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Landscaping Ideas Houston Homeowners Can Use to Transform Outdoor Spaces

Landscaping Ideas Houston

A well-landscaped yard can bring balance, peace, and harmony to your space, creating an oasis at home. Wanting an aesthetically-pleasing lawn is one thing; making it happen is something else entirely. With our hot, humid weather, inconsistent rainfall, and occasional flooding here in Houston, deciding which flowers or plants will work best and how to get started on your landscaping project can feel challenging.

Before you begin, you’ll need to learn more about your soil type and consider what plants would survive our climate. On average, Houston gets 18 days yearly with temperatures below 32° and 99 days above 90°. Our growing season lasts an average of 300 days, which can be great for growing various plants and flowers. However, you must ensure the plants you choose are heat tolerant.

Local soil is typically either clay or sandy. You’ll want to build your beds with 3 to 6 inches of organic … Read Full Post »

Moles In Texas: How To Control This Lawn Pest

moles in Texas

Knowing what you’re dealing with can be hard when something burrows in your yard. Those mounds of dirt can seemingly pop up overnight, displacing plants and flowers or creating ugly tunnels. One of the possible culprits for this type of lawn damage is a mole. What kinds of moles live in Texas, and what should homeowners know about these creatures? In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about these animals, including how to discourage them from making your property their home.

Moles in Texas: How To Control This Lawn Pest

Knowing the difference between gophers, moles, and voles and which is damaging your lawn helps determine the best course of action. All three burrow underground but differ in appearance and diet. When any of these animals reside on a golf course or another large tract of land, it can be tough to eradicate them. When they are under … Read Full Post »

Replastering a Pool: A Complete Guide

Replastering a pool

Your pool has become a gathering place where friends and family enjoy spending time together. You have invested time and energy over the years to maintain your swimming hole. Over time, however, you have noticed that the walls and bottom of your pool have become rough, bumpy, and even sharp in places.

Something needs to be done, but what? As pools age, the plaster used initially tends to get rough and make them unsightly and potentially dangerous. How do you fix the problem? By replastering.

Replastering a Pool: A Complete Guide

In a nutshell, replastering a pool means putting a new layer of plaster on the walls and bottom. What does plaster do? 

First, it serves to make your pool waterproof. Kind of important, right?

When you installed your pool, the people who did it likely used concrete or gunite to form the “shell” of the pool. The problem with both of these substances is that … Read Full Post »

Are Bugs Attracted to Light?

bugs attracted to light

Whether it’s a bulb on your front porch or a lamp out in the backyard, there seem to be bugs flying or crawling around that space. At any given time, it’s easy to see a variety of insects flocking towards the light. Why are bugs attracted to light around the exterior of your home when the sun goes down?

Are Bugs Attracted to Light?

The short answer to the question is what you are probably suspecting: yes, bugs are attracted to light. You probably have more questions about insects and light, however. Are there certain types of bugs that seem more drawn to outdoor lighting? What is it about light that seems to attract insects? Most importantly, what should we know about this phenomenon which can help us keep pesky insects away from our entryways so they don’t make it inside? How can we keep insects from bugging us when we are in … Read Full Post »

How to Puppy Proof Your House and Yard

how to puppy proof your house

Tomorrow’s the day–your little bundle of joy is coming home! You’ve got the bed, the toys, and the food. But have you prepared your home? Knowing how to puppy-proof your house can protect your belongings from risks associated with a precocious pup. Your new addition needs to be protected as much as your home.

How to Puppy Proof Your House

There are not a lot of differences between preparing for a baby and preparing for a puppy, but forgetting to take those steps could cost you both in terms of broken keepsakes and injuries to your furry bundle of joy.

Why Puppy Proof?

You don’t have to watch hours of Animal Planet to know puppies are little balls of energy. They spend their days playing and playing, then drop into a deep sleep without warning. Before long, they’re up again, playing-playing-playing…and then drop again.

Puppies, like babies, have no self-control. Everything goes into their mouths, … Read Full Post »

Daddy Long Legs Lifespan And Other Facts

Daddy long legs lifespan

You had an inspection done before purchasing your house. But, like any new homeowner, you want to really explore your property after moving in. Look around. Get the lay of the land. While poring over every inch of your backyard, you run across a blackish-gray mass. You walk over to pick it up to examine it, and it explodes into a swarm-like cluster of hundreds of daddy-long-legs, which can understandably come as quite a surprise.

Should you be worried? What’s the daddy’s long legs’ lifespan? Do daddy’s long legs bite? You have heard the rumors about how poisonous they are. Do you need to call an exterminator?

Everything You Need to Know About Daddy Long Legs

Before you decide this house isn’t for you, you should know a few things.

First, there are actually two creatures known as daddy long legs. One is a spider (Pholcidae), and one is not (Opiliones). One is a venomous … Read Full Post »

How Does DEET Work?

how does DEET work

We are drawn to the outdoors during the warmer months of the year. Unfortunately, these times of year are also the peak months for mosquito activity. We often reach for insect sprays and other repellents to avoid the itching and discomfort associated with mosquito bites and protect ourselves from the risks of dangerous diseases such as the West Nile and Zika viruses. One of the most common ingredients in insect repellent is DEET. How much do you know about DEET and how it keeps these pesky pests away?

How Does DEET Work?

Before discussing why DEET is an active ingredient in most sprays designed to keep mosquitoes and biting fleas, chiggers, no-see-ums, and ticks from biting us, let’s learn more about this chemical and why it gets mixed reviews.

What is DEET?

DEET is a clear or faintly yellow liquid chemical compound known as diethyltoluamide and is short for N, N-Diethyl-3-Methylbenzamide. DEET was first developed … Read Full Post »

Everything You Need to Know About Stink Bugs in Texas

Stink Bugs Texas

More than half of the animals found on Earth are insects. Of the 100,000 species native to the United States, more than 1/3 are found here in Texas. In fact, Texas has more different species of insects than any other state. One insect that is still relatively new to Texas’ list of critters is the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. Although this pest isn’t from here, let’s explore everything you need to know about dealing with stink bugs, Texas-style.

Everything You Need to Know About Stink Bugs in Texas

Originally from Asia, this bug is widespread on the East Coast of the United States but arrived in Texas just a few years ago. And while this bug isn’t known for biting or harming its human neighbors, the stink bug is known for the unpleasant odor it releases when disturbed or crushed.

What do Stink Bugs Look Like?

The stink bug is actually relatively easy to … Read Full Post »

Check Out ABC’s Ultimate Houston Lawn Care Guide [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Houston Lawn Care Guide

Keeping your grass, plants, and trees healthy and well-maintained can be challenging. First, you have to have the time to dedicate to your lawn. You must also ensure you have the right equipment and everything is working. Finally, you need the expertise to know which types of plants work best in which environments, how often to water, and how to spot signs of lawn pests and diseases. For homeowners in southern states, the warm climate, lack of rainfall, and intense sun make it even more challenging to care for your outdoor spaces.

ABC’s Ultimate Houston Lawn Care Guide

ABC Home & Commercial Services is dedicated to making homeowners’ lives easier. Our lawn care technicians, landscaping experts, pest control pros, and sprinkler system specialists have compiled their best advice and tips into the Ultimate Houston Lawn Care Guide. This 8-page downloadable PDF resource includes sections on:

  • Lawn Care Seasonal Calendar
  • What Kind of Grass Is Best For My Lawn?
  • All You … Read Full Post »

The Ultimate Lawn Care Tips Guide From The Experts at ABC [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Lawn care tips

Keeping your grass, plants and trees healthy and well-maintained can be a challenge. First, you have to have the time to dedicate to your lawn. You also need to make sure you have the right equipment and that it is all in working order. Finally, you need the expertise to know which types of plants work best in which environments, how often to water and how to spot signs of lawn pests and diseases. For homeowners in southern states, the warm climate, lack of rainfall and intense sun make it even more difficult to care for your outdoor spaces.

ABC’s Ultimate Lawn Care Guide

ABC Home & Commercial Services is dedicated to making homeowners’ lives easier. Our team of lawn care technicians, landscaping experts, pest control pros and sprinkler system specialists have compiled their best advice and tips into the Ultimate Lawn Care Guide. This 8-page downloadable PDF resource includes sections on: