ABC Blog

Do Opossums Dig Holes?

an opossum

There’s nothing more frustrating and puzzling than leaving your yard pristine at night, only to find holes the next day. These mysterious holes could be in your yard, outside your garage, under your deck or around your fence. If you’re wondering what creature is causing this havoc, opossums might be to blame.

With their white faces, pink noses and beady eyes, these animals might look innocent. However, they have capable paws that can do some damage. If you suspect opossums are the culprit behind the unsightly holes around your home, contact the experts. Wildlife control specialists will confirm the presence of opossums on your property and take the necessary measures to deter them. These pros also help you with other problems, like how to get rid of mice in your garden.

Do Opossums Dig Holes? Here’s What You Should Know About These Marsupials

Do opossums dig holes? Are they responsible for the mess … Read Full Post »

Does Reverse Osmosis Remove PFAS?

a water filtration system

These days, chemicals are everywhere, making health a top concern. It can be hard to know what is okay to consume. Even drinking water carries risks because of synthetic chemicals like PFAS. But before you get too worried, know there are ways to ensure your water at home is chemical-free.

If you want peace of mind, let a professional assess your water quality at home. They can then install a water softener or water filtration system and provide regular maintenance to ensure the unit functions effectively. They can also help you understand why water quality is important.

Does Reverse Osmosis Remove PFAS? Everything You Need to Know

PFAS or per- and polyfluorinated substances are man-made chemicals that have been around since the 1940s. They are typically used to make water-resistant or non-stick consumer products. They are also present in firefighting foams and used in various industrial operations.

Here are some common products that can … Read Full Post »

How to Make a Garbage Disposal Smell Better

a garbage disposal

Garbage disposals are powerful tools in the kitchen, making it easier for homeowners to clean up after meals. But for all their usefulness, they have one major drawback—they can get smelly. Even if you’re diligent in cleaning your garbage disposal, food particles can still build up and cause an unpleasant odor in your kitchen.

Fortunately, you don’t have to put up with any nasty smells. There are several ways to freshen up your garbage disposal and have it smell squeaky clean. In addition, keeping certain foods away from your unit will prevent clogging and unwanted odors. If you’re dealing with a stubborn clog, a plumbing professional can help get things moving.

Dealing With a Smelly Sink? Here Is How to Make a Garbage Disposal Smell Better

Anything that handles waste is bound to get smelly. Garbage disposal odors usually start with a slight sour smell in the sink. If left unaddressed, the offensive … Read Full Post »

Why Is Water Quality Important?

a water softener

Why is water quality important? We all know our health depends on it, but we don’t realize that it’s also important for maintaining our homes. Poor water quality is the culprit behind various home issues, affecting sinks, tubs, wall tiles and other fixtures. If you want to avoid unnecessary stress and expenses, it pays to check and improve the water quality in your home.

If you don’t know the first thing about water quality, we’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll learn about the impact of poor water quality on our health and houses. We’ll also share tips on measuring water quality.

Effects of Poor Water Quality and How to Address Them

While hard water doesn’t pose health risks, its high levels of magnesium and calcium can significantly add to your mineral intake. It also has unwanted effects on your hair, skin, appliances and plumbing system. If you have hard water at home, here … Read Full Post »

Why Is My Water Heater Tripping the Breaker?

an electric water heater

It can be incredibly frustrating when your water heater keeps tripping the breaker, especially when you need to prepare for the day. If you’re dealing with this problem, here are the most probable causes and how to troubleshoot them.

It’s always best to let a professional take over to fix issues with your water heater. A plumbing professional has the tools and expertise to solve any water heater issue and will have your unit running properly again.

What To Do When Your Water Heater Keeps Tripping the Breaker

If your water heater keeps tripping the breaker, constantly resetting it will not solve the problem. Instead, consider it a sign that it needs fixing or replacing.

Here are the most common reasons behind this issue and how homeowners can address them. Even if you’re confident in your DIY plumbing skills, you’ll need the help of a professional for most of these situations.

Burnt-Out Heating Element

A burnt-out … Read Full Post »

Mosquitoes in Texas: What Homeowners Should Know

Mosquitoes in Texas

You’re proud of your home. You’ve spent years caring for it, improving it and making it suit your style. Your home and landscape have never looked better. But there’s still a problem you’ll encounter, simply because you live in Texas: mosquitoes.

In addition to being an annoyance, these tiny biting creatures pose a risk to you, your family and your pets. Maybe you’re starting to feel their presence every time you step outside, or you’re tired of getting covered in itchy bites. You might find yourself wondering: what mosquito species live in Texas?

Mosquitoes in Texas: What Homeowners Should Know

You probably can’t spend much time outside without feeling the itch of new mosquito bites. New reports of cases of mosquito-borne diseases, such as the Zika virus, don’t seem to be going away.

Now may be the time to rethink the measures you take to protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes. Pest control professionals can … Read Full Post »

What Do Mosquitoes Do with Blood?

a mosquito

A perfect night at home with friends can quickly go south when mosquitoes intrude on the party. These pests not only leave itchy bites but can also transmit diseases.

But, what do mosquitoes do with blood, anyway? Believe it or not, they don’t bite just to annoy you. Female mosquitoes need animal or human blood for reproductive purposes.

If mosquitoes are taking over your property, let pest control specialists help. They know how to manage the mosquito population on your property. You can also schedule regular treatments with them so they can deal with any lurkers and help prevent future infestations.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite and What Do They Do With the Blood?

Only female mosquitoes bite animals and humans. They have a long mouthpiece called a proboscis that they use to pierce our skin and suck blood. They then secrete saliva into our system to prevent the blood from coagulating. Our bodies will … Read Full Post »

What Are Mosquitoes Attracted To?

a mosquito on skin

As a homeowner, do you know what attracts these pests and how to deter mosquitoes from your property? Mosquitoes are annoying pests that seek out humans and animals as hosts. It’s important to understand what mosquitoes are attracted to so that you can take steps to avoid them.

The best way to deal with mosquitoes is to call in pest control professionals. An expert can control mosquitoes on your property.

What Are Mosquitoes Attracted To?

Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that humans and animals emit when they exhale. These pests use their receptors to pick up on the carbon dioxide in the air, and they use their vision to find people and animals.

Their impressive receptors, located on their antennae, allow them to detect carbon dioxide from a great distance. Once they fly into the vicinity of a host, they rely on their vision to land on the host.

Mosquito vision is not … Read Full Post »

How Many Ants Are in a Colony?

an ant colony

If you have pesky ants at home, you know how they can feel impossible to control. Since it can seem like they are always around, many homeowners wonder how many ants are in a colony.

If ants are invading your space, contact pest control specialists. Ants are hardworking and resilient pests but are no match for the pros. They have the tools and expertise to control these pests and help prevent future colonies from invading.

How Many Ants Are in a Colony?

Ants are social insects, and each of them belongs to a colony. Unlike other insects, you’ll never find an ant that operates solo. These colonies come in different sizes depending on species, colony age, climate and other factors.

The number of ants in a colony can vary depending on the species, age of the colony and the weather. Most ant colonies will have a few hundred ants, while some ant species, like … Read Full Post »

How Many Mice Is Considered An Infestation?

How many mice is considered an infestation

So you’ve found mouse droppings, gnaw marks on your furniture, cardboard boxes and plastic storage bins that have been chewed through and other signs that point to the presence of mice in your home. Maybe you’ve even seen an actual mouse somewhere inside your house, or at least heard the telltale scratching and squeaking sounds of rodent activity within your walls.

Whatever signs you’ve spotted, something has alerted you to the possibility that mice are living in your home, and now you’re wondering whether you’ve got just one or two of the unwanted little rodent pests or a full-blown infestation. How many mice is considered an infestation? It’s a good question to ask, as the answer will inform you as to the scope of your mouse problem and what you need to do next.

The question “How many mice is considered an infestation?” is a bit complicated to answer. If you … Read Full Post »