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Bathtub Faucet Leaking After Water Is Turned Off

a bathroom

A hot bath is one of the best ways to unwind after a long day. But it can lead to frustration if the bathtub faucet keeps dripping when you turn it off. Not only is it an irritating sound, but it also wastes a lot of water and can raise your water bill.

There are many possible reasons for this issue. It is best to troubleshoot it as quickly as you can. If nothing works, contact the professionals. A licensed plumber will pinpoint the cause and fix your bathtub.

Reasons Why Your Bathtub Faucet Is Leaking After the Water Is Turned Off

There are three common culprits behind a leaking bathtub faucet. Here’s a closer look at each of the possible causes and how you can troubleshoot them.

Worn-Out O-Ring or Washer

Faucets have various small parts inside them that work together to manage the flow and temperature of water. But they can corrode and … Read Full Post »

How To Test Water Quality

a shower head

Water is part of our everyday lives, so we often don’t pay much attention to it. But, it is important to find out if the water in your home is clean and safe. It should be free of chlorine, lead and other impurities.

Homeowners on municipal water should receive a Confidence Consumer Report for their water’s quality. You can contact your local water supplier if you are not getting your annual water quality report. You can also test your water yourself. Doing so will take a little effort, but your body will thank you later.

If you don’t know how to test water quality, here is everything you need to know about the process.

How To Use a Water Home Testing Kit

If you are worried about contaminants in your water, a home testing kit can provide accurate results. They come in various forms, depending on what you are testing for. They can be … Read Full Post »

Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing Out Water?

an air conditioning vent

“Why is my air conditioner blowing out water?” This is one of the many problems AC owners can encounter. It can be frustrating when your AC unit isn’t working as it should, especially on summer days when you want relief from the heat. If yours is blowing out water, that means there’s an underlying issue. It can be a problem with the condensation drain, evaporator coil or air filter.

Here’s an in-depth guide to help you troubleshoot the problem and get your AC running normally. While you can try to fix it yourself, it is always best to contact an HVAC specialist. A professional will evaluate the issue thoroughly and provide a long-term solution.

Issues That Can Cause an Air Conditioner to Blow Out Water

It’s never normal for an AC unit to blow out water. The AC works by sucking hot air into the unit and flowing it through an evaporator coil. … Read Full Post »

My Toilet Keeps Running: What’s Wrong?

a toilet in a bathroom

The only time toilets should make noise is when you flush them. If you hear it running continuously, it indicates a problem that requires fixing. A running toilet can cause your water bill to skyrocket and can waste water, so it’s important not to ignore this issue.

Fortunately, the basic toilet design hasn’t changed in decades, and troubleshooting this problem is typically straightforward. However, you should contact a professional plumber if you’ve tried everything but still can’t get your toilet to stop running.

Why Your Toilet Keeps Running

There are a few possible culprits and solutions if your toilet keeps running. But, before you troubleshoot, familiarize yourself with the different toilet parts and understand how they work. You can do this by shutting off your toilet’s water supply and removing the tank lid to see the components inside. You’ll find the following:

Why Is My Thermostat Flashing Cool On?

a thermostat on a wall

Air conditioners have one job—to give you cool air so you can stay comfortable. While that may sound straightforward, there’s a complex system inside each unit, and various things can go wrong. Sometimes, the thermostat can act up, too.

A thermostat flashing “cool on” is a typical problem homeowners face. Here’s an in-depth guide to help you troubleshoot your AC and thermostat issues. But remember that the best solution is to call an AC professional who can do the job effectively.

What To Do When Your Thermostat Is Blinking “Cool On”

Why is your thermostat flashing “cool on”? This operation mode means your AC is starting to do its job. It’s a safety delaying measure that lets the AC system prepare. It also protects the compressor and prevents the unit from short cycling.

The flashing is usually nothing to worry about unless it keeps going after several minutes. If that’s the case, there might … Read Full Post »

How Do I Keep My Air Conditioning From Freezing Up?

A house's kitchen

You might not think your AC can freeze when it’s hot outside. But, it’s a more common problem than you think and can happen even on the hottest days. The best way to prevent it is to maintain your AC unit well. If your AC is already freezing up, there are ways to troubleshoot the problem. The best solution is to contact an AC specialist who can have your unit running smoothly again.

What Causes Air Conditioners to Freeze Up and How to Prevent It

Before answering the question, “How do I keep my air conditioning from freezing up?” it’s helpful to know more about how ACs function. They work by expanding the refrigerant in the evaporator coil, cooling down the air that passes through and releasing cold air into your home. It also removes the hot and humid air, helping you feel more comfortable. But if there’s something out of order … Read Full Post »

My Thermostat Clicks but AC Does Not Turn On

a thermostat

Nothing is more comforting than the clicking sound of the thermostat when it’s hot out. This should mean that cool air is on its way out to relieve you of the heat. But it can be alarming when nothing follows after the click. It might be a sign that there’s something wrong with your air conditioner.

Reasons Your Thermostat Clicks but the AC Does Not Turn On

You don’t have to worry if your AC isn’t switching on despite the thermostat clicking. Most of the time, there is a simple problem behind it that you can solve yourself. However, some issues are more complicated and require the expertise of HVAC professionals. They can have your AC up and running as soon as possible.

Dirty Air Filter

A clogged air filter is the most common culprit behind this issue. Filters purify the air before it travels around your home. Over time, dust, dirt and pollen … Read Full Post »

What To Do if Water Is Leaking From Your Ceiling

water leaking from the ceiling

A ceiling leak is a problem that no homeowner should ignore. If you see water dripping, brown stains forming or paint bubbling, these are signs of a ceiling leak, and you should address it as soon as you can.

Here’s everything you need to know about the issue, including the causes of leaks and what you should do. Contact a professional plumber to get to the root of the problem and find a solution before the damage gets worse.

There are two common reasons why water is leaking from the ceiling. It can be a plumbing issue, such as a leaking shower or damaged piping. Or, there is an issue with your roof, causing water to come in. Here’s how these problems can lead to a ceiling leak.

Damaged Pipes

Burst pipes are one of the most common causes of ceiling leaks in the winter. When temperatures get extremely low, the water inside the … Read Full Post »

My AC Is Not Cooling Enough

An AC vent

Is your AC not cooling enough? It can be frustrating when your air conditioner has been on for hours, but the room is still not cold enough. There are many reasons why your AC isn’t working as it should. It could be a simple issue like a clogged air filter or dirty evaporator coils. But, it could also be a more complicated problem, like a faulty compressor or damaged wiring.

Here are some ways to troubleshoot the situation. But, keep in mind, the best way to have your AC running smoothly is to get help from an HVAC specialist. You can avoid AC nightmares and enjoy cool air all year round with routine maintenance.

Why Your AC Isn’t Cooling

When your AC isn’t blowing out cold air, the first thing to do is check your thermostat’s controls. If it is in the heat setting, switch it to cool. But, if it is already … Read Full Post »

Why Is My AC So Loud?

an AC vent

Air conditioners can make our homes comfortable, especially on hot and humid days. But that comfort can be minimized when you find yourself asking, “Why is my AC so loud?” If you notice whistling, banging or rattling sounds coming from your AC, it’s probably time for a tune-up. It can also be your AC’s way of telling you that there’s a more severe issue and that you should call a professional.

If your AC is disturbing your peace at home, here are the possible reasons for its loud noises. While there are some home fixes you can try, the best way to deal with the issue is to leave it in the hands of capable HVAC specialists. They will assess your AC thoroughly and provide the best possible solution.

Here are the most common types of AC noises and what they mean.

Banging or Clanking

If your AC is making banging noises, that’s usually … Read Full Post »