ABC Blog

5 Reasons Your Lawn Benefits From The Best Organic Fertilizer

best organic fertilizer

When homeowners are trying to approve their curb appeal, an obvious place to start is with your property’s lawn.

Here in Texas, however, plants face an uphill battle to get established and to stay healthy. Although soil types and quality vary across the state, our warm climate and lack of rainfall present many challenges for homeowners who want to keep their lawns looking green.

One way to provide the nutrients plants need to survive and thrive is to apply fertilizer.

ABC Home & Commercial Services, our lawn care experts know a lot about lawn care. We also care about the impact of our products on the environment. That’s why we only use the best natural and organic lawn fertilizers currently on the market.

In this article, we would like to educate homeowners about the best types of organic fertilizer by exploring the following topics:

  • The importance of fertilizer

How to host a cookie exchange

How to host a cookie exchange

Have you ever been to a cookie exchange? It’s a gathering organized to exchange cookies, primarily around the holidays.  For those of us who love to bake and have a sweet tooth, these parties are heaven. Hosting a cookie exchange seems like a great idea in theory, but planning it might be overwhelming. These tips will help you plan a successful cookie exchange without losing too much of your most precious resource: time.

Planning is Key

Create a plan for your cookie exchange well ahead of the date. You’ll need to consider a number of things before settling all the details. First, the guest list – which of your friends like to bake? Inviting friends who have no interest in baking probably won’t result in a successful cookie exchange. Choose the majority of friends who are seasoned bakers, and consider adding a few newbies who are developing an interest. 

Give your guests at least … Read Full Post »

Where do rats live?

where do rats live

Do you have rats in your home? For most people, the very thought of rats in the attic or running through your kitchen is enough to cause nightmares.

The good news is that when you learn more about rat behavior and what attracts rats to your home, it’s easier to decide what to do next. Below we’ll look at the rats we have in central Texas, where rats hide, and how to get them out of your home – for good.

Rats in Texas

In Bryan-College Station, the main rat species that we see around town is the roof rat (Rattus rattus). Roof rats generally are brown or black in color and are smaller than the Norway rats found throughout most of the rest of the United States.

Roof rats choose nesting spots in trees, bushes, wood piles, and in our homes. They love palm trees and other high nesting locations where there are … Read Full Post »

Zoysia Grass Maintenance: Advice From The Experts

Zoysia grass maintenance

Let’s face it. Your grass is the first aspect of your lawn that visitors notice. Despite well-placed flowers, towering trees and winding pathways, your grass is still the main focus. That’s why you want to ensure your lawn is well cared for and healthy.

A popular grass species in the southern United States is zoysia grass. It’s perfect for warm-weather climates, and when cared for properly, it’s heat- and drought-resistant. Even with such qualities, though, this species still requires proper maintenance, including mowing, feeding and watering.

Read below to learn how to properly care for your zoysia grass.

How To Grow A Healthy Lawn

Zoysia is among the turfgrass varieties that turn a straw-like color when the first frost comes. Along with bermuda grass, buffalo grass, centipede grass, seashore paspalum and St. Augustine, zoysia is a warm season species that can go dormant during the coldest months of the year. Best established from sod, … Read Full Post »

Your Guide to Preventing and Eliminating Flea Infestation at Home

household flea treatment

Contrary to popular belief, fleas are attracted to more animals than just your furry pet. They’re known to bite humans, too. Similar to mosquitos, fleas feed off their host’s blood, and while they’re traditionally known to target animals – especially dogs and cats – flea bites for humans are more common than you think.

Fleas might be small in size, but a bite from this wingless insect can cause major irritation, and sometimes lead to a serious reaction. The best way to avoid potential problems is to adopt and carry out preventative measures before they make their way into your home and onto your body.

Here are a few ways to prevent fleas from biting you and your loved ones at home.

Inspect Your Furry Friends

The most common way fleas enter your home is via your pet. And once inside, they reproduce at rapid speeds; in their life cycle, females can lay up … Read Full Post »

Mosquitoes: 10 Little-Known Facts About the Buzzing Pests

facts about mosquitos

With all the negative conversation surrounding mosquitoes these days, it seems like the animal is only in this world to ruin our barbecues and cause problems. And with diseases like Zika, Dengue, and Malaria, it’s hard to believe otherwise.

But lucky for mosquitoes, we have a soft spot for all pests and bugs (even the annoying ones), and we were determined to help improve their reputation. We knew there had to be something interesting about them—and we were right!

Here are a few lesser-known, yet fascinating facts about mosquitoes.

1. All in a name

Originating back to the 16th century, the word “mosquito” is Spanish for “little fly.” Despite their name, though, there’s nothing little about the mosquito family. While there are only 176 mosquito species in the United States, scientists have identified over 3,000 species of mosquitoes worldwide.

2. Here, not there

While it might seem like the same mosquito followed you from your front … Read Full Post »

Watering Your Trees in the Dry Summer Heat

watering trees in summer


Summers in Bryan-College Station are hot and dry. Even in a year when we’re not in a drought, our trees, shrubbery and other landscaping plants will struggle to make it through our long summer days.

Established trees can withstand stretches of dry conditions during the summer, but if you planted any new trees or shrubs in the past year, they might be struggling by now. Lack of water causes stress that weakens plants, making them more susceptible to disease and fungus, and their root systems can become compromised.

Why is this an issue? Isn’t the drought over?

Even with all the rain we received this spring and early summer, the heat and intense sun will dry out the soil.

Each day, trees take in water through their roots and then transpire that moisture out through their leaves. Your majestic oaks have developed extensive root systems, including deep tap roots, which allow them to find … Read Full Post »

The City of Bryan wants to help you get rid of those mosquitoes!

facts about mosquitos

With diseases like Zika and the West Nile virus, it’s more important than ever to reduce your exposure to mosquitoes. Managing these biting nuisances on your own property can be hard enough, but if your neighbors aren’t also taking steps to control them, you face a losing battle. Short of staying inside all summer, is there anything you can do?

For people in Bryan, there’s good news. City leaders are committed to reducing the mosquito threat. Realizing that controlling these insects is a community effort, Bryan established a special Mosquito Abatement Program (COBMAP). Their program team up with residents, neighborhood groups and homeowner associations to fight mosquitoes throughout the city.

How can you help reduce mosquitoes in your neighborhood

The Bryan Mosquito Abatement Program recognizes that the best way to banish mosquitoes is to get everyone involved in the effort. To this end, there are several things you can do immediately to turn … Read Full Post »

Proper Tree Care Protocol

trees can drink several gallons of water per day

We’ve had some crazy weather in College Station recently. Between the tornadoes and floods, Mother Nature has wreaked havoc on our neighborhood. And speaking of nature, our trees are also on the receiving end of these recent severe weather patterns.

Local workers have been busy cleaning up downed trees. Oversized limbs are too large to haul off, so they must be cut into smaller chunks. Some trees have so much damage that they need to be removed entirely. And unfortunately, these broken trees can cause injuries to our homes and power lines.

We can’t control the weather, but we can attempt to take better care of our trees to limit destruction of property after massive storms.

So what is the best way to maintain our trees?

First, identify the type of trees on your property and educate yourself about them. Trees commonly grown in the College Station area are oak, pecan, elm, cedar, and … Read Full Post »

Why Do Bees Swarm? And What To Do.

why do bees swarm

Imagine the scene: you’re outside enjoying the summer weather in your backyard or by your pool, and you spot a mass of tens of thousands of bees swarming on a tree or near a fence. That visual is pretty terrifying – so much so someone decided to make a horror movie called The Swarm, where a mass of killer bees terrorizes and kills people all over Texas! The irony of it all is though the swarm may appear menacing, bees are much less likely to be aggressive in swarms due to their vulnerability. Swarming is a natural occurrence that is absolutely necessary for the propagation and survival of bees.

To understand why bees swarm, you first have to know how a bee colony is set up

A bee colony consists of several different types of bees. There is only one queen bee in any given hive. The activity of the hive revolves … Read Full Post »