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Home Invaders: Which Species of Roaches Infest the Indoors?

The hot, humid environment in Texas provides an ideal breeding ground for many insect species, including one of the most hated pests, the cockroach. Several roach species live primarily outdoors and go unnoticed due to their nocturnal habits. Still, some creepy insects enter the home and establish populations within walls or other dark hiding spots. Pest control in Houston is essential for residents to eliminate and control these bugs that harbor inside buildings.

Common Roach Species in Houston

German cockroaches are the small species that cause the most problems indoors. Due to their ability to eat anything, hide in tiny crevices, and breed rapidly, Houston pest control companies utilize several tactics to eliminate these insects. German roaches live exclusively indoors, contributing to germ distribution, allergies, and asthma. American cockroaches are startling when spotted because of their large size. Living both inside homes and outdoors, they are the most common species in Houston. … Read Full Post »

Preventing and Treating Flea Home Invasions

Fleas are tiny insects that can cause significant problems for pets and humans. These parasites can thrive on mammals and birds by feeding the host’s blood via irritating bites. Additionally, fleas can be a vector for diseases affecting humans and pets. Taking action to prevent an infestation is the best method for altogether avoiding the pest, but an existing infestation must be treated.

Preventing a flea infestation is generally less troublesome than eradicating an existing problem. Here are some tips to prevent an infestation:

•    Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule can prevent many flea invasions. Vacuuming carpets is particularly important. Areas frequented by pets are the most vulnerable.
•    Chemical flea treatments for dogs and cats are easily accessible and inexpensive. Treatments are available as shampoos, topical applications, and flea collars.
•    Avoid excessive contact with unfamiliar animals. Fleas are known to hitch rides on unsuspecting people, and exposure to strange animals heightens the … Read Full Post »

Do I Need Surveillance Cameras with My Alarm System?

Both alarms and surveillance cameras can prevent vandalism and theft. Security alarms only alert the police when thieves enter a building without permission. Video cameras can provide footage of crimes, regardless of how the perpetrators gain entry. Many businesses utilize surveillance cameras, but people can also use them for home security. Using cameras in conjunction with an alarm has several pros and cons.

Security cameras deter crime when they are visible to the public. Thieves cannot be assured that their crimes will go undetected if the home or business owner is absent. Cameras can also help police identify criminals. When a break-in occurs, camera footage may reveal the guilty party. It can also become helpful when customers, employees, contractors or visitors commit theft. If an item goes missing, a building owner can consult camera footage to help him recognize the perpetrator.

Surveillance cameras do have some disadvantages. They consume a lot of … Read Full Post »

The Importance of Sectioning a Sprinkler System

A sprinkler system ensures a thriving lawn even as the neighbor’s yard turns parched under the Texas sun. However, sprinklers should be set up to deliver optimum water to ensure that turf grass and ornamentals get enough water to flourish. By redesigning the sprinkler system into sections, homeowners can adjust the amount, timing, and intensity of watering to support the landscaping properly.

Considerations for Sprinkler Sectioning

Different types of Houston landscaping materials will have different moisture requirements. Location in terms of sun and wind exposure will also affect watering needs. For instance, grass and ornamentals in a shady location will need less watering than plants in full sun and areas exposed to brisk winds.

Growth patterns affect the type of sprinkler system and the water needed. For efficient coverage, sprinklers should be positioned to water the designated area without being blocked by taller plants and thicker growth.

The slope of the land will have … Read Full Post »

The Zombie of All Pests: The Flea

Fleas are among the most resilient insect species. They can survive without food for a year. They are mobile enough on their own, capable of leaping 10 to 13 feet in a single bound, and small enough to hitch a ride on pets and people to populate new areas. Fleas are resistant to most pesticide use because they undergo four life stages, each requiring a different extermination strategy.

Secret Life of Fleas

Adult fleas are capable of reproduction once they have fed on blood. Eggs are laid on a host animal but fall off quickly as the animal moves around. These eggs will hatch and turn into larvae between two and 14 days. Larva feeds on organic substances, including the blood meal, dropped by adult fleas as feces. With enough nourishment, flea larvae develop into the pupa stage, from which the adult flea emerges when stimuli such as heat and vibrations indicate … Read Full Post »

Decrease Damages during Attempted Home Intrusions

Thieves can cause a great deal of damage and steal many valuables in a short period. The average burglary victim spends about $2,000 on repairs and replacement items, according to To reduce the cost of a break-in, detecting and reporting burglars as soon as possible is crucial. Modern security systems offer many ways to do so! They often notify the authorities and sound an alarm before criminals succeed in entering the home.

A glass breakage detector triggers a siren if it “hears” the sound of a window shattering. When this happens, some burglars give up and flee the area. This technology allows security systems to detect burglars when they break glass instead of attempting to open doors and windows. It also alerts police to vandals who have no intention of entering the home. Criminals find many different ways to break in, so using various detection methods is essential.

Motion detectors help … Read Full Post »

The Southern Pine Beetle

southern pine beetle does immense damage to trees

Photo by Fabio Stergulc / Università di Udine,

The southern pine beetle is a highly destructive pest that can devastate pine trees in forests and urban settings. At maturity, this diminutive pest is scarcely more significant than a grain of rice. Yet, it causes a tremendous amount of damage to pine trees in Florida and across the southern United States. Typically, the beetle invades older trees, has suffered an injury, and has trunks less than 6 inches in diameter. However, the pest will also begin attacking healthy trees during severe outbreaks. The southern pine beetle prefers to invade loblolly, Virginia, pitch, and shortleaf pine trees.

Because the southern pine beetle attacks trees internally, most people are unaware of the problem until significant damage has already been done. Female beetles are responsible for determining what tree to live in, and they begin boring holes at the base of the trunk. After mating … Read Full Post »

Landscape Lighting Meets Efficiency and Practicality

Landscape lighting can add an elegant touch to an outdoor space, but many homeowners are unaware that this aesthetic feature can also offer functional benefits. Choosing lighting with high-tech features can boost the practicality of lighting and offer energy efficiency.

Energy Sources

Homeowners have a variety of lighting sources to choose from when shopping for outdoor lighting that can highlight beautiful landscaping. explains that there are three primary energy sources when it comes to outdoor lighting: solar power, electricity, and gas.

  • Solar power is energy-efficient because it uses the sun’s power instead of requiring a homeowner to pay for a power source. However, solar power is only reliable in areas that regularly receive a lot of sun during the day.
  • Electricity is hard-wired to the home to provide reliable power, but this option can be expensive.
  • Gas is reliable and provides an aesthetic bonus by making outdoor lighting appear old-fashioned. However, homeowners who would … Read Full Post »

Cockroach Hitchhikers

From planes to cars, cockroaches seem to be everywhere. How do these resourceful pests find their way into places that humans would prefer they stay away from? Cockroaches are programmed to find a way into any sheltered area with a water and food source.

Cracks, Crevices, and Holes

As with any household pests, cockroaches (also known as Palmetto Bugs) can most often find a way into a building by locating small cracks or holes that lead to a warm, sheltered place to live. A nearby food and water source is another big draw. Sealing up cracks can keep cockroaches from coming into a home, but these pests are known for their resourcefulness and ability to find a way to survive.

Skilled Hitchhikers

Even if a property owner ensures that no cracks or holes can encourage pests to enter a building, cockroaches are adept at finding a way to hitchhike into a building. Clothing and … Read Full Post »

How to Keep Brown Recluse Spiders at Bay

It’s a fact that all Houston homes and businesses have spiders lurking in their walls, attics, and other hiding places—even in winter when they tend to seek shelter indoors. Most of them are harmless, and their presence is helpful because they keep insect populations under control. However, one spider, in particular, can be very dangerous when it comes into contact with humans: the brown recluse.

Identifying the Brown Recluse

These non-hairy spiders range in color from tan to dark brown and, once they reach adulthood, are usually the size of a quarter with their legs extended. The brown recluse’s most distinctive feature is a violin-shaped marking on its back. Brown recluse spiders can be found outdoors under piles of wood or debris and indoors in cluttered, dark places such as garages and attics.

The Dangers of Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluse spiders rarely wander out into the open unless searching for food so these … Read Full Post »