ABC Blog

If You’re Going to Live in Texas, You Might as Well Grow Yellow Roses

Roses take well to Texan soils

“The Yellow Rose of Texas” has been a well-known ditty since the middle of the 19th century. It remains relevant to this day, but not for the reason you might think. According to folks who know about these things, Texas is one of the country’s best places to grow roses. Whether you prefer the yellow variety or want to plant a different hue, your property could use the color.

Where Do Roses Grow in Texas?

As anyone who lives here knows, Texas is blessed with a wide range of climate and soil types. In the far western part of the state, residents of El Paso contend with sandy soils and meager rainfall. Despite these limitations, hardy varieties of roses bloom handily amid the brown desert. In the northern fringes of the Panhandle, cold winters demand a little extra care. To the east and south, rain-fed soils and … Read Full Post »

600 Miles of Roots

Untangling the fuzzy facts about pampas grass

Pampas grass has a mixed reputation, and rumors around lawn care circles allege that just one clump produces a root mass that can unravel to a length of more than 600 miles. If you drove that distance east from the Bryan-College Station area, you’d make it to the Florida panhandle. What else should you know about this unusual ornamental?

Are Those Fronds Friend or Foe?

The sight of a Texas sunset through those feathery plumes adds a special beauty to the evening, but early settlers saw them as something more practical. Pampas grass was imported from South America to feed grazing herds. This plan proved to be mistake, but the plant’s rooting tenacity and efficient reproduction techniques made it a permanent part of the landscape. The flowers are dioecious, which means that each shrub is either male or female, and all it takes is one gentleman … Read Full Post »

Termites Never Sleep

termite droppings

They prefer to eat

We’ve all wrestled with big questions like “What is the meaning of life?” and “Why are we here?” For worker termites, both of these queries have an identical answer: to eat wood. In fact, termites are so single-mindedly devoted to this task that they can’t be bothered to sleep in between meals. If you thought your kids were eating you out of house and home, just wait until you learn about these insect pests.

Programmed to Work

The sad truth is that termites simply aren’t programmed to sleep. Instead, they’re programmed to work. The brains of worker termites are far simpler than ours, so they don’t require as much repair and refreshment as those of higher-order animals. Despite the fact that they’re “always on,” termites actually live pretty long for insects—between two and three years for a standard worker.

As long as they’re alive, termites continue to gnaw their way … Read Full Post »

Castle Moats Were Sewers, Too

Not much of a fairy tale

It turns out that those fairy tales you read as a child all left out a very important truth: The moats that surrounded medieval castles weren’t just useful defenses against attack; they were also open sewers into which the castles’ primitive waste disposal systems flushed human excrement and other foul substances. The next time you have a plumbing problem, be thankful you don’t live near one of those.

More About Moats

The history of sewers is fraught with misconceptions and legends. However, it’s true that moats played a big role in sanitation for medieval Europe’s nobility. Whereas commoners used communal outhouses or open, out-of-the-way latrines, residents of Europe’s castles used rudimentary plumbing systems called garderobes. These were little more than holes or short tubes that dropped waste directly into the castle’s moat or onto a hillside that led down into the pool. Needless to say, moats were … Read Full Post »

Big Pests, Small Holes

What has sharp teeth and the ability to squeeze through a nickel-sized hole?

You’re probably aware of the better-known characteristics of mice and rats. They have distinctive ears, protruding snouts, sharp teeth, drab-colored hair and tiny claws. They also have voracious appetites for human food. You might not know, however, that mice and rats can squeeze through remarkably small holes, which can make it difficult to keep them out of your home.

How Small Is Too Small?

Rats and mice are able to squeeze through holes many times smaller than their bodies. While rats need a hole that’s equivalent in diameter to a half dollar, mice need just a nickel-sized opening to work their “magic.” Needless to say, that’s far too small for house cats to follow. Contrary to popular belief, these critters don’t have collapsible skeletons. They do, however, have extremely flexible bodies and loose joints that can easily accommodate tight squeezes.

Common … Read Full Post »

The Texas A&M “Bug Bytes” Podcast

Bugs are more interesting than you ever imagined.

At least 50,000 people listen to the “Bug Bytes” podcast from Texas A&M University. The entomology department in College Station produces this insightful program about the bizarre world of insects. It explores strange bug habits, odd uses for insects and related human culture. “Bug Bytes” offers a fun way to learn more about these fascinating creatures.

Diverse Topics

The content of this podcast ranges from practical to amusing. For example, one episode looked at the reasons why certain people choose to eat insects. Other programs have compared different repellents, discussed insect bathing techniques or examined bugs that glow. This podcast also explores arthropod influences on human creations, such as architecture and technology.

The hosts interview entomology experts from time to time. In April 2011, “Bug Bytes” featured a conversation with the director of a documentary on honeybees. The program briefly examined colony collapse disorder, an unexplained … Read Full Post »

National Pest Management Month Recognizes the Importance of the Pest Management Industry

This Month, Remember Your Friendly Pest Control Specialist

From Alaska to Florida, the nation’s pest control professionals work tirelessly to keep Americans’ homes and gardens free of unwanted pests. These specialists have dedicated their careers to the cause, so the least we can do is take our hats off to them with a month-long celebration known as National Pest Management Month. Next time you call our crew members to your house, take a moment to thank them for their hard work.

What Is National Pest Management Month?

National Pest Management Month is a month-long event that recognizes the often-unheralded contributions of the country’s pest management specialists. The centerpiece of the event was a convention in Washington, D.C., in which hundreds of pest control professionals met with lawmakers and lobbyists to stress the importance of the industry. By all accounts, the event—held in the middle of March—was a smashing success.

Scary Facts About Everyday Pests

Homeowners … Read Full Post »

The Perils of Poor-Quality Bed Bug Treatment

Traditional pest control methods prove remarkably ineffective in the battle against bed bugs.The Perils of Poor-Quality Bed Bug Treatment

Many pests plague our corner of Texas, but bed bugs are notoriously difficult to exterminate through traditional treatment methods. As a result, misguided pest control techniques can become financially and emotionally draining. Proven treatment techniques are limited, but there is hope.

The Perils of Ineffective Bed Bug Treatment

At a global bed bug summit that was held in Denver in December 2013, one of the presenters shared some poll numbers about treating bed bugs. In both 2010 and 2013, 76% of the pest management professionals who were surveyed indicated that bed bugs are the most problematic pests to control.

One Vermont couple learned the hard truth about bed bug control. Neil and Patricia Whitney are highly praised foster parents, and one of their foster children came from a home infested with bed bugs. When an … Read Full Post »

Ants: They’re Mightier than You Think

When you see a spider, you probably run or at least flounder helplessly in a corner until someone removes it. Cockroaches likely make your skin crawl and your hair stand on end. A scorpion might send you into convulsions, but an ant is probably lucky to inspire a raised eyebrow. Granted, the presence of one or two ants is no reason to sound an alarm. Unfortunately, when several hundred join forces, they can do a surprising amount of damage.

Never Underestimate the Ant

Ruining your picnic is child’s play for some ants. Here are a few ways various types of Texas ants can make your life miserable.

• Common household ants can contaminate your food stores in record time. They’re especially fond of sweets. They carry bacteria on their feet, so once an army of ants invades a food item, it’s theirs.

• Red imported fire ants typically nest outdoors. Their mounds can damage … Read Full Post »

Does Your Home Have a Deep Dark Plumbing Secret?

If you’ve owned a home for any length of time, you’ve probably dealt with a plumbing problem or two. You may even be handy with routine plumbing tasks like tightening fixtures or unclogging toilets. However, your water system’s woes may be the result of more serious issues that won’t go away without professional assistance. Learn more about how to tell if your home has a deep, dark plumbing secret.

Common Plumbing Problems

Along with a hefty dose of elbow grease, plenty of plumbing problems can be fixed with a plunger, snake or pliers. Unfortunately, many others may be signs of more serious issues that can’t be remediated without professional assistance. These might include:

• Corroded pipes
• Blockages caused by mineral accumulation
• Tree root damage
• Burst pipes
• Intake line issues and sewer collapse

Quick Fixes That Don’t Work

These problems can manifest themselves in many different ways. When faced with a leaky or blocked pipe, many … Read Full Post »