ABC Blog

Does Your Yard Need a Haircut?

Spring is almost here, and your neighbors will soon be outdoors with their lawnmowers, string trimmers and spreaders. As if by magic, their neglected, winter-ravaged yards will morph into works of art. Like the perfect hairstyle, a healthy, polished lawn and landscape makes its owner look awesome. But not everyone has time to maintain a demanding yard. You may barely have time to style your own mane, much less battle half an acre of green fluff. If you’ve never had time for yard work, you probably don’t have the needed experience or skill either. Don’t be embarrassed. Many who attempt lawn care for the first time find that it’s quite easy to end up with a faux hawk instead of neat, uniform grass.

Bed Head, Split Ends, Dandruff and Lice

Keeping your hair looking good requires more than just shampoo and hairspray, and taking care of a lawn involves more than mowing … Read Full Post »

Nothing Eliminates Bed Bugs Better than a Heat Treat

Do you wake up in the morning with unexplained sores on your trunk and legs? Are you plagued by itching and pain throughout the day?

Your home could be infested with bed bugs. While this might sound disgusting, it’s an increasingly common fact of life in the Metroplex. The good news is that it’s relatively easy and painless to dispatch bed bugs. Learn more about the effectiveness of heat treatments.

What Is Heat Remediation Treatment?

Heat remediation treatment is the practice of exposing bed bugs to lethal doses of heat. There are several means of applying said heat. For small or diffuse items like slippers or carpet, simply running a hair dryer across the affected space for several minutes should be enough to kill most bed bugs. For beds and bulkier pieces of furniture, heat chambers may be required.

How Does It Work?

Although some organisms are more tolerant of heat than others, all have … Read Full Post »

Are You Putting Out the Welcome Mat for Rodents?

Mice may be cute and cuddly on TV or as a children’s toy, but when they get inside the walls of your business, they are dirty, destructive and downright disgusting.

Rodents typically make their way indoors during cooler weather, seeking warmth and protection. While you might feel bad about turning them out to face the harsh elements, remember that these small creatures not only make annoying scratching sounds inside your walls, but they also chew on electrical wires and spread diseases.

For many people, leaving traps and poison out around the building is the go-to solution. But who wants to find rotting rat carcasses lying around as you’re trying to take your lunch break? There’s got to be a better way. ABC Home & Commercial Services in Dallas is here to help.


You may be unintentionally inviting local rodents to take up residence with the following behaviors:

• Rodents don’t have a sophisticated palate. … Read Full Post »

Avoiding Costly Damages with Termite Pretreatment

Termites are among nature’s most destructive pests. If you own a wooden structure, chances are good that you’re aware of the damage they can cause. By pre-treating vulnerable spaces, however, you might be able to avoid the most costly impacts of a termite infestation.

Signs of Potential Termite Damage

Termites may be active in a structure for months or years before the damage they inflict is visible. During this initial period, they dig tunnels, lay eggs and fortify their living spaces. If you’re observant, you might spot telltale signs of such activity. These include:

• Holes or cracks in furniture
• Small piles of droppings
• Bubbling or peeling paint
• Holes or “mud tubes” near the exterior walls of a structure

Most Common Types of Damage

In Texas, most termite infestations are caused by drywood termites that favor large pieces of furniture and above-ground interior walls. When termites take to furniture, they eventually cause visible damage that … Read Full Post »

Will Sheep-Sized Rats Take Over the Earth?

Any list of rodent facts makes it abundantly clear that rats can go with the flow. In fact, they’re so adaptable that when nature shifts course and larger mammals become extinct, the little critters might just grow into giant sheep-sized rats to take up the space. If you think they’re icky now, just wait until their tails are two feet long.

It’s Happened Before

It’s inevitable that some of our larger animals will die out. When they do, scientists believe that rodents will evolve to fill the ecological niche. They’ll grow larger and develop whatever features enable them to survive, thrive and produce offspring.

It isn’t just a theory; it’s happened before. In the Cretaceous Period, dinosaurs occupied a large portion of space on the planet. During their reign, mammals were much smaller; many were the size of our modern mice and rats. Once the big guys were out of the picture, though, … Read Full Post »

Cockroaches and Humans: Why Can’t We Get Along?

Waging a war on bugs with advanced pest control services

Saying that people and cockroaches have an antagonistic relationship is a gross understatement. We hate them and they love us—at least, they love our cozy, food-filled homes. Fortunately, people have become a little better at defending their territory against these creepy crawlies. Here in Dallas, homeowners square off against American, Oriental and German cockroaches. As you may have guessed, each variety has its own charms. American cockroaches are large and proficient fliers. Oriental roaches are particularly scary looking. German roaches are smaller, but they make up for that in numbers.

Wonderful Roaches

Cockroaches are one of the most successful life forms ever. They’re found in modern cities, forests and every continent except Antarctica. There’s a lot to learn from these primitive yet highly adaptable bugs. For example, how do cockroaches survive in such dirty places? Researchers in Great Britain found the answer: Locust … Read Full Post »

The Link Between Pests, Asthma and Allergies

Are Pests Causing My Family’s Issues with Allergies and Asthma?

Approximately 50 million Americans have issues with allergies, and it’s estimated that an additional 25 million people are asthmatic. Medical research indicates that approximately 80% of patients who suffer from asthma attacks can link this problem to allergies. In other words, it’s imperative for people dealing with this medical condition to keep a close eye on any potential allergy triggers that could end up causing them serious discomfort or even forcing them to obtain emergency attention. Unfortunately, many asthmatics aren’t aware of the fact that the pests hiding in their home could be one of their greatest health risks.

Which Pest is the Most Dangerous?

It’s common for people with asthma to assume that their major allergy triggers are animal dander, dust, stinging insects and plant pollen. Although all of these things can definitely lead to an asthma attack, they’re not necessarily the … Read Full Post »

ABC Dallas Takes Home Angie’s List Super Service Award

Prize Proves We’re Trusted by North Texans and Feared by Pests

To rid your home of nasty critters and harmful insects, you need a pest control company with experience, expertise, and a sterling reputation. But how do you identify such a company? Well, if a business wins the 2013 Angie’s List Super Service Award—as we did—that’s definitely a powerful endorsement.

Angie’s List is a nationally-known customer protection brand. This website collects tens of thousands of reviews from consumers every month that rate and discuss the services provided by companies in more than 700 different categories. Today, millions of Americans rely on the aggregate judgments that this website renders.

The Angie’s List Super Service Award is not easy to win. To be considered for this honor, a company must consistently earn rave reviews. Specifically, it needs a recent A average and an A average during the periods when the website’s selection committee chooses award … Read Full Post »

Do Dirty Homes Attract Pests?

Good Housekeeping Habits Won’t Necessarily Keep Pests at Bay

Like many people, you may have always thought that pests won’t invade your home as long as you keep it neat and clean. If only it were that simple. While it’s true that some pests are drawn to less-than-sanitary conditions, many others will make themselves at home in even the tidiest of places. Therefore, you shouldn’t take an infestation as a sign that your housekeeping skills need honing.

With that being said, it’s never a bad idea to keep the premises as clean as possible. Pests like cockroaches, rodents and ants seek out places where they can easily find food, and homes that aren’t swept, vacuumed and scrubbed down regularly attract them like moths to a flame. You’ve probably seen this in action yourself. In some parts of Texas, leaving even a few crumbs on a patio will instantly attract large numbers of … Read Full Post »

How to Ease the Burn of a Fire Ant’s Bite

When a fire ant bites you, you’ll notice it. The venom that fire ants secrete causes pain, itchiness and small red welts. Symptoms usually go away within a couple of days, but those days can seem like an eternity. Fortunately, there are several ways to minimize the sting of fire ant bites.

Allergen Warning

Very few people are allergic to fire ant venom. Pain and slight swelling are to be expected in the case of a fire ant bite, but you should waste no time in going to the emergency room if any of the following symptoms manifest, as they may indicate a serious allergic reaction:

• Parts of your body other than where the bite occurred begin to swell, itch or break out in hives
• Stomach discomfort, vomiting or diarrhea
• Difficulty breathing
• Tongue, throat or lip swelling
• Trouble swallowing
• Dizziness or blackouts

How to Deal with Fire Ants and Their Bites

Since fire ants … Read Full Post »