Do Mosquitoes Die in the Cold?

There are many nice things about cooler weather. Arguably one of the best things about cooler temperatures is finally getting a break from mosquito activity. For lots of us, this is a big relief after months of warm weather when mosquitoes are active and bite us every time we step outside. But, does the absence of mosquitoes mean that mosquitoes die in the cold?
The unfortunate truth is that many types of mosquitoes do not die when it gets cold out. Instead, they go dormant until temperatures start to rise again. Other types of mosquitoes do die, but not before laying their last batch of eggs near a water source. Then, when temperatures rise again, the eggs start to move through their life cycle and a new generation of mosquitoes is born.
Mosquitoes are cold-blooded, which means they can’t regulate their body temperature when outdoor temperatures get hotter or colder. These pests … Read Full Post »