Concrete & Termites: Separating Fact From Fiction

Subterranean termites are a homeowner’s worst nightmare. The hordes of tiny, wriggling insects can effortlessly gobble up your home and your savings account. As horrifying as they seem, they’re just doing what nature designed them to do. In the forest, termites remove debris from the earth’s surface and help return nutrients to the soil. Unfortunately, when they’re on your property, they can’t tell the difference between a dead stump and an antique piano. The ecosystem’s little janitors know that they’ve found a yummy cellulose material to devour, and they have voracious appetites. You may be worried about your foundation because you’ve heard that termites can even eat their way through concrete.
You may have heard of subterranean termites, or even the invasive Formosan variety, but is there such a thing as concrete termite? Let’s answer that question and more so that you can protect your home from the pest that is … Read Full Post »