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Battling Bed Bugs: A Pest Built to Reproduce

Until recent years, many homeowners and travelers believed that bed bugs were no longer a threat. Thanks to the use of DDT in the ’40s and ’50s, few bed bugs remained in the U.S. until recent years. Unfortunately, this troublesome pest has made a comeback. With the resurgence of bed bug infestations across the nation, many homeowners wonder what makes these pests so hard to eliminate.

What Makes Bed Bugs So Resilient?

Any homeowner who has dealt with a bed bug infestation knows that it can feel as if it’s impossible to get rid of these pests. If you’re facing bed bug problems, it’s important to understand this pest’s lifecycle. Though the bed bug lives a short life, it’s able to reproduce rapidly. This means that infestations can grow out of hand quickly, leaving so many bed bugs behind that it’s very hard to kill them all.

The bed bug’s life is comprised … Read Full Post »

Controlling Texas Ants

“The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah,” is a refrain everyone is familiar with, but does anyone actually cheer when the ants are marching? You certainly won’t be singing if they’re marching across your kitchen counter searching for missed crumbs to feast on. In San Antonio, this is an especially big problem because we play host to several different species of ants, including red imported fire ants, carpenter ants, acrobat ants, pharaoh ants, crazy ants, odorous house ants, rover ants, and leaf cutting ants. To make things even worse, each type of ant has different behaviors and characteristics, often requiring different pest control treatment methods.

So, what is the average person supposed to do when those first brave ants start scouting out your home?

First, it’s a good idea to know what type of ant you’re dealing with. Check out this Texas A&M article about how to identify your new … Read Full Post »

ABC Dallas Takes Home Angie’s List Super Service Award

Prize Proves We’re Trusted by North Texans and Feared by Pests

To rid your home of nasty critters and harmful insects, you need a pest control company with experience, expertise, and a sterling reputation. But how do you identify such a company? Well, if a business wins the 2013 Angie’s List Super Service Award—as we did—that’s definitely a powerful endorsement.

Angie’s List is a nationally-known customer protection brand. This website collects tens of thousands of reviews from consumers every month that rate and discuss the services provided by companies in more than 700 different categories. Today, millions of Americans rely on the aggregate judgments that this website renders.

The Angie’s List Super Service Award is not easy to win. To be considered for this honor, a company must consistently earn rave reviews. Specifically, it needs a recent A average and an A average during the periods when the website’s selection committee chooses award … Read Full Post »

At-Home Pest Control: What You Need to Know

Although the vast majority of the population will generally agree that having pests in the home is completely unacceptable, the ways that people deal with these issues vary greatly. By learning a bit more about various pest control options, however, you can get a better idea of how to keep these creatures out of your home.

Store-Bought Pesticides

The first instinct that many people have after seeing an insect, rodent or other household pest is to invest in a store-bought spray or other chemical treatment. If you purchase the right product and use it as directed, you might see some difference in the number of pests that are in your home. These products can be dangerous if they are not used correctly, however, and many of them don’t work as well as advertised. Although store-bought products might work well for minor pest-related issues, they aren’t usually sufficient for handling infestations.


From small traps … Read Full Post »

Selecting Trees for Your Lawn

Planting, Trimming and Nurturing in a Tough Climate

We’re partial to the Bryan-College Station area, so we never hesitate to call attention to the attributes that make its lawns and landscapes so beautiful. At the same time, we recognize that the weather here can offer serious challenges for homeowners who want to keep their properties looking great all year long. From crushing droughts and searing summer temperatures to unexpected fall freezes and soaking spring thunderstorms, these four tree species are adept at handling the region’s variable climate.

Texas Ash

The Texas ash is a hardy tree that grows well in most soils and provides a brilliant color display in November or early December. While it prefers well-drained upland areas, it can tolerate slightly sandy soils as well. For maximum effect, plant young trees after the last frost and provide plenty of water. Although the Texas ash grows rapidly during its early life, its … Read Full Post »

Replace or Repair Your Appliances: How You Can Decide What’s Best

Every homeowner knows the feeling of trying to coax service out of an appliance that doesn’t quite work. Maybe your air conditioner is kicking out lukewarm air or your stovetop can’t maintain even heat. When it comes time to decide what to do with problem appliances, you may be unsure if you should replace them or have them repaired. Instead of stressing over the decision, use our simple guidelines to determine if it’s time to call in the handyman or make a trip to the appliance store.

Should You Choose Appliance Repair or Replacement?

It’s important to take several factors into consideration when deciding to repair or replace an appliance. First and foremost, you’ll need to look at the service life expectancy for the appliance. For example, most dishwashers are expected to provide about 10 years of service. If you’re at or past that mark, it’s probably a good time to replace … Read Full Post »

The Hidden Costs of Termites

Termites are perhaps one of the most dreaded pests in the United States. The sight of a termite around a property can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. The elusive wood-destroying insects can be dated back to the age of the dinosaurs and are known to cause over $5 billion in property damages every year across the nation. Not only that, a home that has been infested by termites might depreciate substantially in terms of property value.

The humid sub-tropical climate of San Antonio can be very conducive to infestation by both drywood termites and subterranean termites. For homeowners, it can be very beneficial to get acquainted with the different species of termites and their telltale signs of infestation. The slightest indication of an infestation should always be taken seriously and never ignored. Seeking prompt professional assistance is the key to complete eradication of the pests and reduced financial losses for the … Read Full Post »

Help Save Honey Bees from Colony Collapse Disorder

Rest easy, Austin. Pest control measures and saving bees from impending doom can coexist.

Reports vary, but Colony Collapse Disorder kills between 30% and 90% of our bee population each year. The Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency recognize CCD as a serious concern, yet conflicting information results in public mass confusion. Pest control chemicals can affect bees when applied carelessly, but Austin residents can both live without pests and save the bees.

What is CCD?

Worker bees, those industrious workers that collect nectar, fly off to work and don’t return. They die away from the hive, which leaves the queen and young bees alone. Queens and baby bees can’t maintain the colony and the entire colony collapses. This is CCD, and it’s often mistaken for pesticide poisoning, which has a definitive cause resulting in many dead bees in and around the hive.

USDA and EPA researchers have strong leads regarding the … Read Full Post »

Turn Sad Trees into Happy Trees

Famed television artist Bob Ross was fond of dotting his landscapes with dozens of “happy little trees.” You may not be a pro with a brush and canvas, but you can do the same with your own landscape. Strong, healthy trees provide immeasurable benefit to any home. Not only can they lower the immediate temperature, they provide a habitat for interesting wildlife and can bring up the resale value of the property. Here’s how you can take care of your happy little trees.

Let Them Breathe

Trees are often at their best when left to their own devices. After all, some of the most majestic trees on the planet grew without human intervention. That’s not to say you should take an entirely hands-off approach to landscaping, but it does mean that you can do more harm than good by fussing constantly with tree growth.

Be Cautious with Construction

Planning to dig up a driveway? … Read Full Post »

If You Love a Good Kite Festival, Thank the Twidwells

It Wouldn’t Be Springtime Without Them

Early March means kites—hundreds of them soaring high in the Austin skies. This sight is a joy for all, but those who come to this annual springtime tradition may not realize how many times in recent years the popular Zilker Kite Festival, a favorite since its inception in 1929, came close to being discontinued.

The Springtime Place to Be

From its earliest days, the festival has consistently grown in popularity. Today, it ranks among the top five festivals across the nation, drawing over 20,000 visitors every spring. The colorful kites, great food and numerous vendor booths do more than bring joy to the hearts of Austin residents. The festival is also pivotal in raising money for the benefit of local charities across the city. Could something so constructive and well-loved ever have been in danger?

Sadly, the answer is yes.

A Festival at Risk

The festival may be free to … Read Full Post »