What Do Mosquitoes Do with Blood?

A perfect night at home with friends can quickly go south when mosquitoes intrude on the party. These pests not only leave itchy bites but can also transmit diseases.
But, what do mosquitoes do with blood, anyway? Believe it or not, they don’t bite just to annoy you. Female mosquitoes need animal or human blood for reproductive purposes.
If mosquitoes are taking over your property, let pest control specialists help. They know how to manage the mosquito population on your property. You can also schedule regular treatments with them so they can deal with any lurkers and help prevent future infestations.
Why Do Mosquitoes Bite and What Do They Do With the Blood?
Only female mosquitoes bite animals and humans. They have a long mouthpiece called a proboscis that they use to pierce our skin and suck blood. They then secrete saliva into our system to prevent the blood from coagulating. Our bodies will … Read Full Post »