically last bed bugs for three to seven days. Once their previous blood meal is digested, they’ll go back for more.

If they can’t access a … Read Full Post »

Do Only Female Mosquitoes Bite?

a mosquito

Do all mosquitoes bite, or do only the females bite? There are a lot that people don’t know about mosquito bites. For homeowners, it’s important to understand why, when and where mosquitoes are most likely to bite.

If you’re dealing with a mosquito issue on your property, the most effective way to approach the problem is to get expert help. A pest control specialist can reduce the mosquito population at every phase of the life cycle and minimize the risk of mosquito bites on your property.

Do Only Female Mosquitoes Bite?

A little-known fact about mosquitoes is that only female mosquitoes bite humans and other animals. The reason for this is that females need a blood meal to obtain protein and other nutrients needed to produce eggs.

Since male mosquitoes do not need the nutrients from blood, they feed on nectar and plant juices instead.

When Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Female mosquitoes can bite at any time … Read Full Post »

Understanding the Life Cycle of a Flea

a flea on skin

If you’re dealing with a flea infestation in your home, it’s important to approach it with the best techniques for controlling these pests. That includes controlling them throughout life cycle, not just the adult fleas.

The Homeowner’s Guide to Understanding the Life Cycle of a Flea

Fleas go through four stages during their life cycle: the egg, larva, pupa and adult stages. They are resilient pests, and each life cycle stage can create a problem for homeowners and pets.

The Egg Stage

Flea eggs are laid on hosts, such as cats or dogs. After a blood meal, adult female fleas prefer to lay their eggs in an animal’s fur where they are barely visible.

However, sometimes, female fleas will lay their eggs in the surroundings of the host instead of on the host. When that is the case, they’ll choose upholstered furniture or bedding to hide their eggs in the crevices of the fabric. They … Read Full Post »

How Do Wasps Make Nests?

a wasp on a leaf

Wasps don’t have the same kind of notoriety as other pests like rats and cockroaches. But that doesn’t mean they can’t cause us harm and annoyance. Unlike bees, which only sting once, wasps can sting several times. Their stings are painful and can cause the area near the sting to swell.

Wasps sting humans when they feel like you’re invading their territory. You don’t want that kind of hostility on your property. Here’s everything you need to know about these pests so you can stay vigilant. However, it’s best to leave these pests to the pest control professionals. They’ll control the wasps for you.

How Do Wasps Make Nests? Here’s Everything You Should Know

While no one wants to see wasp nests on their property, they are interesting to look at. Intricate and delicate, you can tell how much work wasps put into them. So, how do wasps make nests? It all starts … Read Full Post »

How Far Do Mosquitoes Travel?

a mosquito on a leaf

Did you know that some mosquitoes stay close to their nest for their entire lives while others will fly up to three miles away? Understanding how far mosquitoes travel is more than a fun piece of trivia. It’s an important element of mosquito behavior that homeowners need to know about to keep populations of these pests low on their property.

The most important thing to remember is to act quickly when you have a mosquito infestation on your property. The most effective way to reduce mosquitoes is to work with a professional pest control service.

How Far Do Mosquitoes Travel?

How far a mosquito travels depends on its species. For example, some mosquito species, such as the Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus, do not travel more than a few hundred feet away from their breeding grounds.

It’s important to note that these two mosquito species are known for spreading diseases like chikungunya, dengue and … Read Full Post »