ABC Blog

Why Aren’t Your Rat Traps Working?

If you have recently spotted mice or rats in your home, you might have set a couple of traps to try to capture them. Unfortunately, rat traps really aren’t the best solution to a rodent problem.

Some Traps Just Don’t Work

Many traps are not sensitive enough to pick up on the lightweight scurrying of a mouse or rat, so rodents can run right over them without getting trapped.

Some Rodents Are Very Crafty

A lot of rodents are experienced with traps and able to snatch the cheese right off of them without getting trapped. Many are frightened of these apparatuses and will avoid them completely. In most cases, mice and rats can find food in your home without having to resort to snatching it from a trap.

Dealing with a Trapped Rodent Isn’t Pleasant

If you have ever had to deal with the remains in a rat trap, you know that it really isn’t a … Read Full Post »

Why “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” Is a Bad Way to Protect Your Home from Termites

We’ve all heard the old phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind.” If you apply it to some things, like dieting, it works wonders: Stash those Keebler brownies and you might find it’s easier to lose weight. On the other hand, it’s a horrible method of dealing with other problems. One such problem is termites. Just because you don’t see swarms of hungry insects eating through your home’s wood doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Termites do their work behind the walls. That said, termite colonies often leave clues if you know what to look for.

Pest Control Inspection

How many times have you taken your car in for an oil change only to have the mechanic tell you that you have some serious engine trouble looming on the horizon? One of the best things you can do to guard against a termite infestation is to invest in regular pest control inspection. Professionals … Read Full Post »

Staying Warm and Cost-Efficient with Home Automation

When the cold weather sets in, homeowners can experience common and persistent problems with their heating system. For example, one part of the house feels excessively warm, while another is freezing. Or this one: You aren’t home very often, but turning your heat off is out of the question—no one enjoys the idea of coming back to a frigid home at the end of the day. Installing a state-of-the-art home automation system can be the perfect answer for all your heating woes, one that can save you a lot of aggravation, money and effort.

Control Your Indoor Climate

With the help of programmable thermostats, you will be able to set temperatures for various times of the day. For instance, you can choose to increase the temperature of your home just in time for when your family returns back from school and work. With multiple zoning systems, you can choose to heat up … Read Full Post »

The Never-Ending War Against Pests

Dealing with insects, rodents and other household pests can be a major pain. More than being simply embarrassing and uncomfortable, it can cause reputation issues and property damage. Although keeping your home pest free isn’t easy, following these tips will help you keep all of these pesky creatures at bay.

Keep Your Home Clean and Clutter Free

It’s essential to keep your home as clean and free of clutter as possible if you want to eliminate pests and keep them from living in your home. Although not all homes that have pest infestations are messy, unsanitary conditions are very appealing to many common pests.

Establish a regular cleaning routine and keep clutter to a minimum. Also, make sure that you store food in tightly sealed containers or zip-top bags, and don’t leave dirty dishes or garbage lying around. Although it can be difficult to get in the habit of keeping your house tidy … Read Full Post »

Keeping the Grass Greener on Your Side

As the weather cools, it can take more and more work to keep your lawn looking healthy and green. Instead of throwing in the towel and putting off your lawn care and maintenance projects until the spring, let the pros at ABC Home & Commercial Services of Dallas take over. In this post, we’ve outlined four professional lawn care projects that can save time and reduce your stress level during the cool season.

1. De-Stress Fertilization and Weed Control

Although fertilization is especially important for cool-season grasses, it’s important to take steps to protect the health of your lawn throughout the year. We use winter-safe fertilizers to prepare your grass for the cold days ahead. These applications might be tricky and stressful to pull off on your own, but they’re a snap for our seasoned lawn care team.

Cool-season weed control is also key. While occasional frosts and freezes can limit weed growth … Read Full Post »

Sleep Soundly in a Bedbug-Free Home

“Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite,” goes the old saying. If you thought that was just a nonsensical nursery rhyme dreamed up by poor peasants in the long-ago times, you wouldn’t be alone. Unfortunately, you’d also be wrong. Bedbugs are a growing problem in major metropolitan areas, including Dallas, and homeowners just like you are starting to get fed up. To help, we’ve put together some useful tips on identifying, controlling and preventing bedbug infestations.

Identifying Bedbug Infestations

Adult bedbugs have a distinctive appearance. Their bodies are oval-shaped, relatively flat and roughly the size of an apple seed. Hatchlings are harder to pick out: They can be nearly transparent and often aren’t any bigger than a poppy seed.

Most people realize that they’re dealing with a bedbug infestation after noticing tiny blood spots on their bedding materials or discovering multiple bites over the course of days or weeks. Like mosquitoes, bedbugs … Read Full Post »

Silverfish out of Water

While goldfish are relaxing to watch, nobody feels compelled to chill out at the sight of silverfish. Silverfish insects, like actual fish, are covered in tiny scales. Their flat, silver-grey or brown teardrop-shaped bodies don’t seem too intimidating, but their long antennae and projectile rear bristles can send the squeamish running for cover. If you do run from a silverfish, run fast—they’re known for their speed, and they can jump up to two feet vertically. Fortunately, they won’t chase you, and they don’t present any medical threat unless you fall and hurt yourself while trying to get away from them. However, they can wreak havoc on your home.

What’s on the Silverfish Menu?

As expert chewers, silverfish can demolish your food stores and paper-based materials. They love carbohydrates like sugar, cereal and flour, but they’ll also eat dried meats, toothpaste, shampoo, wallpaper, books, boxes and glue. It’s hard for a home to … Read Full Post »

Protect Your Home from Eight-Legged Invaders

When the weather gets cold, arachnids look for a warm place to hide. Unfortunately, this place is sometimes your home. In Texas, spiders and scorpions are the most common arachnids that invade family homes. Some are capable of inflicting painful and even fatal injuries. Here are our best tips for identifying arachnids and protecting your home from unwanted guests.


Tarantulas are intimidating, and wolf spiders are scary. However, these creatures have nothing on the infamous black widow and the deadly brown recluse. The brown recluse is known for its flesh-eating venom. Because there are several types of recluse spiders in Texas, their colors range from dark brown to an orangey tan. This makes them difficult to identify. These spiders are about the size of a quarter. They hide in dark crevices during the day and come out at night, which is when most bites occur.

Black widows are dangerous. Their colors usually … Read Full Post »

When the Heat Is Gone, Rodents Arrive

As temperatures begin to drop, more homeowners begin to see signs of rodents within their homes. This is no coincidence. Rats and mice have lived alongside humans for thousands of years, and they choose to inhabit our homes because of the warmth, shelter and food that we inadvertently provide. During the winter, a house can provide rodents with protection against the elements.

In the summer months, rodents may spend more time outside, especially if there are gardens to raid or other plant-based food sources. Once autumn arrives, however, they will withdraw to a warmer area that’s protected from ice and snow. They might move to the shelter of a porch, crawl space, attic or an out-of-the-way corner of your home.

Fortunately, there are a few ways you can discourage these unwanted guests from wintering in your home:

Seal off any cracks and crevices that might provide easy access to your home. Bear in … Read Full Post »

A Healthy Lawn Needs Good Soil

Although it may seem like some people just have green thumbs that let them create flourishing lawns and gardens, this superstition couldn’t be farther from the truth. In reality, your lawn’s health is entirely dependent on the quality of the soil beneath.

Just like your home needs a good foundation, your grass, veggie gardens and decorative plants must have good earth if they’re to grow strong. Here are a few tips on demystifying your quest for healthier home landscaping by creating better soil.

The Fertilizer Misconception

Many homeowners labor under the mistaken impression that they can simply dump fertilizer on the ground every season and sit back while their plants take it all in. While this approach is well intentioned, it’s sorely misguided.

Fertilizers work by providing plants with vital nutrients, but you can definitely overfeed your lawn. Although your grass won’t start to pack on pounds like a person might if they ate … Read Full Post »