Simple Guidelines for Selecting a New Water Heater
How to find the right model without paying too much
When properly maintained, your home’s water heater can provide a decade or more of dependable service. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. If your water heater is on its last legs and needs to be replaced, you’ll need to determine which type and brand of heater is right for your home. Here are a few guidelines that you should follow as you make your decision.
Selection Criteria
According to the Department of Energy, you need to base your water heater selection on several key factors:
- The upfront and ongoing (annualized) cost of the device
- The size and heating power of the device as it relates to the size and water use of your house
- The overall efficiency of the device
- The type of fuel used by the heater
Fuel Types
On the matter of fuel, it’s important to note that not all water heaters run on … Read Full Post »